A Court of Kings

Genevieve once again remained silent as the two men spoke. "Well, I'd love to talk again sometime, Majesty. But as for now, I'd love to explore your library.
"Certainly go right ahead my lady, Atticus escort her there please, I know how much you love books yourself, hopefully you'll be able to lead the lady to some good books'' Victor told them smiling.
Atticus smiled as well and bowed, "of course, your Majesty. May I show you then Milady?" He turned towards Genevieve his hands crossed in front of him.
Genevieve beamed. There was a twinkle in her eye. "Of course you may." Secretly, she wanted to know all about the real reason royals from everywhere were summoned to this one palace.
"A representative of Duphonte?" Baldur thought to himself. "Why in the world would he be here at a time such as this..."

Baldur did not move but his body tensed. Trying not to show his unease, he readied himself incase he needed to move swiftly...
"Now I'm quite busy representative, tell Anton I anticipate seeing him as well, now if you would take your leave I have matters to attend to" Victor said to the man in a slightly hostile tone.
Baldur approached the representative with a smile and slight bowed head. " Would you please follow me to the door sir?" Baldur stood nearly two heads above the gentleman.
Genevieve walked along the vast aisles of novels and information before finally finding a book that seemed all too familiar. "It might be for children, but I loved this book when I was young." With book in hand, she took a seat in an armchair by the fire and started reliving her childhood.
Atticus had went to his normal section of novels, all of the books he read where by the same man. The books being about his life, he'd share them with the other servants when they wished. But he always read them, he picked out another one of them and stood by the fire and began to read.
Baldur made his way back to stand beside Victor and spoke softly while still surveying the room. "Seems quite odd that Duphonte would send someone for something such as that at this time, eh Victor?"
"Indeed it is strange, I'm not sure what true message he's intending to give."

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Genevieve laughed as she reached a personal favorite of hers, The Tale of Two Lovers. The book was absolutely wonderful to her that she always insisted that her elder sister read it to her.
Atticus looked up from his book and stared at her smile before smiling himself.

"A good section?" He inquired, hiding his smile behind his own book.
Atticus raised his eyebrows, "Oh no i'm the one at fault, please continue as you please."
She continued to read her novel and sighed when she finally tired of it. "Well, what to do now?"
Atticus lowered the book on the table nearest to him, "I may lead you wherever you please Milady."
"But, you weren't done reading, Atticus, and, forgive me, but I am a grown woman. I can handle myself." It sounded rude as soon as it escaped her lips.
Atticus bit his lip and stared at his feet. He wasn't good with negative words towards him, he only wished to please her. He felt the back of his eyes burn, and he look up blinking rapidly and bowed.

"I'm sorry, if I have come a crossed crude.." His voice slightly shook.
Genevieve realized her mistake and shook her head as she hugged Atticus. "No, you're fine. You did nothing wrong. Don't be upset. It's not becoming of such a nice person."
A servant walked into the library "Atticus, the ceremony starts within 2 hours. His majesty requests you at his side."
Atticus' breathing picked up at the contact and nodded to the servant, "I must go, please excuse me."

He left with a small bow before heading towards the throne room, every few steps he'd let out a small sniffle. Until finally he came to the throne room and entered walking directly towards Victor.

Atticus bowed, "You requested for me your Majesty."
"Yes, the ceremony will start soon and I was hoping you'd feel comfortable standing with me in this moment."

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