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  1. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur sat in his room relaxed lazily throwing his knives at a wood board across the room. He awaited Victor's next move to be set in motion.
  2. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Upon returning Baldur saw that Victor was engaged in conversation. He decided to wait silently by with Atticus.
  3. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    "Victor asked me find you. He wanted you to be close by because of the assassins running around and what not."
  4. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur walked past the stables and peered through. There he was. "Atticus!..." Baldur shot a quick wave and walked to meet him.
  5. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    "...Very well. But only because you have enough armed gaurds with you to win a small skirmish. I shall return my friend." Baldur gave victor a grin and made his leave to find Atticus, arms relaxed behind his back.
  6. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur had done all he could do for now. The royal guard was on high alert being assisted by his men as well as two esteemed knights keeping vigil watch over the lords and ladies. He continued to keep behind Victor as the king l conducted his business. "I wonder where ol' Tic has run off...
  7. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    "Sir John!" "Make your way towards princess Cassie's chamber and keep gaurd for the rest of the evening. Id hate for any other problems to occur. Especially for our guest."
  8. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur was furious at the second attempt on the young kings life. His hand constantly writhing the staff of the scythe on his back. Now other lives were being threatened as well. He made sure to stay close to Victor the rest of the evening.
  9. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur yelled inside. "Just a moment of your time sir!"
  10. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur followed Victor as they began to scour the city together. Often checking in with reports from gaurds as they rode.
  11. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    "At your lead!"
  12. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur saw Atticus lokking very grieved and conflicted. He gripped Atticus's shoulder. "Ill keep him safe." He offered a smile to his friend.
  13. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur returned from speaking to the captain of the guard. "The city gaurd has been put on high alert victor. Patrols have been sent to the rooftop and outer grounds as well"
  14. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur glared at the court musicians snaping several times. Music burst forth once again.
  15. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur began to walk back while wiping the blood from his scythe. "What a shame..." He fround. "I believe some of your guests are a bit taken back by this event."
  16. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur lept foward while bringing scythe to his side. He closed the distance in two strides. He caught the assassin off guard. Moments before the dart left, the arm holding it was severed in a flash followed by a swift right hook to the mysterious figures face. The whole thing took merely a few...
  17. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur continued to survey the room searching the room for any more anomalies. Right hand anxiously gripping his large scythe. There will be no need for violence this evening. Surely...
  18. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    "I've been eyeing him as well. Think of me as paranoid, but I'm ready for whatever may unfold."
  19. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    After observing his share of the festivities Baldur saw that Victor had found his way back to his throne with Atticus at his side. He decided to join them. He noticed the king staring intently at a guest. He followed his gaze... The gentleman from Duphonte?! He felt a cold chill run down his...
  20. shubasa70

    A Court of Kings

    Baldur relaxed and put his feet up in a nearby empty seat. He fiddled with one of his throwing daggers as he pleasantly watched the festivities unfold.