The Emerald Prison Of Jade


Primordial of Abstract Logic
So, how many people know of this thing's exact location?

My PCs (three Half-Castes) have, after 55 years of work, gained the following allies/contacts/what-have-you:

A low Essence Lunar who's name I can't remember

A low Essence Solar who's name I can't remember

An Unshaped Fair Folk and two of it's Manifestations

A high Essence Lunar by the name of Magnificent Jaguar

A high Essence Sidereal sifu of Journeys (Gold) by the name of Li Hai

A medium Essence Sidereal of Secrets (Gold) by the name of Aesha Ura

A low Essence Sidereal of Endings (Gold) by the name of Samael Highthorne

The ear of the freaking Shogun (no, they don't keep it in a jar or anything)

The Warlord if they can ever get him to stay put (one of the PCs constantly stomps him at Gateway, so he tends to have other business to attend to)

A smattering of low level gods (maybe a dozen, tops)

A number of elementals varying from dozens of lesser beings up to a Storm Mother, a lesser Fire Dragon and a lesser Air Dragon

And the family of one of the PCs that has embedded itself into the political maneuvering of the Shogunate

I'm not sure how much longer I can hold them back from finding the thing, but at least I'll get to have fun when they do.

At this point they know it's in the South Inner Sea and is guarded with some serious firepower.

Oh, and what are the chances that other people would have caught on to their snooping by now?
Where is it called the "Emerald" Prison of Jade?
I just don't understand how it can be both "emerald" and "jade".

That's like calling something the Steel Prison of Iron.
Tsuranis said:
If you consider 'emerald' to be used purely as a colour qualifier then it makes a little more sense.
This was my thought.
:? Now what are the chances of these morons getting anywhere close to finding it in 55 years with enough allies to start a civil war in the Shogunate? :?
If the Gold Faction Sidereals want to feed the PCs the location, it's pretty much a given that they'll find it--the Prison and all its guards can't possibly be all out of Fate.
Including from themselves. Though, of course, the head of the Bureau of Secrets could probably check his notes, and Jupiter probably knows it as a matter of course.

All you have to do is get under Jupiter's skirt and convince her to tell a secret. Nothing major. ;)
Without checking, I'm relatively certain that its mentioned in MoEP:Sidereals that both factions of Sidereals couldn't locate the Jade Prison due to side effects of the Mask breaking.
But then in a MoEP: Sidereals comic they go and look to see where it was. Apparently Chejop tells them the location.
I'm seeing a whole lot of impressions and guesses.

So nothing solid?

No page references?
I'm seeing a whole lot of impressions and guesses.
So nothing solid?

No page references?
Page 26 of Sidereals confirms that the Breaking of the Mask made it so nobody had any conclusive knowledge of the details surrounding the Usurpation and the Breaking, including how the Prison was made and where it was hidden. Still, it's not improbable that the Sids could have found the Jade Prison's location once more in the intervening time, and the Bronze kept it within their own ranks or had to bribe, blackmail, and kill Golds to keep the secret.
Well, that.

And now that I think about it, wasn't there some bit of information about a group of Dragon-Blooded guards that were encamped in an underwater base nearby to guard it?

I think someone would have to know where it's at just to be able to keep live guards nearby.
I'm sure the Bureau of Destiny would have something to say if someone's destiny took a turn toward the Prison. The bottom line is that you could have them learn it's location if you want, and with all their contacts it wouldn't be totally impossible.

If the Sidereals did learn about the characters' potential to learn about the Prison, the party could have some fun as the factions fight over the results of their actions.

I imagine a scene where the party walks into a normal, quaint little village...where everyone is secretly a Sidereal(some playing many roles) and every time the PCs enter a room, the fight abruptly stops and everyone gets back in character.
Virjigorm said:
I imagine a scene where the party walks into a normal, quaint little village...where everyone is secretly a Sidereal(some playing many roles) and every time the PCs enter a room, the fight abruptly stops and everyone gets back in character.
:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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