[OOC] Around the Fire - for any ooc discussion. [A Missing Flame]

Ok, done.....I eventually copped out and got chibi with it....(I do so hate finding character art...I think my next character will start with the art and work from there...). Anyway, Eth'n is done. (Barring inspiration striking for a fanfic some time before we start....)
(I do so hate finding character art...I think my next character will start with the art and work from there...)
Yeah, I think I'll do that too... I found plenty of art that gave me ideas for characters, but that didn't really help when I was trying to find one that at least vaguely resembled what I had in mind.

Eventually I found something close enough, even if it is a video game character, but next time I think I'll go looking for art first. Coming up with concepts is a bit of a challenge for me, too.
Time? What the hell is that? I hadn't thought of Chibis though. Interesting, very interesting. I don't even know if a chibi would get my the points, but I think I'll do one anyway.
I'm not familiar with Chibis, but I have made use of Hero Machine in the past. it might not give the best results, but it can certainly help. You can see portraits I've made in Chronicles of a Thousands Fists, and in Four Factions.
Acolyte's avatar is a chibi as is mine. Atrius Night has a pair of them in his (?) character's writeup as well. More examples can be found on the Exalted Wiki site. I think all of the cannon characters have one.
My avatar was made with the Gaia avatar creator site. She was an Abyssal for a Exalted versus game but Team Abyssal, for a number of reasons, broke up.
Let it never be said that I don't jump on bandwagons. :D

Awesome. Also, question: When upgrading stuff that costs X times Rating, do you pay the current rating or the new rating? In other words, if I want to raise my Essence from 2 to 3, do I pay 16 or 24? If it's the former, I've overpaid for a lot of stuff. If it's the latter, I think some people have underpaid...

Edit: Nevermind. I just found my answer. Seems I've been overspending in just about every Exalted game I've played... Joy...
First of all, good that you've found it yourself. Second, it's good that you discovered this now, and not several months or years in the future. :mrgreen:
Indeed. Seems I need to read things more closely...

On the plus side, more stuff! :D

Edit: Also, my fiction for Odalis is up. If anyone has an opinion on it...
There are a couple of questions that have been bothering me... it's not really important that they're answered now, since they don't have anything to do with character creation, but I figure it's better to post them before I forget.

-When a Charm or other effect says to roll Willpower, does that mean the character's current or maximum Willpower?

-Changing Plumage Mastery: The mechanics of this Knack are pretty simple, it's just a bit... vague on what it can do. I suppose this is something that would vary a lot between games depending on the Storyteller, but I was curious about what others thought. Can the Knack only be used to change the details of appearance that are specifically mentioned (that is, fur/feather color in animals and clothes and hair length in humans), or could it be used to alter other basic details, such as when I assume it was used here?

...I'm also a bit confused in some areas about martial arts and combos, though I should probably just read up on them myself. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask a couple of things, though.

-When activating a combo, are you required to use any of the Charms in it? If, say, a character activated a combo with the first Melee Excellency, a perfect defense, and a supplemental Charm that increases the damage of an attack, would it be possible to just use the defense and Excellency?

-How exactly does the Martial Arts skill work with style weapons? I was under the impression that you can use Martial Arts instead of Melee when you're attacking with one of the style weapons for a Martial Arts style you know, but how does this work? Do you just have to know one of the Charms from a style to use its weapons in Martial Arts rolls, or are there some rules I'm missing somewhere? ...Or was my last Storyteller wrong about this?
Let me try and answer your questions

When a Charm or other effect says to roll Willpower, does that mean the character's current or maximum Willpower?
It means your Willpower score. If you have a Willpower of 6, and have spent 3 of them, you will still roll 6 dice if required to roll for Willpower.

Changing Plumage Mastery: The mechanics of this Knack are pretty simple, it's just a bit... vague on what it can do. I suppose this is something that would vary a lot between games depending on the Storyteller, but I was curious about what others thought. Can the Knack only be used to change the details of appearance that are specifically mentioned (that is, fur/feather color in animals and clothes and hair length in humans), or could it be used to alter other basic details, such as when I assume it was used here?
It's a bit vague, I believe on purpose. The range of change depend son the ST, though I'd stay away from using it to change to something similar to someone you've seen. I, as a ST, wouldn't approve of such a use of it. It's main use is that it let's you have a greater variety even with a limited pool of forms.

When activating a combo, are you required to use any of the Charms in it? If, say, a character activated a combo with the first Melee Excellency, a perfect defense, and a supplemental Charm that increases the damage of an attack, would it be possible to just use the defense and Excellency?
When activating a Combo, you are not usually required to use any of the Charms, except with Supplemental Charms, where it specifically says that you have to activate those with each action they apply to during that same action.

How exactly does the Martial Arts skill work with style weapons? I was under the impression that you can use Martial Arts instead of Melee when you're attacking with one of the style weapons for a Martial Arts style you know, but how does this work? Do you just have to know one of the Charms from a style to use its weapons in Martial Arts rolls, or are there some rules I'm missing somewhere? ...Or was my last Storyteller wrong about this?

There are a couple of questions that have been bothering me... it's not really important that they're answered now, since they don't have anything to do with character creation, but I figure it's better to post them before I forget.

-When a Charm or other effect says to roll Willpower, does that mean the character's current or maximum Willpower?

-Changing Plumage Mastery: The mechanics of this Knack are pretty simple, it's just a bit... vague on what it can do. I suppose this is something that would vary a lot between games depending on the Storyteller, but I was curious about what others thought. Can the Knack only be used to change the details of appearance that are specifically mentioned (that is, fur/feather color in animals and clothes and hair length in humans), or could it be used to alter other basic details, such as when I assume it was used here?

...I'm also a bit confused in some areas about martial arts and combos, though I should probably just read up on them myself. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask a couple of things, though.

-When activating a combo, are you required to use any of the Charms in it? If, say, a character activated a combo with the first Melee Excellency, a perfect defense, and a supplemental Charm that increases the damage of an attack, would it be possible to just use the defense and Excellency?

How exactly does the Martial Arts skill work with style weapons? I was under the impression that you can use Martial Arts instead of Melee when you're attacking with one of the style weapons for a Martial Arts style you know, but how does this work? Do you just have to know one of the Charms from a style to use its weapons in Martial Arts rolls, or are there some rules I'm missing somewhere? ...Or was my last Storyteller wrong about this?
In order to have a weapon that is not normally a martial arts weapon, to count as one, you have to know at least one Charm from a MA style for which the weapon is a form weapon.

When using such weapons, you have a choice which Ability to use. If you use MA Charms, you have to use MArtial Arts for attack, but if you use Melee, Thrown or Archery Charms with the weapon (depending on the wepaon in question), you must use the appropriate Ability. You cannot mix Melee Charms and Charms from a MArtial Arts style that uses a sword in the same Combo, for example.

Hope these help.
Yeah, that helps. Thanks.

...I still don't trust myself to be able to play long without messing things up, but I guess it won't be too long before I get a proper understanding of the rules through experience.
Note: This is after I was able to get to my books. The Storyteller is, as always, the final arbiter on these matters.

-Changing Plumage Mastery: The mechanics of this Knack are pretty simple' date=' it's just a bit... vague on what it can do. I suppose this is something that would vary a lot between games depending on the Storyteller, but I was curious about what others thought. Can the Knack only be used to change the details of appearance that are specifically mentioned (that is, fur/feather color in animals and clothes and hair length in humans), or could it be used to alter other basic details, such as when I assume it was used here?
Yes, in that comic Marena used changing plumage mastery. Normally when you change into and animal form you change into a specific animal with specific coloration. With CPM when you change into an animal form you may alter your coloration to any that would be appropriate to that creature. For instance, rather than turning into an all gray cat, you may want to be all black or gray with two white paws. Normally, when you change into a human shape the clothes that you are wearing adjust to fit your new form, but with CPM you may opt to alter your clothes from that of a peasant farmer to an aristocrat or a gypsy traveler like Marena. Although you can't change the hair color of a human form you may alter is length. (MoEP: Lunars p 135)

-When activating a combo, are you required to use any of the Charms in it? If, say, a character activated a combo with the first Melee Excellency, a perfect defense, and a supplemental Charm that increases the damage of an attack, would it be possible to just use the defense and Excellency?
You are required to use any simple and/or extra action charms that are in the combo. You are required to use any supplemental charms in the combo that can augment the action taken or any simple charm used. You do not have to, but may, use any reflexive charms in combo. [Ex 2nd ed Core p244]

-How exactly does the Martial Arts skill work with style weapons? I was under the impression that you can use Martial Arts instead of Melee when you're attacking with one of the style weapons for a Martial Arts style you know' date=' but how does this work? Do you just have to know one of the Charms from a style to use its weapons in Martial Arts rolls, or are there some rules I'm missing somewhere? ...Or was my last Storyteller wrong about this?[/quote']
I understand your question. For the longest time wood dragon style confused me. All weapons can be use with melee, though some have a minimum martial arts requirement. Some weapons, those with a martial arts minimum, and unarmed combat can be used with martial arts rather than melee. Each martial arts style allows the use of martial arts with certain specific weapons that are not normally martial arts weapons when using that style. That's why you can use martial arts, rather than archery, with a bow if you have wood dragon style.

You only need to know one charm from a style to be able to use that style's form weapons with the charms from that style. You can't mix styles (read charms) and form weapons. Just because you know wood dragon style does not mean you can use a bow with 5 dragon claw from the 5 dragon style. Note that you can have a bow in hand and use 5 dragon fortitude because you are not using a weapon in conjunction with the charm though.

Also, the link provided by Dividedby0 is an excellent resource on combat in Exalted. I still refer back to it sometimes.

I hope this helps some.
You only need to know one charm from a style to be able to use that style's form weapons with the charms from that style. You can't mix styles (read charms) and form weapons.
But knowing a Charm from a style is enough to allow you to use Martial Arts instead of Melee for basic, non-Charm-enhanced attack rolls with that style's weapons, correct? Or do you always need to use Melee for non-Martial Arts weapons when you're not using Charms?

That's the main thing I've been confused about.

...Also, where are the rules on all this? I haven't been able to find anything in the book.

Thanks for the link. My first Storyteller posted that a while ago, but... I should probably get around to reading it sometime.

And again, thanks for all the help, *fish, everyone.

Edit: Also, my fiction for Odalis is up. If anyone has an opinion on it...
I finally finished it, and though I admit I haven't done more than skim through most of the character sheets, I thought it was pretty good.
You only need to know one charm from a style to be able to use that style's form weapons with the charms from that style. You can't mix styles (read charms) and form weapons.
But knowing a Charm from a style is enough to allow you to use Martial Arts instead of Melee for basic, non-Charm-enhanced attack rolls with that style's weapons, correct? Or do you always need to use Melee for non-Martial Arts weapons when you're not using Charms?

That's the main thing I've been confused about.

...Also, where are the rules on all this? I haven't been able to find anything in the book.
Yes, one charm is all you need to use a style's form weapon with martial arts. When I get to my books I'll try and find the pages where this info can be found.

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