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  1. Xormis

    Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

    "Casting two spells in one day is a bit risky for me...Depending on how well you guys can track, we can push on or simply camp for the time being. I am up for either." Ruby comments.
  2. Xormis

    [OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

    Is this tent investigation thing going to take sometime? If so I rather come too so I don't idle for like 2 weeks.
  3. Xormis

    [OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

    I don't have much investigation, so I leave that CSI stuff to you all. Let me know when you are finished.
  4. Xormis

    Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

    Ruby leaps over and jumps on the Hound. "Geez, these people thinks a lot of themselves...Hope they arn't all for show when it comes to getting the job done. Taking off like that, does she even know where we are going?" Ruby thought as she leaped up on Watson. "Follow the scent on the scarf...
  5. Xormis

    Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

    Ruby Eyes calls for the Hound to hold his ground while her companions investigate the cloth. "Watson can tell if the two piece of cloth belong to the same individual by scent. I can have him take a whiff too." Petting Watson on the head, she turns to Eth'n. "Hounds of Five Winds are born...
  6. Xormis

    Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

    "Alrighty...Better get to work." Ruby Eyes takes a deep breath in, she closes her eyes and lets out the air slowly. Suddenly essence begin to surge wildly into her body, moving her hair and her overcoat as if she was caught in a breeze. She begins to chant, in old realm. "The five winds...
  7. Xormis

    Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

    "I'll hold on to this for now." Ruby Eyes walk forth and takes a look at the scarf. "Let's start from where she was seen last. Is this spot you called us to the very place she was last seen? We should start looking soon, before the trail gets colder. It's already been more than a week."
  8. Xormis

    Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

    "My personal quest...So they do already know...The Court of Seasons certainly are more informed than I thought..." Ruby Eyes slowly stands up, she pads the loose grass away from her duster and her chaps. Adjusting her cowboy hat with a slight upward tilt, she focuses her eyes on the the four...
  9. Xormis

    Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

    A young woman with blonde hair sits with her back leaned against a nearby tree. Her hat hanged low over the front of her face, it's hard to see if she is actually sleeping or paying attention. When the goddesses have finished their request, a hand reaches up and places a wheat straw in a pair...
  10. Xormis

    Pre-Game Meetings [A Missing Flame]

    Ruby Eyes
  11. Xormis

    Pre-Game Meetings [A Missing Flame]

    My character is a CEO too, but not an evil one like most CEOs. Her company sells firedust and guns, so kinda tony starks like. Maybe she has met other party members on business excursions?
  12. Xormis

    [OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

    No problem, I am not trying to hustle you. It's just that in my experience PBP games depend on momentum to keep going. If you keep ppl waiting for a few months before the game starts, a lot of ppl will drop and or not keep up. When the interest is gone, the game is dead. That's why so many...
  13. Xormis

    [OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

    what I am trying to say is, if you spend an eon creating your characters. Though world shattering and mighty they might be. You'll never get to play... It's fine if you keep trying to optimize from all the obscure sources you can find, it takes time. But if people can't finish their...
  14. Xormis

    [OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

    100 XP + 9 BP is enough for anyone, and this is a large party. You can easily reach end of martial art trees, or essence 4 and celestial sorcery... I don't know what we are going up against, but unless it's a bunch of deathlords or demons of 3rd circle...I am not sure why one would need any...
  15. Xormis

    [OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

    How I see it: High Compassion Benefits: You can have empathy toward others(when you are helping people, activating the virtue gets you a lot of dice!) Drawback: You can't ignore suffering of others and might get yourself into trouble or get sidetracked during your mission. High...
  16. Xormis

    [OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

    I must say I am looking forward to start.
  17. Xormis

    [OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

    I like MA better because it allows for better writing. My stunts are all from martial art movies!
  18. Xormis

    Radiant Ruby Eyes [A Missing Flame]

    STAT BLOCK: Attributes BP spent 0 XP spent 4 *-----------------------------------------* x= modified score [ ] Strength-------[X][X][X][ ][ ] [ ] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][X] [ ] Stamina -------[X][X][X][ ][ ] [ ] Charisma-------[X][x][ ][ ][ ] [ ] Manipulation----[X][x][ ][...
  19. Xormis

    Radiant Ruby Eyes [A Missing Flame]

    Appearance. Ruby Eyes appears to be a young lady in her early twenties. She usually dons a old duster with rolled up sleeves and a short vest underneath. She tips her cowboy hat low to conceal her eyes and her fiery red hair. She walks about in a pair of Jeans and sometimes with chaps. She...
  20. Xormis

    Radiant Ruby Eyes [A Missing Flame]

    Name: Radiant Ruby Eyes Class: Eclipse Gender: Female Motivation: To discover more information about her mother, Intimacies: Ignus(Her company), to live free and do right. Backstory Life in the Southern expanse wasn't always easy. It's hard to make a living in the fields. Wild...