A Court of Kings

"It was restless, I feel a bit nervous to be truthful my friend" Victor said as he rested his head on his hand.
Atticus couldn't help the smile that grew on his face.

"Im sorry to hear that i could put together something to help you rest if you wish."

And accidentally mumbled to himself, "friend.."
"She left towards the village to deliver something. Princess Cassie has not returned." She said while looking down. "Hope she returns soon."

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Cassie fell asleep at the blacksmiths house till morning. She thanks Brandon before heading home. Once putting her horse in the stables, Cassie sneaked into the palace trying to not be seen when Duchess Rekena came down the hall.

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Atticus immediately saw Cassie and tapped Victors shoulder before pointing in her direction.
"Princess Cassie, where have you been I've worried for you?" Victor asked as he beckoned her in front of the throne.
"I...I'm sorry you majesty." Cassie replied while curtsying, "I got held finding information about my father."

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Genevieve Valenza, daughter of Lord and Lady Valenza, fixed her hair before nervously entering Victor's throne room. She opened the door as timidly as was possible and bowed to Victor. "Hello, dear Victor, am I interrupting something, my lord?" She looked up at him with as much confidence as she could muster.
"The pleasure is all mine, majesty. I received your invitation." She stood and held it out for him to see.
"Very good to see you my lady, please have a seat with the rest of your family, let us talk" 
"I'm expecting Baldur to be back today from meeting with the foreign dignitary of Marano about Duphonte Atticus, hopefully he shall arrive soon".
Atticus smiled, "I look forward to his return." And he did, Baldur though they didn't speak much still felt like family.
The throne room door swung open as Baldur entered taking long strides. "Tell me, can i call you "King" Victor yet?" He said with a delighted expression.
"Baldur!" Victor said as he greeted him with an warm embrace, "You can call me King tonight after the coronation my friend, how was the meeting my friend"
Baldur walked to stand beside Atticus and gave him a mighty pat on the back that staggered him slighlty as he addressed Victor. "I can tell you that Marano seems more pleased to be allied with us during this tension with Duphonte. We have their support."
"Thank you Atticus. I honestly couldn't stand being away from home while I knew such proceedings were going to be held."

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