A Court of Kings

Evalyn watched as Victor and his Atticus left out the room. "Guess he has a lot on his mind." she said and taking a sip of water.
"The bastard!" Victor said as he walked into his study. "I'll send a letter to him demanding his presence in court and ask him myself"

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Knowing that they where alone Atticus relaxed and spoke, "Victor, please calm yourself. Don't make any decisions while you are full of such anger."
Evalyn heard the sound of a house coming down the stone path. She looked out the window, seeing Johnson Ross getting off his horse in his armor. She stepped back and sat back down, ignoring that he came.
"Perhaps your right, I'm going to go back to the Lady Evalyn" Victor walked back into the room "I'm sorry my lady, it was a matter that will soon be attended."

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Atticus bit his lip before whispering into Victors ear, "I wouldn't enjoy any messes so please be nice."
"I went to see Evalyn off. I raced here to saw I won't be able to see her for a few months." He replied to Evalyn. He though in his head about the girl her loves who lives in around here and decided to see her before headed back north. Came to see Evalyn as an excuse. "I should be going. I'll see you when I can Evalyn."
"Sir Ross" Victor said as he stood up, "When you return I request your presence?"

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"Since we were betrothed, John kept chasing other girls. I guess It's my fault for allowing him so much freedom. I know he is in love with a girl, but it doesn't bother me. What does is that he his not telling me. I think he has no feelings for me as being together, more as just friends. I feel the same way. Johnson is the only one of us who is able to break the betrothal now that my father is dead." she replied holding back tears.
"I understand" Victor said as he put a hand on her shoulder. "Atticus see to it the lady has whatever she desires". Victor walked through the doors and outside.

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Atticus nodded before turning to face Evalyn forcing a smile, "do you wish for anything at the moment Milady?"
A few guards rode up beside Sir Ross "His majesty demands your presence immediately"

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