A Court of Kings

"I'm sure he and Baldur will fulfill their duties and beyond" King Victor said laughing, drinking his wine.

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Princess Cassie watched as they drank wine. She stepped out of the room and noticed a strange fellow climbing the wall.

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Victor stood and commanded "Everyone in the throne room, let us dance!"

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Evalyn followed to the throne room. She watched people dancing. And realized she has no fellow to dance with. "Shall fate decide if I shall live with nor without a lover?" She asked herself.

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Victor continued drinking his wine as he approached Evalyn "My lady, would you care to dance?"

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Genevieve sighed in relief that the king was so forgiving and focused her attention on the hem of her dress.
Baldur relaxed and put his feet up in a nearby empty seat. He fiddled with one of his throwing daggers as he pleasantly watched the festivities unfold.
Cassie followed the strange fellow and met him on the roof. "Who are you?" She asked.

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"It's a tad underwhelming at the moment" Victor said as he walked her to the throne to sit with him as he poured himself more wine.

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"As king, Princess Cassie is most sad these days. Just Ina fort night, her kingdom was overthrown. I do wish she can find something to love in life. Her father is alive. I was wishing to find him?"

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Cassie watched as the fellow slipped into the walls. He entered the throne room with some poison darts to assassinate the new king.

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"I shall have people on it my lady" Victor told her with a smile. "You are the most kind woman I've ever met"

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Katherine spent the majority of her time socializing. She was very proud of the new king, but wondered as to what his reign would mean to the future of Tremont; honestly, it could go two ways. After sitting with her father and his aristocratic friends, Kate excused herself and wandered outside to the courtyard to take a breather. The energy inside the castle felt almost claustrophobic after a while.
Atticus stood idly by as he watched the large room of people socialise and enjoy themselves. He stared at Victor at moments his eyes seeing the glint of the crown atop his head. Atticus swallowed a lump in his throat and bowed as he whispered something he'd always say when they where younger, "you will be the fairest of Kings. You will be the light to my darkness Victor."
Victor saw the lady go outside and he stood up drinking more wine. He went outside walking up to Katherine "Lady Katherine"

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Katherine turned around, hearing her name being spoken. A small smile spread across her face as she looked at Victor. "Your Highness." Kat said, curtseying and bowing her head slightly. "I was just getting some fresh air.."
"It is quite a good thing to acquire" Victor told her laughing. "How is your father?"

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Katherine laughed softly, running a few fingers over a primly cut shrub lazily. "He is alright." She said, before returning her gaze back to the King. "And you? How does it feel to be the new king of Tremont?" She asked, daring to add a hint of 'teasing' in her voice as she spoke.

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