Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

The Hound begins to sniff around the clearing, jumping with joy a few moments later as he seems to have picked up the scent, only to yelp a second or two later. But he picks up the scent again in another spot, and starts to follow it, going north-east.
At the same time, the Lady of Wood Season steps forward "If you wish to investigate the tent, we'll have to sneak you in later, as we do not wish to compromise our identity, or your presence.

Also, Rhea, I would like to give you the token we have spoken of, but in private, if you will."
I would very much like that. Perhaps you would come as well, Illuminated Shadow? I believe you also have a keen eye for details. Then we could follow Watson wherever he leads.
Yingko gives a tip of the hat. "Let's roll."

Glancing at the cloth, Odalis briefly murmurs that it is an unusually thick piece of cloth before returning to quiet.

It is only when matters of travel are discussed that the Solar Priest takes any notice. A glance sideways to the others addresses both them and the goddesses. "Will we be needing stealth on this venture or..." The Exalt pauses, shifting uncomfortably a moment, then removing the shield from their back. Suddenly, the armour on their body creaks, the back rising and holes appearing in it until, suddenly, from the newly formed slits, burst a pair of angelic wings, coated in white feathers, the tips tinged red as if by sunlight, flexing behind the Exalt and flapping a moment before slowly drifting down into a more relaxed position. "Will I be allowed to travel more comfortably?" At this point, Odalis is used to the inevitable surprise such a change evinces when performed by anyone, let alone a Solar.

(Six additional motes committed to Xaomorphic Symbiont to bring out one of the maybe two non-cosmetic mutations contained within it: The Wings Abomination.)

"Unlike you bunch, I have no need to show off." She says as curls up on the ground, her armor and clothes vanishing as her flesh rearranges itself. As if bursting from an egg, Ashnia takes off in the form of a mospid.

(Three motes to transform into a mospid)
Ruby leaps over and jumps on the Hound.

"Geez, these people thinks a lot of themselves...Hope they arn't all for show when it comes to getting the job done. Taking off like that, does she even know where we are going?" Ruby thought as she leaped up on Watson.

"Follow the scent on the scarf boy!"

She turns and calls to the rest of the team as they ride off.

"Watson and I will follow the scent. Come along or not, it's up to you."

[DICE 3 successes in Dex+Ride Pool = 6 for control rating 1]
To those who went to the tent

The sisters bring you clothes to help you blend in with the crowd, as the revelries of the Court of Seasons last all day and night. Once at the tent, it seems much grander and larger on the inside than on the outside, though part of it is the sheer number of grand and large tents outside.


Roll Int + Investigation
The Immaculate solar clad in purple is suitably surprised by the eruption of wings, though is soon thereafter distracted by the artistic transformation of the woman from the trees..With no time to contemplate that before the sorceress mounts her great hound and begins to ride off.....Feeling somewhat the odd man out the solar heads back to the village side of the clearing, untying his own steed, A handsome if otherwise unremarkable mare with secondhand gear, and sets out after the giant canid......
The Immaculate solar clad in purple is suitably surprised by the eruption of wings' date=' though is soon thereafter distracted by the artistic transformation of the woman from the trees..With no time to contemplate [i']that[/i] before the sorceress mounts her great hound and begins to ride off.....Feeling somewhat the odd man out the solar heads back to the village side of the clearing, untying his own steed, A handsome if otherwise unremarkable mare with secondhand gear, and sets out after the giant canid......
To those who went to the tent
The sisters bring you clothes to help you blend in with the crowd, as the revelries of the Court of Seasons last all day and night. Once at the tent, it seems much grander and larger on the inside than on the outside, though part of it is the sheer number of grand and large tents outside.


Roll Int + Investigation

5 dice / target number 7

5 8 3 6 1 = 1 success

1 success

Draped in a white robe for disguise, wings still showing prominently, shield neatly hidden underneath, Odalis examines their surroundings, but it is a minor glance, not some attempt to investigate the mystery. Instead, Odalis is scanning for signs of bustle and spirits, hoping to discern just who is here, and if any of them are more than just minor spirits...
Altieria just looks about the tent, her eyes scanning for anything only except something shiny distracts her and goes to admire it.


2009-07-31 20:04:05 Alteiria rolls 2 dice to Int+Inv 5,4 (failure)
Most of you find nothing useful in the tent, except Todomi, who notices a map fragment.


Int + Lore to know what area is the map for.
As he takes the fragment of the map and looks over it, Toyakasha frowns as he cannot figure out what place it is for. "Could anybody identify which place this map describes, please?"

(OOC: 0 successes)
Forum was restarted last night, let me recap what happened:

None of you could identify where the mapbelongs to, except it's a wilderness area, and there are markings on it, but it is unknown what they are. They could be settlements, manses, army locations, inns, whatever.

Odalis glances at the map but, unable to identify it, simply steps forward and suggests "Perhaps we could make a copy of it and take it to a cartographer?" They offer the suggestion modestly, glancing from face to face, looking for approval of the suggestion.

"Perhaps then that would be best," she says to him with a playful smile. "Should none of us be able to someone else most definitely will."
"Allow me," Toyakasha says as he takes out a piece of paper. Seating himself, he beings copying the map fragment with the delicate hand of a master caligrapher. Subsequently, he starts to write a letter to one of the servants he had left in a nearby town and heads for his horse. He sends the letter, which includes a formal request for more information about the map - granting a rather substantial reward for anybody able to give detailed information - and then suggests to the group that they should start following the dog.
After all has been dealt with Altieria takes off after the dog hands behind her back as she moves gracefully after.

"Our job here appears to be done then. Time to get underway." They say confidently, launching themselves into the air and following the dog from the air, scanning the surrounding landscape occasionally to see if anything of worth is going on.
The Hound relentlessly pushes forward, following the scents he picked up in the clearing. About about 4 hours, the hound dissipates, the duration having expired. You are left in a small path through a forest, where you must form a line, one after the other.


Everyone, roll Perception + Awareness, and Wits + Survival.

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