Prelude: The Quest [A Missing Flame]

A little saddened that the doggie has disappeared Altieria continues on.


2009-08-17 00:09:34 Altieria rolls 6 dice to Wits + Survival 7,6,4,9,10, 5 (4 successes)

2009-08-17 00:08:48 Altieria rolls 4 dice to Per + Aware 5,4,3,3 (failure)
"Casting two spells in one day is a bit risky for me...Depending on how well you guys can track, we can push on or simply camp for the time being. I am up for either."

Ruby comments.
As the canid form dissipates the Solar Immaculate, still in his outlandish disguise as 'Debarik One-Eye' stops to take his bearing, pulling his mare to a stop. He looks about at the sundry crowd of exalts as they too come to a stop, gladdened that there was no immediate wyld Hunt activity in the region....

"I'm sure someone in this crowd will be able to track, but if not" Here he pauses and glances about at his compatriots this time with a wry grin as his eyes pass over moonsilver and orichalcum. "I think you'd still be quite safe, if you decided to risk it...."


04:14, Tue 18 Aug 2009: Atrius Night rolled (5d10v=4,5,5,5,8=27): Per2+Awar3.

1 Success

04:14, Tue 18 Aug 2009: Atrius Night rolled (3d10v=4,5,9=18): Wit2+Surv1

1 Success

By the way, as their is at least one language barrier in the group, if folks could post what language they speak in....? I've been using Highrealm.
"I would rather not lose daylight if we can help it. The creature was heading steadily in that direction, he points north-east. Why don't we continue in that direction? We may come across something of interest."

I think most of us have Low Realm so I'll speak using that language.

Scaling up into the sky, Odalis looks into the distance for any landmarks; cities, rocky outcroppings, anything to stand out from the trees. Once they have done so, they descend to report what they saw.

(What do they see?)
The landscape is covered with trees mostly, with some small outcroppings of stone here and there, and in the distance you can see some mountains and some plains.

The high-flying Exalt descends to the ground once more, landing with a final flap, raising a cloud of dust before their feet touch the ground with a dull noise, their full weight returned to the Earth. "There's nothing obvious from the sky. If we're going to find something, it will take much more of a search..." They explain with a casual shrug.
"Perhaps a setting camp would be a good idea after all. This mystery may take a while to solve and we may wind up spending a lot of time together."

While he talks, Whisper moves around to inspect the clearing better.

"While looking into this matter, we may find ourselves in dangerous situations."

He gives a sideways glance at Illuminated Shadow.

"And I don't know about any of you but I would prefer to have better knowledge about the people my life may depend on."
Altieria nods, "I guess so. Camp would definitely be best. We've been busy and time does draw on." She leans over and rubs at her thighs with a sigh, before standing fully once again.
"Sounds good to me," Rhea smiles, leaning against a nearby tree and casting a glance over the group and their surroundings. "I certainly wouldn't mind a chance to get to know you all better."

"How many civilizations would be better if everyone expressed such a sentiment to others?" Odalis remarks rhetorically, a smile on their androgynous face. At the agreement to camp, they give their assenting nod. With a brief climbing of a nearby tree, they break off several branches, gather some rocks and head to the nearest sheltered spot that they can find.

"Who shall go first?" They ask, digging a small pit in the ground with their heel, placing the stones around it and placing all but four of the sticks in the middle with some dry leaves. Starting a fire by rubbing some of the wood in the pit together, they fan it gently into a flame before lifting off the disguising robe they were given and planting the remaining branches into the dirt, hanging the cloth over it.

"If it will ease the minds of others, it would please me to go first. Otherwise..." They trail off, looking amongst the other parties assembled there, the wings on their back shrinking and vanishing, the slits of the armour closing behind them. The bright blue eyes track to each of the parties present, the makeshift tent simple at best but it is made with ease.
"Well, if you're offering..."

Stretching, Rhea took a seat next to the fire. The smile flickered on her face for a moment as she bathed in the warmth, the comfortable feeling driving home just what they were all here to do. She almost felt a twinge of guilt for resting here like this when so much was at stake, even though she hadn't been the first to make the suggestion. But she knew that pushing themselves too much would hurt everyone in the long run, and that even Exalted had to attend to their own needs. Not to mention goals, one of which she hadn't expected to be quite so easy...
Even though Furious Whisper was the one to start this line of conversation, it's obvious that he's not at all interested in what's being said. His effort to appear casual as he paces the campsite only serve to make it obvious that he's doing so. He keeps scanning the treeline for something, but he doesn't seem to be able to find whatever it is he's looking for.
The Immaculate Solar seemed antsy that they would stop, but with the day waning it was true that pressing on might serve to simply tire them out. It didn't mean he had to like it though.

He sat off to the side, listening as people talk, glad that at least occassionaly they used one of those languages he'd mastered. He was still annoyed with himself for not learning the local tongue, and so he sat back, perking his ears whenever he heard someone speaking the fast flowing words of of the trade tongue of riverspeak or the lilting words of forestspeak....He'd need a teacher eventually, and so he made an effort to pick out who spoke what.

The Solar nods, looking to the others and hearing no forthcoming voices. Nodding, they oblige them and offer their voice to try and bring out the others from their shell. "My name is Odalis, simply and so. I am the Formless Emissary of Light, gifted by the Unconquered Sun with my ability to go where I am needed and be what is required; I am his tool to be used as he sees fit." With that, Odalis begins to show their shapeshifting abilities, changing first their hair and eye colour, the former lengthening and shortening, then skin colour, then growing and losing fur, bizarre patterns tracing their skin momentarily and, finally, they become masculine and muscular before suddenly shrinking and becoming female, finally transitioning back to their natural state. "I have a particular affinity for being whomever I must be but, if you wish to know my actual biography, I was born in the West, was educated on the Blessed Isle and fled to the East before Exalting further down south from here. I know a small amount about what it is to be a Solar; that I have had past incarnations, but I do not recall any of them. I know whom it is that I serve, however, and his majesty guides me with every day that comes."

A look of utter serenity passes over the Exalt's face as they think of the Unconquered Sun, accompanied by a brief closing of their eyes and a soft shiver of delight that borders on the sensual, before refocusing themselves on the present. Looking amongst the others, they give a warm smile and extend a hand, as if gesturing them closer. "If that has broken the ice, and there is nothing any of you wish to ask me, who will go next?"

(Chaomorphic Symbiont used, as one might expect.)
Altieria tilts her head as she sits down. "I shall, for there is little to relay." She looks to the sky for a moment. "I am Altieria, one of Luna's Changing Moons. I do not know my origin, or even the day of my Exaltation. I only know of those that helped me, and those that hunted me. I found myself in a remote section of Abalone, a villager helped nurse me back to health. And for awhile I stayed with them, helping the village gather food. In the end I was forced to flee the island after a battle revealed to me as well as to others what I am. Eventually some Lunars found me and straightened me out as well as tattooed me. I've been traveling the South ever since, doing what I can for those that need it."
After listening to the southerner speak, the purple haired Night stands as the tale comes to an end, shifting the brown robes that cover most of the purple silk.....Speaking in the seeming common denominator language of Low Realm he began "I suppose I'll take the next, I'm Debarik, sometimes called "One Eye" for .....obvious reasons." He rubs his black eye patch with a grin, "I was born in the realm, and have seen the troubles that dragon-blooded can stir up as well as those it can't quell......I travel the land helping those the wyld hunt takes interest in and the hunt itself when it bites off more than it can choose." He takes a breath, looking about, then closes his mouth..."That's about it really......"

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