A Court of Kings

Late that night, Cassie hasn't returned. Evalyn felt worried and decided to look for her. She search hallways and rooms and finally asked the stable boy where Cassie went. "She rode towards the village." He said. She felt worry ease slowly away and headed back to her room.

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Atticus stood in the library his boney fingers skimming all of the books. Until he came to the one he was looking for and left the library checking on both Evelyn and Victor before retiring for the night in the servants wing.
Atticus stopped, "oh I'm sorry Milady," he bowed before continuing, "did I wake you?"

Atticus gave out a silent sigh of relief, "then are you in need of something?"
Atticus toke a step closer, "is she not in her quarters, should I alert a guard?"
"Oh thank goodness, I was going to brew some Negala Tea before bed. Would you care for a cup?" Atticus gripped the book close to his chest.
"Of course." Atticus walked towards the grand kitchen and began to speak, "it's always a pleasure to have you in the Tremount Kingdom your majesty."
(Time skip to the next day. We gotta get Angela in here.)

Victor awakened getting dressed and heading to the throne room to sit on the throne and greet his Dukes and Duchesses.
Victor sat in his throne, head held high as he said to Atticus "Atticus, I trust your night went well?"
After silence at a cup of tea, Evalyn said good night to Atticus while heading to bed. The next morning Cassie has not returned and found Victor sitting on the throne.

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Atticus nodded, "of course your majesty, how was yours? They should be joing us soon." Atticus hadn't slept at all that night he had read that book multiple times that night.

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