A Court of Kings

"As you know he's been known to slight our family, any manner of treachery I would not put past him" Victor told him in a slightly angry tone as he thought about it. "A more pleasant query would be wondering when you'll be wed?" he asked smiling, trying to purge his thoughts of the Duphonte's
"I would not blame you, your majesty." The subject change made him think of Idina and he smiled. "We've not set an exact date yet, your majesty, but sooner is better I suppose. I think I will allow her to plan that, along with Christine." He chuckled. "Women folk do so love to plan for big occasions." Christine frowned a bit at this, but said nothing in light of his majesty being there. This was no place to argue.
"I shall be certain to attend" Victor told him with a smile. "Lady Christine, how do you like the capitol?"
Arlo smiled. "Thank you your majesty. Your presence would be most welcome, and appreciated." At his addressing her name, Christine turned to Victor with he usual smile. "Oh, it's beautiful, your majesty! You have a wonderful palace here as well."
She stood as asked, cheerful as always, while Arlo couldn't help but feel that familiar feeling of distaste. However, he was silent, and kept a respectful disposition about him.
"Duke Arlo, it is beyond an honor to have you here. You as well Lady Christine. I hope you find all of your accommodations to your likings."
Christine smiled. "Thank you, your majesty." Arlo smiled as well. "Yes, thank you. I'm certain they will be just fine, your majesty. It's an honor to be here with you at such an important time. We are deeply grateful to you."
"No, no, I thank you." Victor told them smiling. "Hopefully the rest of the nobility will arrive in a timely fashion."
"I hope so as well." Arlo agreed. "It would be deeply disappointing if they were late for the ceremony."
Atticus stood behind Victor, his hands folded in front of him. He held a nervous demeanour when around the ones of royal blood.
"Atticus!" Victor greeted him with a warm smile. "I haven't seen you all day Atticus, I presume this day has been well?"
Atticus nodded slowly before responding, "Of course, your Majesty. Do you wish for me to prepare tea for your many guests?"
Ithamore walked up to the palace, breathing in the glory and majesty of it all. It was much more grand than his own abode, something he was impressed by. He didn't usually get out of his territory too much, unless it's a very important matter. And this was important, the creation of his new leader. And he was about to meet him. First impressions were everything - if he could prove to the soon-to-be King that he was more worthy than all the other Dukes and Duchesses, he could gain some favor and possible bias towards him.

But he needed to be invited inside. So, wrapped in his thoughts, he stared at some flowers and pretended to be greatly interested in them as to not invite any other people to talk to him.
"Wine, bring wine Atticus, and before you do so, could you perhaps summon Duke Ithamore?" Victor asked smiling at his friend.
Atticus bowed before turning and leaving the large room with silent steps. As soon as he left the room his speed picked up exponentially as he sped towards the door. Once at the door he regained his composure and toke in small breaths before opening the door, he saw the familiar man and spoke "Duke Ithamore, Master Tremont has been waiting." He finished his sentence with a slow bow.
"Thank you, servant." He smiled at him, trying to win him over early so that he could move on already. He stepped inside, finding shelter and comfort indoors. He wasn't much of an outdoor person, never has been. He started to walk towards the closest room, assuming that Prince Tremont was inside. But then a thought crossed his mind, two actually: he didn't actually know where he was, and he should probably get some information of his servant, someone who could have possibly overheard many things.

"I apologize, servant, but could you lead me to where your Master is?" he said, trying to buy some time so he could talk. "And while you're walking, is there anything you could tell me about him, things I should watch out for, perhaps a temper?" he asked humorously, trying to break the ice.
Atticus bowed his head stepping in the direction of the room, "I'm sorry, but I am not one to speak of my master in any sort've of negative way. But I will inform you that he is a fair man, with much kindness in his soul." He finished his sentence just as they approached the door and pushed open the door. "Please inform me if you are in need of anything else, please excuse me I must prepare some wine."
"Duke Ithamore, what a pleasure it is to have you here" Victor said as he approached him with an embrace.
Atticus shut the door behind Duke Ithamore and strode towards the kitchen which was in the servants wing. His hands still shook from speaking with The Duke, causing him more anxiety as he poured the Wine into each cup he had placed onto his serving tray. Atticus brushed his bangs out of his eyes as lifted the tray cautiously, and as he walked back to the room thought of what he had said about Master Victor. He had meant all that he had said, Victor was a great man with great power.
Ithamore hugged him back tightly, trying to secure an early friendship. "It's very much a pleasure to be here, in this grand palace of yours."

He gave a quick gaze at everyone else in the room before turning back to him. "Your servant seems very loyal. You're lucky to have someone of that worth. Is there somewhere I could sit? I am tired from walking."
Atticus entered just in time with the wind placing it near them on the edge of the table before retreating to stand beside the entrance of the room.

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