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  1. Nerrin

    Solars and the Unconquered Sun

    I've read one theory that it's basically the divine equivalent of having left his answering machine on, so when a Zenith exalts they get a randomly-chosen pre-recorded message. Though my own theory is that it's just this ongoing tragedy of hope on the UCS's part, him saying each time, "Me damn...
  2. Nerrin

    Keychain #276 - 280

    Very nice. Very effective (at least to my untrained, philistine's eye). Though FaFL's sword looks rather small compared to him. Or perhaps to the relative proportions of daiklaves and their bearers in general.
  3. Nerrin

    The Emerald Prison Of Jade

    Page 26 of Sidereals confirms that the Breaking of the Mask made it so nobody had any conclusive knowledge of the details surrounding the Usurpation and the Breaking, including how the Prison was made and where it was hidden. Still, it's not improbable that the Sids could have found the Jade...
  4. Nerrin

    Your Exaltation

    I vote Alchemical because, well, I'm a major technophile. Solar Twilight is probably a close second, for getting into the badass insane inventing and magitech side of things, but Alchemicals live it in a way that others don't. That, and... sounds amazing. It's a feature, not a flaw.
  5. Nerrin

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    I don't think I actually have a favorite type. Each has something in their capabilities or theme that I really enjoy. I'm a sucker for magic, so I love the Solars for being able to pull out Solar Circle Sorcery, along with the nature of their side of the Great Curse, the kind of heroic depravity...
  6. Nerrin

    Games of Divinity Addicts Anonymous

    Thanks for the clarification. It was something I was (obviously) rather fuzzy about.
  7. Nerrin

    Keychain #252 - #255

    Creation runs on rules sufficiently different that there's no reason to assume there is a serious underlying system that dictates why you look how you look, such as genetics. It is entirely possible that it's written into the world that children look like their parents "because they do," not...
  8. Nerrin

    Lunar Development Help

    Jukashi gave a short outline on the differences between Solars and Lunars in how they exalt here: The relevant text: Might that be what people were referring to?
  9. Nerrin

    Elder Exalts

    I haven't managed to run anything in Exalted yet (more experience elsewhere), but I imagine that it would depend somewhat on the Solar and his/her individual background (like one who does the hibernation thing being much less crazy-tastic than one who's actually been up and around all this...
  10. Nerrin

    Keychain #246 - #250

    Well, Marena was apparently planning to meet with him already, so he just showed up a little early. As far as it goes from a storytelling perspective, my guesses are that he's in there to provide a little extra comic relief and act as a "light-side" counterpoint to Ben, and that he might have...
  11. Nerrin

    Keychain #241 - #245

    Hrm. You know, it feels slightly anti-climactic... yet in an awesome way. I'm not sure how that works, except it does.
  12. Nerrin

    Sidereals: Unstoppable Survival Horror Fate Ninja, or not?

    I think this point is more about the fact that having a single place where all those Exaltations are stored makes them vulnerable, not because "the Prison can only hold Solar Exaltations." It's because they were trapped in one convenient location that half the Solar Exaltations were successfully...
  13. Nerrin

    Keychain #236-240

    Pretty much. She's not so much helping the heroes as she is taking on a mutual foe ("The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy; no more, no less.") and using the fight as a cover to grab the orichalcum key. Her excuse for being there is "Abyssals can threaten Creation with these incredibly...
  14. Nerrin

    Keychain #236-240

    [ ]DEAR/[x]YOU BASTARD, ShadowDragon8685, We would like to [x]RECOGNIZE/[ ]BEAT NINE KINDS OF HELL OUT OF you for [x]AMUSING US/[ ]BLOODY WELL PISSING US OFF with this [x]WELL-EXECUTED HOMAGE/[ ]SHAMELESS RIPOFF of one of our favorite jokes. [x]HOWEVER/[ ]THANKFULLY, there was [ ]TOO...
  15. Nerrin

    Soulsteel: Evil?

    Indeed; that's more of a "pay evil unto evil" attitude than "it's okay to make soulsteel, really!" You can still think that it's an evil, horrible thing to do to a person... but sometimes, they concluded, someone deserves it. And, Solars being Solars, not too long after the first soulforging...
  16. Nerrin

    Newbie Needing Clarification (Random Questions)

    Oh good gods thank you for pointing this out. The various oddities of DV -- where one thing I read made it sound like it was a pool you spent, and another a solid value similar to, say, D&D's AC -- were the single biggest annoyance of trying to figure out the combat rules for me. I probably...
  17. Nerrin

    Keychain 201 - 205

    Pants? Where would those come from?
  18. Nerrin

    Keychain 201 - 205

    Don't worry, you're not the only one. I forgot the phrase entirely and thought he was just dropping the name of a charm I didn't know -- which is, well, quite a lot of them.
  19. Nerrin

    Anime that best represent Exalted.

    "The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer" manga tends to make me think of Exalted -- at least, a low-powered version involving a relatively untrained Exalt and her followers taking on a much more experienced sorcerer and his golems, all from the perspective of one of the followers. The Princess Anima and...