Looking for Normal [Inactive]

"Oh.." Sarah said as she put the red string bikini down and looked at the one Alice was holding. "I-i-it's n-nice." She said to the woman. She picked up a white bandeau bikini that had two red strips and said "D-d-d-does th-this s-s-s-s-s-suit me?"whilst holding it for Alice to see.
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Marcus smiles and plucked her card out of her hand. "Ah, yes, but I dragged you over here. I believe it is only fair if I pay for it." He pulls out his own card to pay for them both.
Oliver placed his captured quarry into a basket and joined the other two. "Looks nice." He said with a nod and a slight smirk. He went to search the male bathing suits, finding nothing but swimming shorts. "Don't they have anything classier for us? Sure, girls can have all the options with their swimwear, but our choice is between whether or not our genitals should be on display."
"I-it do-does." Sarah said to Oliver and waited for Alice's reply. She hoped it would suit her and wondered if she should try it on or not. She looked over at oliver and saw him browsing the male swimwear before looking back at the bikini again whilst feeling very nervous. "D-d-d-d-don't t-they have sp-sp-speedos?" She asked Oliver after hearing him. "O-or pr-prehaps w-w-wear your cl-clothes i-instead." She said to him.
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Alice nodded at Sarah, "That would look great on you." She smiled and picked her own bandeau bikini (the one in the picture), starting off to pay for it. "I guess they just figure that a guy wouldn't care about the kind of swimsuit he wears." Al commented before leaving the swimwear section. She quickly paid for the bikini, that was on sale, and walked out of the store, joining Iggy on the bench. "Aren't you going to get something?"

Skylar blushed, "You didn't drag me in here, I wanted to come. But, I guess I don't really have a say, so thank you." She smiled as the cashier rang them up. The cashier smiled at them and said, "What a cute couple!" Skylar's face turned bright red, to match her hair, "We're not... um... thank you, ma'am." She retrieved their bag and started out of the store.
As Alice came over Iggy put his phone away. He'd looked up at her with a smile on his face, and his eyes showed his emotions towards her. " Nah.. Some of us figure'd there would be a pool. So I already have my own swimsuit back in my duffle bag. So did you find something you liked" He laughed to himself, and shook his head. " So where else do you want to go Alice?"
Alice blushed, seeing the way he looked at her. "I mean a girl can never have too many bikinis." She grinned, "Your pick. We still have a couple hours to kill."
"Speedos are the 'yes, everyone has to perfectly see the shape and size of my bundled genitals' option." Oliver replied blandly. "My point is that they should have more styles than aggressively sexual speedos, jailbait boyshorts, or baggy streetrat trunks." He plucked an exceptionally large pair from the selection; a beige one with intricate graffiti designs in orange and legs that would hang loosely below his knees. "I suppose, I'll go with baggy streetrat. It's about as dignified as I'll get."
" I suppose your right. A girl can never have enough bikini's heh. Personally I don't care where we go, You still have money to spend." He rolled his eyes at her, and gave her a small smirk. " So you unlock your phone yet?" He knew the answer to the question, but he wanted to see if she could prove him wrong.
Marcus smiled and followed her out of the store after he retrieved his card. "So where do you wish do go next?" He was happy that she hadn't protested the whole couple thing, but he wasn't too sure if it ment that she liked him.
Alice rolled her eyes at him and walked away in a random direction. She found after walking for a few minutes that they had a few options. "Okay so we can either jump on the mattresses in that store," She pointed at a King Mattress store, "or smell literally everything in that store," She pointed to a Yankee Candle store, "or last but not least, see a really cheap, stupid movie and make fun of it the whole time." Alice pointed to a sketchy dollar theatre.

Skylar was still blushing as they walked out of the store, although the red had faded to a light pink, and she headed off in a random direction, "It's whatever you want to do!" She called, smiling at Marcus.
Iggy quickly stood up, and walked after her with a smirk on his face. " So your saying either cause havoc, and get kicked out of the mattress store, or get a headache/migraine from holy hell, and possibly piss off the staff. Or finally we watch a silly movie, that we are going be loud at , and throw popcorn at. Hmm the options are so open, I don't know which seems more fun." He gave her a sly look, as he playfully place his hands on her side, and grabbed her sides. " I think you should be the one to pick heh."
"We already did something I wanted to do. It's your turn." Marcus smiled at her following close behind. "Speaking of which, why don't I carry the bag? After all it is the gentlemans job."
"I-i h-h-have it t-t-t-then." Sarah commented as Alice walked away after telling her it suited her. "O-ok." She said to Oliver and slowly looked at the trunks he had. "L-l-looks go-good." She told him and walked towards the baskets. She picked one up and looked at the floor before walking towards the shirts. Her general state didn't improve and it was very unlikely that she would relax untill she was alone or in the pool with the others. She browsed the shirts for a few minutes and picked out several thin long sleeved shirts in her size. They were plain. She saw some dress like shirts and looked at them. She wondered if they suited her and hoped Oliver was nearby.
Oliver put the shorts in his basket and followed Sarah over to the shirts. The gave a small laugh, spotting a t-shirt designed to look like a tuxedo. He browsed the rest of the shirts, finding nothing that caught his interest. "They don't have much interesting here, do they?" he said, turning his attention toward Sarah.
"W-w-wanna l-l-look so-somewhere else?" Sarah asked Oliver as she put the dress like shirt back and slowly walked towards the trousers and jeans section. She picked up a pair of pink jeans with a rhinestone heart on the left buttock and put them into her basket then continued to browse them.
"We have a few hours, I'm in no rush." Seeing the pink jeans, Oliver slowly grew a wide smirk. "Really now? I didn't take you for the type." He was clearly struggling to hold back some laughter. He went to browsing as well, picking out some intricately designed blue jeans. He was in no shortage of plain blue jeans, but he had none with designs on them.
"T-t-they p-p-pretty and i-i-i li-like w-w-w-wearing pr-pretty things." Sarah said to Oliver and look at him. She saw him smirking and said "W-w-what a-a-are you l-l-l-laughing a-at?" She feared it was at her and feared what would happen if he did burst out into laughter. Most of the time, Sara would appear when she was laughed at and would end up fighting the person.
"Nothing at all." Oliver replied with a shake of his head. "Far be it for me to criticize your fashion sense. I'm simply taken by surprise." He returned to his casual browsing with the expression still present on his face. "Though, I do agree, they are quite pretty." he said with a widening grin.
"Ok." Sarah said as she browsed the trousers and jeans. She saw a pair of thin red trousers and asked "D-d-d-does this s-s-s-s-suit me?" she held them up for Oliver to look it. All of the items she had in her basket were on sale so far.
Oliver took up a thoughtful stance, looking over the jeans. "Sure. Reds seem to be your color." He paused for a moment, thinking about his own comment. His memory recalled the earlier incident in which there was plenty of red. "I realize that may have came out wrong."
"I-i-it i-i-i-is?" Sarah asked before looking at the trousers for a few seconds and put them into the basket. "D-d-d--don't worry a-a-about it." She told him and for the first time in a very long time, she smiled at another person. She smiled at Oliver before continuing to browse the trousers. She saw nothing else she wanted and walked towards the skirts. She found a short blue skirt and held it up. "D-d-d-does this s-s-suit me?" she asked Oliver. The skirt would come down to just above her knees if she was wearing it.
"Well, if you will, in fact, be wearing reds, I would suggest avoiding blues. Similarly warm colors may work better. As might green. That's a complimentary color scheme." He gave a shrug of his shoulder. "Neutral colors like black and white fit well with just about any color. I took a few art classes in school."
Skylar shook her head, smiling, her blush faded, "No sir, you paid for it, the least I can do is carry the bag."

Alice giggled and fell backwards as he grabbed her sides, as she was extremely ticklish, "Ah!" She fell onto the ground and just sat there, pretending to pout, "Well, since we have so much time to kill, let's see a movie." Al jumped up and took off towards the movie theater, which was currently playing two movies, one romance and one horror.
"O-o-ok." Sarah said to Oliver and put the blue short skirt back. She picked 5 white skirts that would come down to just above her knees and put them into the basket. She slowly and nervously walked towards the undergarments section of the store whilst looking at the floor. She browsed the items and saw a pair of black panties and bra with a red heart on them. She put them into her basket after making sure it was in her size and got several pairs of brightly coloured undergarments. She got 10 pairs of pink short socks and put them into her basket. "C-c-c-c-could y-y-you he-help me to c-c-c-c-choose a co-c-c-coat?" she asked Oliver afterwards. She gave him a quick friendly look before staring at her basket.

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