Your Exaltation

Exalt Type?

  • Solar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lunar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sidereal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon-Blooded

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abyssal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Infernal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alchemical

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Are you guys serious? Anyone who wants to be anything for their own reasons is stupid. Everything that's not my choice is stupid--and even the people who voted for the same option are stupid because you are stupid.
I vote Alchemical because, well, I'm a major technophile. Solar Twilight is probably a close second, for getting into the badass insane inventing and magitech side of things, but Alchemicals live it in a way that others don't. That, and...

jeriausx said:
Autos become giant machines/cities
sounds amazing. It's a feature, not a flaw.
Because once the idea of Infernals is taken out of the land of make believe, and one of you nerds has to be merged with a sub-soul of a Cthulhoid horror from before the world began, you'll pee your pants and cry for mommy. It wouldn't be as roxx0rxz as you think.
Oh, I'm well aware of the fact that becoming an Infernal would be a tremendously traumatic experience, but it would end, I'd gain insane levels of power out of it, and I'm sure my mind and mindset would be altered enough that it wouldn't matter. For the power that an Infernal can potentially wield, I'd be willing to undergo a lot of pain, on the basis that it won't be a permanent thing, and once it's passed, the rewards are worth it. And even if I found myself regretting my decision during the process, it would be too late to change my mind, and before and after, I wouldn't have a problem with the idea.
Aasharu said:
Oh, I'm well aware of the fact that becoming an Infernal would be a tremendously traumatic experience, but it would end, I'd gain insane levels of power out of it, and I'm sure my mind and mindset would be altered enough that it wouldn't matter. For the power that an Infernal can potentially wield, I'd be willing to undergo a lot of pain, on the basis that it won't be a permanent thing, and once it's passed, the rewards are worth it. And even if I found myself regretting my decision during the process, it would be too late to change my mind, and before and after, I wouldn't have a problem with the idea.
Don't forget that you'll never be lonely with the voice of the demon that got merged with you in the creation process there forever to keep you company. =D
Lunar for me, probably Changing Moon by preference. Shapeshifting is too fun an ability to pass up, even for greater power or lifespan. Just think of the fantastic special effects the anima effect could do for an actor.

Additionally there's the real possibility of getting every second excellency and never failing at any mundane task again, ever. Theoretically Infernals might try that but I don't see their excellencies managing it, too situational, and everybody else pays for 25 excellencies which is a little more expensive.
I know it's not in the poll (not to mention utterly impossible) but I still want to be a shaped Raksha. Why? They simply seem to be having a lot more fun than the others. Yes, they eat souls, but you don't need to do that. Factor in immortality and a mindset to actually handle an age of 4000, and I'm utterly sold.

Failing that, I'd probably prefer simple enlightenment, or DB (Wood). What can I say, I like working for my power, and immortality's kind of a downer when your kids aren't.

Besides, as mentioned, all the others have something very annoying that keeps them from being truly fun (Great Curse, Unwoven Coadjuator, necessarily destructive Motivation) and I don't know enough about Alchemicals to be pick those. Plus, as mentioned, I want to work for my power, not have it installed in my body like some sort of nuclear-powered pacemaker.
*thup thup*


*thup thup*

Nah. But Immortality would be cool for a few millenia at least.

Remake the world in your own image. :mrgreen:
Alchemical is my choice. There's something about being a Meso-American Commie-Robot that's fun. The "turn into a City" thing sounds interesting too. I wonder if I could turn into a Space Ship?
Dating might be tough...

Nerrin said:
I vote Alchemical because, well, I'm a major technophile. Solar Twilight is probably a close second, for getting into the badass insane inventing and magitech side of things, but Alchemicals live it in a way that others don't. That, and...
jeriausx said:
Autos become giant machines/cities
sounds amazing. It's a feature, not a flaw.
Gotta go for solar too. I think the climate negotiations in Copenhagen would have turned out a little different with a solar among the demonstrators : )
Heck, pretty much a single Exalt, especially a Solar, in the real world, would soon be running the real world. I mean, without any other high powered supernatural beings to stand in your way? Unless we all were to Exalt, and then... we'd probably either kill each other, or work together to rule the world. Make Exalted the official game of the planet or something.
I'm thinking if everyone on Earth Exalted, we'd be at about 1/10th of a percent of the population inside the first month.

After that we might try working together.

Give a million zealots the ability to cast Total Annihilation and see how long the human race lasts.
Aasharu said:
No no, I'm talking about us, personally, as in, the people who have posted on this thread.
Oh, well in that case I'd give it nine months to a year before we had a massive population drop.
I mean besides a few of us going out hunting cereal killers, jihadites of all types and other psychopomps.
But what if we all worked together, eh?

Yes, I can see it now. The Solars would take over rulership of the world, while the Lunars would work to ensure the survival and protection of the world. The Sidereals could enter Yu Shan, and take control of the Loom of Fate, granting us dominion over the supernatural, and with Yu Shan, we could start elevating promising mortals to Godhood, and use them to begin managing reality. Our two Dragon-Blood could get started on founding a dynasty of Dragon-Blooded, *cough*, and our lone Abyssal could enter and dominate the Underworld. We Infernals could enter dead Malfeas, and using the fact that Cecelyne touches on all points, we could begin colonizing other worlds, using our world crafting powers to shape them to our image. It would take a mere 10 days for anyone to get to any world in our universe-spanning empire. And the Alchemicals... could do alchemical things? Sorry, I don't know alchemicals very well.

Also, a bit of further qualification - since all the Exalted no longer existed, the Great Curse dissipated, so all you Creation-born Exalted, you don't have to worry about that. Both the Abyssal and Infernal Exaltations are roaming free, and the consciousness of a demon has been permanently fused with the Infernal Exaltations.
I mean besides a few of us going out hunting cereal killers' date=' jihadites of all types and other [b']psychopomps.[/b]
You use that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Psychopomp (from the Greek word ψυχοπομπός (psychopompos), literally meaning the "guide of souls") are creatures, spirits, angels, or deities in many religions whose responsibility is to escort newly-deceased souls to the afterlife. Their role is not to judge the deceased, but simply provide safe passage. Frequently depicted on funerary art, psychopomps have been associated at different times and in different cultures with horses, whippoorwills, ravens, dogs, crows, owls, sparrows, cuckoos, and harts.
In Jungian psychology, the psychopomp is a mediator between the unconscious and conscious realms. It is symbolically personified in dreams as a wise man (or woman), or sometimes as a helpful animal. In many cultures, the shaman also fulfills the role of the psychopomp. This may include not only accompanying the soul of the dead, but also vice versa: to help at birth, to introduce the newborn child's soul to the world (p. 36 of [1]). This also accounts for the contemporary title of "midwife to the dying," which is another form of psychopomp work.
I hope I know what it means.
Apparently not, as I don't see how "cereal" killers and jihadist fit that definition remotely.
Serial killers became cereal killers.

Zealots who want to destroy everyone who disagrees with their professed version of what they think is right became the jihadists.

And psychos became psychopomps.

The terminology on the last one just still fit somewhat.

I think jihadists fits too, but we mustn't use it to only refer to the Islamic variety, as many people with that outlook are not muslims.

Maybe I should change jihadist to something more universal...

What would a more universal term be for such a creature though?

Rabid zealot?
So if i had no choice id most surely be a Chosen of the Maiden of Serenity...but seeing as i do have a choice

Id be an Abyssal - Day or Midnight Caste

I live forever, I dont have the great curse, i look cool in black and have awesome black weapons, I have Solar and Abyssal Charms

and on top of that i get a cool name...i mean...whats NOT to like about that

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