Looking for Normal [Inactive]

Marcus chuckled. "Yes, but again, I had dragged you in there." He smiled at her holding his free hand to her.
"You didn't drag me, Marcus." Skylar smiled and started off towards a little cafe. "C'mon, let's get lunch." She grinned and took his hand, leading him to the cafe.
Iggy laughed with her and looked at her while rolling his eyes. His made his laugh to himself since she looked like an angry four year old. " Alright Alice hah, don't trip over your shoe laces!" He walked after her with a grin on his face. When he looked up an saw what movies were playing he could help but shake his head. "A horror movie, or a Romance. So either way she'll be wrapped around my arm."
Oliver decided to - for Sarah's sake - stand around another side of the store while she browsed the undergarments. He was no stranger to common courtesy, even though he had already seen her naked the same day. "Alright." Oliver answered once she addressed him. "They have a pretty good selection of coats. What kind are you looking for?" He ambulated his way over, with his usual lazy gait.
"Alright, Iggy." She smiled as she entered the theatre, stopping at the box office for tickets. "Two for that one please." Alice pointed to the poster for the cheesy-looking horror movie, by the cliche name of "Killer Night". The teenager behind the counter took off his headphones, eyes wide as if nobody ever came through here. He clearly was checking Alice out, in a rude way that pissed her off. "

"What high school do you go to, babe?" The boy smiled, still not getting their tickets. Alice scratched the back of her head, surprised that this stranger would hit on her when she was clearly with another guy.

"I don't." She smiled politely, secretly wishing she could just get the tickets herself. "Tickets please?"

"Ooh, college girl. Of course, babe." He took Iggy's card from her, and while waiting on the transaction, was obviously trying to get a good look down her shirt. Alice shifted her arms uncomfortably.
Marcus smiled following her. He had his card at hand ready to pay for the food. "Alright, but if you're carring the bag I'm paying."
"S-s-s-s-something pr-pretty." Sarah told Oliver as she slowly walked over towards the coats. "S-s-s-something t-t-t-that keep m-me warm w-w-when it's cold." She added afterwards. She browsed the coats for a few minutes once they arrived there and hoped that Oliver could help her to find a coat that suited her.
Oliver spotted a sporty light fleece jacket in black and pink and pulled it down. It had long sleeves with thumb holes cut out of the cuffs, and a collar rose from the torso with the option to zip up to the top. "How about this?" he asked, showing Sarah what he'd found. "You're an athletic type, right? You swim and whatnot."
Skylar found no point in arguing with Marcus, "Fine, that works." The waitress sat them at a small table outside, and left them with menus.
"I-i-it's l-l-lovely!" Sarah said to Oliver. "I-i j-j-j-just l-like s-s-swimming." she told him and wanted the jacket. "C-c-c-can i h-have it p-please?" She asked him and gave him another smile which resulted in her smiling at another person for the second time in years.
He returned the smile with one eyebrow raised incredulously. "Why, certainly." He folded the jacket and placed it into her basket. "Aren't you glad to be joined by someone as fashionable as I on this excursion?" He maintained his goofy grin. "I still think the athletic look suits you. Personally, though, I prefer the high-class and the militaristic for myself."
"Y-y-you d-d-do?" Sarah stuttered to Oliver and looked at her basket. She believed she had everything she needed and said "I-i-i think that's e-e-everything." She glanced up at the till and looked back down at her feet. "I n-n-need h-h-help w-w-with p-p-paying. S-s-she m-may a-a-ppear if i h-have to s-s-speak to them." She muttered. She believed that it was too risky to even talk to the cashier and hoped that Oliver would agree to do the speaking for her.
Oliver nodded his head once to the side. "If it'll help you relax, then I'll handle it." He put out a hand expectantly. "That is, if you'll trust me to hold your card for a moment."
"T-t-t-t-thank you." Sarah said and gave him her debit card. "I c-c-c-can't re-relax. P-places like t-t-these s-s-scare me be-because of h-her." She said and would follow him to the checkout afterwards.
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Oliver quickly approached the checkout counter. "Find everything you needed?" the cashier asked in a particularly cheery tone. "Indeed, we did." her responded in a similarly saccharine voice, offering a glance back toward Sarah. He leaned in toward the cashier as she started scanning some of his items. "Poor girl is mute. She can't speak for herself." His voice was lowered but not enough to be out of Sarah's hearing. "Thank the Lord the cancer is gone, but it's a shame it had to be at the cost of her voice." The cashier stopped to look over at Sarah, offering a smile and a nod. "What a brave girl. I don't normally do this, but let me give you both a discount on these clothes." She pressed a few buttons on the register before Oliver scanned his card with a grin. "Thank you so much. God bless you." He took Sarah's basket and put everything on the counter to be scanned separately.
Sarah looked at the floor whilst oliver dealt with the check out. She heard his excuse for her not wanting to talk and wished that he hadn't used cancer as an excuse but was glad that he was helping her. She didn't look up at the cashier out of fear of Sara returning and waited for the transaction to be completed. She was shaking a lot from how nervous she was.
Oliver scanned Sarah's card and took both baskets before turning to place an arm over her shoulders. "Ready to be on our way?" he asked with a smile. His grip on her shoulder was firm in an attempt to calm her shaking a bit.
Sarah nodded and felt more nervous when he put his over her shoulders. In the past, whenever someone touched her unexpectly, Sara often showed up and would always start fighting them. She tried to remove his arm from her and hoped that he would understand why once she got the chance to tell him.
Oliver lifted his arm and made his way out of the store. "You gave a great performance in there. I must admit, I had my doubts, but you put on a good show." He handed the card back to her along with her basket. "Bravo."
Iggy rolled his eye, and looked at the teenager behind the counter. He found it quite humorous that the kid was even try when he was with her. He knew he didn't look that scary, but he had his moment where he could strike the fear of god into someone. When the kid asked Alice where she went to school he felt it was tim to intervene. He gently moved in front of her, and looked into the teenagers eyes. " Look buddy, are you going to give us our tickets, or is there gonna be an issue?" His voice gave away the fact he was not in the mood to deal with some immature prick's want to get Alice's number. He crossed his arms over his chest, and watched the kid's every motion.
"S-s-s-s-s-show?" Sarah asked in confusion as she carried her items whilst looking down at her feet. She walked out of the store with Oliver afterp utting the basket down and picking up the bags. Her breathing had increased rapidly and she hoped that they would not go into any more shops for a bit. She put the card into her pocket and stared at her feet. "C-c-c-can w-w-we t-t-t-t-take a bre-break f-f-from s-s-s-s-shopping?" She asked Oliver.
"Well, I mean, most of your performance was me, but your silence is owed its due credit." Oliver shrugged a shoulder. He spotted some tables among which Skylar and Marcus seated. "We can take a load off over there." he said, pointing toward them. "On the far side, if you'd like."
"Oh, o-ok." Sarahmuttered to Oliver. "C-c-c-c-c-can w-w-w-we s-s-s-s-sit o-o-over th-th-there?" She asked him as she walked with him in the same nervous manner. She started to bit down on her lip afterwards.
"Whatever." The boy rolled his eyes and finally gave them their tickets. Alice took them and walked inside, and as soon as they were out of earshot of the boy, she started laughing. "How the hell did you get him to shut up so fast?" She grinned, genuinely interested.

Skylar shrugged, "Probably just a chicken caesar salad, how about you?" She smiled.

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