Pre-Game Meetings [A Missing Flame]


Ten Thousand Club
“A Missing Flameâ€
It is another glorious dawn in the distant land of T'chala, a small nation in the Thousand Kingdoms. 8 Exalts suddenly find themselves wide awake, with a strange feeling. Something is pulling them out of bed and into the fields outside. 8 Lunars and Solars gather in a small clearing in the grove not too far from town. They have known each other for a while now, but never before had any of them felt this calling.

At the moment they all stand still, a strange shape appears in the clearing. 4 female figures emerge from the ground. They are beautiful, and each is more exotic than the others. One is as white as snow, her hair and eyes blue like ice. Another is all green, with a dash of gold and brown in her hair, and brillint green eyes, with a reddish rim. The third one is shorter in stature than the others, but stocky, and she is colored in browns and gold., though her hair is slightly gray. And the fourth is blue-green in color, with eyes of deep blue, and hair like the color of sea shells.

As they stand before you, you can sense sadness in them, and longing, and soon you realize that a fifth one is missing, a red and fiery one. For the 4 figures standing before you are the goddesses in charge of the seasons.

Soon they tell you a tale of woe. For since last Fire Season, their sister went missing, and they couldn't find her. They beseech your help in finding what happened to her, and convince her to come back. Time is running short, for it will be fire season again in 9 months, and if she doesn't return, all of Creation will suffer...


* Create a Solar or Lunar Exalt with 100 xp.

* Lunars use the alternate rules linked earlier in the thread.

* Make a rounded character concept, no One-Trick Ponies.

* Everyone interested can send in a PM or post here with the idea (no stats yet), and the 8 I like most will be chosen.

* While the game is based around this journey, at first, it can develop later into other areas, and will include some side treks as well, and maybe a Wyld Hunt, if you're not careful, or just unlucky.
It says that we 'know' each other. Some will have to work out why they are so far from home (or just move to the sleepy little kingdom of T'chala).

Furious Whisper/Armath and:

- The Illuminated Shadow: there's an obvious way to connect. Perhaps we've worked together before?

- Toyakasha Todomi: he could have known my parents (creation is small like that). We could have had some business dealings (small amounts for him, rather large sums for me).

- Odalis, Formless Emissary of Light: I'm still confused by this one

- Eth'n Fullen: why do all of the Night castes have secret identities? Maybe we had a run in and somehow learned of each other's alternate identities. We could have an unspoken, wary truce.

- Ashnia of Red Leaves: got nothing

- Rhea Atarah: if she had a secret identity, she could be a night caste. We could have worked together in assisting someone in need.

- Altieria Tsunami: it's nice that so many characters have motivations that agree. Travel to T'chala much?

** If it helps, I am known to be a sympathetic businessman to those in need or who have fallen on hard times. It's possible that after the PCs have helped someone, they could have guided them to me to aid in rebuilding their life.
Altieria does visit a lot of places ^^ Oh no she is not at all concerned that someone might actually notice her tell xD . So she might have been to T'chala on several occasions.
Maybe we had a run in and somehow learned of each other's alternate identities. We could have an unspoken, wary truce.
Well, if they hunt were chasing a solar in an area Eth'n would of course have volunteered....Planning as always when after a solar 'anathema' to 'almost get him'. The Shadow might have also been there for the same reason, to ensure said solars escape, Despite not actually getting a chance to plot things out, it would be apparent that the 'immaculate' was helping the Solar and mysterious vigalante. A future meeting, when there wasn't a wyld hunt riding with him would have allowed a bit more time for intorductions....
I can see Furious Whisper as being one of Illuminated Shadow's agents, all he needs is a ring and the secret phrases. He probably would be unaware that Yingko and Shadow are one and the same though.
People who dwell among the upper classes of Nexus likely know me, though not as an Exalted. For an Exalted who specializes in Linguistics, its not hard to have one's anima banner flare only very rarely, after all. Some of my subordinates probably came into contact with some of the vigilantes among you - and I possibly know about that, given my high Investigation skills. Business dealings are also available for any Exalts who would do that. For the Lunars, its possible that they wandered around me, asking themselves why I regularly visit Fey Freeholds.
I'm curious as to why Odalis is confusing. They're a proselytizer who has a habit of changing shape.
Divideby0 said:
I can see Furious Whisper as being one of Illuminated Shadow's agents, all he needs is a ring and the secret phrases. He probably would be unaware that Yingko and Shadow are one and the same though.
Never even suggested knowing your secret ID. You probably wouldn't know mine either. I'd have no problem with getting a ring and some pass phrases, but if I'm treated as less than an equal I couldn't work with you again.
- Rhea Atarah: if she had a secret identity, she could be a night caste. We could have worked together in assisting someone in need.
Rhea isn't really the type to have a secret identity, though though she would likely keep the details about her life to herself when dealing with someone she was working against, and to some extent with the people she was working with. It's quite possible that she had met your character when they were working towards some similar goal, though.

If you want to come up with any details, I'll leave that up to you.

For everyone else... well, Rhea travels a lot. She could have met any of the others just by chance, or for a variety of reasons. If anyone comes up with anything in particular, you can just go ahead with your idea, unless you think you'd need my approval on something.
My character is a CEO too, but not an evil one like most CEOs. Her company sells firedust and guns, so kinda tony starks like. Maybe she has met other party members on business excursions?
Xormis said:
My character is a CEO too, but not an evil one like most CEOs. Her company sells firedust and guns, so kinda tony starks like. Maybe she has met other party members on business excursions?
It could definitely work with my character.
It's the plurality of it. I can't seem to get past how he/she is multiple characters.
Well, it is central to the character. Odalis is meant to be anyone to ensure conversions.

Also, Odalis travels a lot too, having no real fixed location. They return to their manse now and then but their real place is being on the road constantly, spreading the word of the Unconquered Sun. As such, meeting anyone is a possibility.
Axelgear said:
It's the plurality of it. I can't seem to get past how he/she is multiple characters.
Well, it is central to the character. Odalis is meant to be anyone to ensure conversions.

Also, Odalis travels a lot too, having no real fixed location. They return to their manse now and then but their real place is being on the road constantly, spreading the word of the Unconquered Sun. As such, meeting anyone is a possibility.
Hey, my brain will eventually work it out. No worries.

Xormis, which character is yours?
Sorry, I had my controls to only display the threads with the most recent posts only. I see you now.
Ashnia would have probably met some of the others on the road, and definitely would've met the Lunars if they ever went to a Gathering.
So most likely all us Lunars know eachother somewhat ^^

Now which Solar shall I torture with my Lunar's 3 dot bond xD
...To be honest, I really don't have any ideas on who would be good for Rhea. I still need to read through everyone's character sheets carefully, but any suggestions are welcome.

I suppose we should choose soon, though...
for Rhea, after considering her nature, and to maybe put some spice in her Solar Bond, I was considering Odalis. He/she/it/they/whatever is somewhat structured in what and why he does stuff, even though he appears to be whimsical, while your character appears like she does things on purpose, but is in truth whimsical, and just covers it well. could make for an interesting couple.
With Full Moons, it's tempting to usually choose the sorcerer types, to give them better defense, but in your case I might actually consider pairing Eshnia with Eth'n Fullen. Her string of Bad luck might help or hinder his actions, but is sure to give others a great time :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
for Rhea' date=' after considering her nature, and to maybe put some spice in her Solar Bond, I was considering Odalis. He/she/it/they/whatever is somewhat structured in what and why he does stuff, even though he appears to be whimsical, while your character appears like she does things on purpose, but is in truth whimsical, and just covers it well. could make for an interesting couple.[/quote']
It could. I also must say that I like your writing style, Phoenix, so I'd be happy with that.

I didn't really need to quote to say this, I just loved how you said he/she/it/they/whatever, Shadow.

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