[OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

Well... since we're both playing social characters, Axel, should we try to work together to do what we can to avoid having their roles overlap?

I'm playing a Changing Moon Lunar, though, so I don't know if that would be much of a problem or not... I'm kind of new to Exalted, so I'm not too familiar with what each type of Exalt is capable of.
Actually, what caste does everyone intend on playing so we can keep from overlapping if possible. I plan to play a Night, though I could go with a different caste (dawn or zenith) with only a little work.
Solar Night that's focused on gunslinging, stealth, disguise, and presence, the last one mainly through mental manipulation powers than raw conversation power.
I'm playing a social Changing Moon focused on influencing, charming, and manipulating others, likely with some shapeshifting abilities for the utility they provide, as well as a bit of talent in combat if I can spare the Charms.
On a side note, I've been having a bit of trouble finding a picture for my character... I've been to the sites Haku posted in the image thread in the Temple Courtyard, but it can be difficult to quality art on DeviantART that matches any particular theme I'm looking for, and many images on the booru sites tend to push the limits of what would likely be acceptable here, at best, so it can be difficult to find something there.

If anyone has any suggestions on other sites to search, I would welcome the assistance. I suppose I'll also post the little I wrote up for my character submission earlier, on the off chance that anyone has any suggestions for pictures, but don't go out of your way to help.

About appearance... well, to be honest, I haven't decided on anything for certain yet. I imagine her to have medium-long red hair and dress a bit like a dancer, possibly with tiger-like ears as her Tell, but... I haven't really been able to find a picture which fits that.
This is just vaguely how I imagine her, but I'm not opposed to reworking my idea somewhat, so it's not too important.

Obviously it would be easiest to just draw something, but trust me when I say that I wouldn't have the artistic talent to draw a decent stick figure if my life depended on it.
try Elfwood. there might not be a pic there with tiger ears, but maybe something like what you envision her. they have a search feature.
Oh, yeah, I still need to try that site... I didn't give it a lot of thought since many of the pieces there aren't too good, but there are some pretty skilled artists there, so it's probably worth a look.

Also, I don't mean to pester you, but did you get my last PM? I just wanted to get everything with Merits and Flaws sorted out before I write my backstory, since I'd like to take them into account.
I'm going with a Full Moon. Former Haltan Commando so she's got a decent spread of combat abilities though with an obvious focus.
Speaking of Moons, how will we be deciding Lunar mates? Is our glorious ST going to pair us up like a supernatural equivalent to Blind Date or will the Lunars be deciding themselves?
I think we were going to decide for ourselves, but I don't remember where that was said, so I'm not entirely sure.
Erg, I too have a night in mind, an infiltrator build seeking to turn the Wyld Hunt to his own (benevolent) devices (i.e. leaving those poor anathema alone)....

Sadly I don't think I could work it appropriately with any other flavor or caste....
Don't worry too much about double Castes. Those characters in outlook feel and look different.

As for the Solar Bond. the Lunars should discuss this with the Solars, and you guys decide on your bond, unless you want me to do it like a blind-date?
Don't worry too much about double Castes. Those characters in outlook feel and look different.
Are you sure? Of the 5 solar characters 3 are night caste. I already have a strong martial focus and it would not be difficult to switch to a dawn. I could be the reincarnation of Queen Merela. I would change my motivation to something like unite the solars and save creation and take the crown of thunders and sword of conquest as artifacts. I would be AWSOME!.... Or something like that. Seriously, I can change to a dawn with only a little work.
I like MA better because it allows for better writing. My stunts are all from martial art movies!
...Actually, make that seven. While I still need to sort some things out with the Storyteller before I can finish everything up and post my character, in what I have written down she uses Martial Arts as well. She's not exactly going to be combat-oriented, I didn't want her to be incapable of defending herself, and Martial Arts just seemed more fitting than Melee.
Divideby0 said:
Six characters so far and no one uses Melee as their primary attack form.
Well to be fair, two of those characters are using flame weapons based martial arts.
I just thought it interesting.

Oh, and I've decided to just keep with the Night caste. Changing to a Dawn alters the character so much that it's not the same one that got me chosen to play. I was thinking about changing his martial ability to melee as well, but now I'm more of the mind to see how a group with such overlapping abilities works out.

Finally, I could use some help in finding a character portrait. I've tried Elfwood, but that is such a large database. I could be searching for months. Any other suggestions.
DeviantART can be a good place to look, though that has quite a bit of material as well. But if you can find a good artist with a style you like, I've found that looking through their pictures often yields better results than using the search engine, particularly if you aren't entirely sure what you're looking for.

Also, the booru sites such as Danbooru and Gelbooru have quite a few anime-style images, though they do present problems of their own. Many images on there are hentai, though typing "rating:safe" into the search engine often does a good job of filtering them out (pictures rated at "questionable" are sometimes also worksafe, at least to the extent that some don't have nudity and are merely suggestive or ecchi-ish). Even doing this, though, there can still be a lot of images to look through, but they can be good sites to find pictures if you're willing to take the time.

If you wanted, you could also post some of what you had in mind for your character's appearance, and I could see if I can help.
Look up Genzoman on deviantart, gelbooru, or danbooru. Most of his stuff is female but he does have other things from time to time.
The Lineage games also seem to have a lot of good art, both official and fan art, though admittedly a lot of it seems to focus on a rather standard portrayal of the game's races and classes, so there's not as much variety as there could be.

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