Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

"I'll hold on to this for now."

Ruby Eyes walk forth and takes a look at the scarf.

"Let's start from where she was seen last. Is this spot you called us to the very place she was last seen? We should start looking soon, before the trail gets colder. It's already been more than a week."

The remark on the state of Yu Shan hits Odalis like an adamant brick, the pleased visage of serenity momentarily disarmed from the Exalt. Their jaw hangs open, their eyes wide and distressed as they try to comprehend what they'd just heard. Yu Shan, Heaven, was hostile... To Solars? They recapture their poise, as naturally as a fish swims, but there is a clear look of loss and bewilderment on their features that is impossible not to see.

Still, such personal pains do not come before duty. "Where would you have us search first?" They ask, trying to bury the sadness in their work.
"The scarf was left behind, in her tent, the day she left. This place, this clearing, is where we said goobye to her before she left." Sadness touchs Earth Lady's voice, her face losing their composure, and a single tear appears in her left eye.
After finishing his letter - which doesn't take too long, as he is an experienced and supernaturally gifted writer and caligrapher -, Toyakasha Todomi heads towards his horse's pack, where he has stored a number of pigeons that he bought some time earlier in a nearby city, where a number of couriers wait for any messages he might have to send soon. Such accomodations are routine for a man who has money to spare and whose talents are so heavily focused on penmanship. As he reaches inside the cage and grabs the bird, he rolls up the letter, ready to bind it at the bird's leg. As he sees the bird fly off to the city, he starts thoroughly inspecting his environment for any clues. His gaze focuses first onto the scarf, but soon dwells upon the clearing.

He looks for a trail of burnt grass and scorched earth. He licks at the air, hoping to notice the lingering smell of flames. He looks for any extraordinary footprints, suitable for a being of such power. He also looks for any signs of those who would pursue her - bent grass, messages left behind advertently or inadvertently, strange residue that could be left behind by spirits or demons. There had to be something to be found here.

(OOC: Perception + Investigation pool, plus two stunt dice. I rolled 4 successes on the 8 dice, and 2 successes on the stunt dice, for a total of 6.)
"Alrighty...Better get to work."

Ruby Eyes takes a deep breath in, she closes her eyes and lets out the air slowly. Suddenly essence begin to surge wildly into her body, moving her hair and her overcoat as if she was caught in a breeze. She begins to chant, in old realm.

"The five winds who are the messengers of heaven and earth..."

"To seek out her prey, the Huntress beckons your aid..."

"Answer my call, my loyal companion."

"Come forth and guide me to my quarry!"

The wind around her grows stronger, as wind of various colors flows in from different directions. The wind coalesces adjacent to the young woman, forming an enormous war hound the size of a large horse. The canine looks friendly and begins to pant and wag its tail enthusiastically upon seeing Ruby Eyes.

"Watson! Com'ere! Good Boy!"

Ruby Eyes scratches its back and bring the scarf to the magical hound.

"Smells this, Watson. We want to find the person who left this behind. Can you follow her scent? Hey!..No..Don't slobber all over it!"

[ooc: 15 Essence and 1 WP, casting Hound of Five Winds(The black and white treaty), The hound can track scent perfectly in 100 miles. Attempts to throw off the hound is opposed by the target's Wits+Survival+Specialty vs the hounds Perceptions+Survival+Specialty+Successes equal to Ruby's essence]

[dice: Hound's Perception+Survival+Track Specialty(Pool 13, automatic successes 4)

8 successes + 4 = Total of 12 successes]

Altieria watches Ruby with a bit of curiosity, having cast the spell the young Lunar was intrigued slightly by it. So the Goddess has left behind a scarf by her tent. But what could overpower a goddess so?
As the others questioned the Ladies, the purple clad solar watches the conjuring curiously, a fellow sorcerer, admittedly only a dabbler, he was impressed by the speed of the conjuration and approaches the sorceress. "Impressive....This creature then, I take it, can track as a bloodhound does....?" He says in Old Realm trusting to it's universal nature among the educated and sorceress to overcome any language barriers...
The Hound begins to sniff around the clearing, jumping with joy a few moments later as he seems to have picked up the scent, only to yelp a second or two later. But he picks up the scent again in another spot, and starts to follow it, going north-east.

At the same time, the Lady of Wood Season steps forward "If you wish to investigate the tent, we'll have to sneak you in later, as we do not wish to compromise our identity, or your presence.

Also, Rhea, I would like to give you the token we have spoken of, but in private, if you will."
"Before we follow the dog," the Quill of Radiant Beauty suddenly says as he flickers his fingers through a thorny bush, "it may be of interest to learn who this piece of fabric belonged to." He displays the piece of white cloth, which he found in the bush, to the others. "Would anyone be able to learn anything from this?"

(OOC: Int + Lore pool of 5, rolled 2 successes.)
(Odalis has Int + Lore of 4. Should I roll and add to their successes as an assist or is it a +1 dice assist?)
(Alright, Odalis assists. Witch, you get to roll and we can split anything we find to announce the results)
(OOC: okay, so five dice and 4 assists, for a total of nine dice.

3 successes on nine dice.

I'll roll some single dice in the case more people assist: (1) fail (2) success (3) success.)
(I say roll and edit your post for each person who assists. Just put [Name] next to the roll. I ask that you do it because I'm away from my dice and do not trust dice rollers. So far you have Dax, Atrius, Divide and myself all assisting.)
(OOC: I added the extra two assists in. Still left a tally of dice in case of possible assists for if I'm not online when SRC wants to give the info.)
Ruby Eyes calls for the Hound to hold his ground while her companions investigate the cloth.

"Watson can tell if the two piece of cloth belong to the same individual by scent. I can have him take a whiff too."

Petting Watson on the head, she turns to Eth'n.

"Hounds of Five Winds are born from the very essence of wind that carries all scent. Their sense of smell far surpasses any ordinary blood hound. Watson here is very smart, he can understand most things I tell him. Watson? Does these two cloth belong to the same person?"

[dice: If Watson will smell the second cloth. (Perception+Survival+Essence=6+4=10 successes)]
While examining the piece of cloth you've found, you come to a conclusion that it's thickness, and weaving suggest it came from Whitewall.

As the Hound takes a sniff of the cloth, he gives the same yelp as he did before, and does his best to avoid the fabric.
The Hound begins to sniff around the clearing, jumping with joy a few moments later as he seems to have picked up the scent, only to yelp a second or two later. But he picks up the scent again in another spot, and starts to follow it, going north-east.
At the same time, the Lady of Wood Season steps forward "If you wish to investigate the tent, we'll have to sneak you in later, as we do not wish to compromise our identity, or your presence.

Also, Rhea, I would like to give you the token we have spoken of, but in private, if you will."
I would very much like that. Perhaps you would come as well, Illuminated Shadow? I believe you also have a keen eye for details. Then we could follow Watson wherever he leads.
Contented by the revelation of the piece of fabric's origins, Toyakasha puts the item away. As the dog seems eager to press on, he walks towards his horse and takes it by the reins - it is a magnificent black stallion, his hair impeccably smooth, his trimmed manes black as night, bearing a leather saddle with a lacquer overlay. The lacquer is decorated with a wonderful painting of mythological creatures battling one another. Faerie folk stand against celestial lions; lesser elemental dragons face the undead; awakened - or Exalted? - humans stand eye to eye to demons. "It seems as if we're going soon," he whispers to the animal.
"All right," Rhea nods, stepping forward. Though she couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive for reasons she didn't quite understand, she was particularly curious to see just what this promised gift was.

Catching Toyakasha's statement, she turns back, smiling and giving a brief wave to the others. "Hey, don't leave without me! This shouldn't take long."

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