A Court of Kings

In a fortnight, the crowning of the new king event comes. Lord Nathan's royal adviser, wrote a concerning letter to Tremont. "Your Grace, Nathan Conner, Lord of Winterstone has past onto the fate of the gods. While having his dear wife passed long before, and no son, their Daughter, Lady Evalyn will take his place in court. Of course, the young lady will be accompanied by her betrothed, Sir Johnson Ross, the Keeper of Winter. I send you a great request to help the dear girl within being in the court." and signed it, "Sincerely, Adviser Snow."
"I thank you," he said, picking up one of the drinks before sitting down in the closest spot he could find. He took a sip politely before leaning back and relaxing a little. After all, confidence is extremely important when amongst equals, though the Prince was of a higher rank.
The letter returned by Victor stated "It will be more than an honor to have a childhood friend such as Lady Connor in my court. I shall be sure that she receives nothing but the very best treatment. Sincerely Victor Tremont 
"Well I hate to be brief Duke Ithamore, but I have to see about the Lady Connor and if she's arrived" Victor told him as he walked away.
Once gather her things, Lady Conner left her home of Winterstone to the inner parts of the country. The carriage she was riding in, brought her to the front gates where fellows and fellas gathered to help bring her things inside to her room. Evalyn noticed a gentlemen walking outside, realizing it was her old friend Victor and saying, "What a beautiful day it is! Such beauty of flowers. Wish my home had ones such as theses."
Atticus stood by the front door holding it open, his hair falling in front of his eyes at the coming wind.
" Lady Connor!" Victor said very excited to see her "Come inside, let's have some wine, and talk"

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Atticus bowed to the familiar women, a smile apparent on his face as he quietly shut the door behind them and those accompanying them. But stopped when he was welcomed to take a seat, "I mustn't your Majesty."
"If you wish to please do." Victor told him. "Its wonderful seeing you again Lady Connor"

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"I don't believe it's truly hit me yet. How are things in the north?" Victor asked as he drank his wine.

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"I've been keeping up with the mothers and children. It seems something has happened. I cannot know, since I am a Lady. I do know, it started once my father died." Evalyn paused before continuing, "See, that's why Sir Ross did not accompany me, since he's taking business with the matter."
"Whatever the matter is it will be sorted soon. Will you accompany me to the continent summit that will be happening after my crowning. The king of Duphonte will be there." Victor said, the last part coming out in a more angry tone.

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"It would be my pleasure to accompany you, your majesty." She remembered something sitting in her pocket. "M..My father, before he died gave this for me to give you." Evalyn handed a small envelope with a letter and ring.
"Your Majesty Tremont, my time has come for death to take my life. It seems that my daughter has not been happy lately, even when courting with Sir Ross. He told me that he fell in love with a girl from the south. I've decided to break their arranged marriage. As Lord of Winterstone and a father, I wish for my home and my daughter to be taken care of. I'd care for you to take The Ring of Winterstone for safe keeping. Do not tell Evalyn of the matter. And If anyone cares to court with my daughter, please decided whether or not to. May your time of reign bring forth a great nation. Sincerely, Nathan Conner, Lord of Winterstone."
Victor looked at the letter, almost heartbroken by what it said as he poured himself more wine. "Your betrothed, what manner of task is he after?"

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"Yes, Sir Ross, John's father, and my father arranged it. Since he is the Keeper of Winter, and I the heir of my fathers position, they believed it to be the best chose for Winterstone. We were betrothed since I was just six years of age." She paused. "The matter has to do with people more north of us gathering supplies and saying that the gods are angry. They have been stealing late at night and thieving travelers. Sir Ross went to help with their punishment and if a trial should be held or not."
"I see" Victor said his expression becoming one of slight anger. "Have some wine with me." He said trying to calm himself

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"If it's alright with you, your majesty, I'd rather have water. I only drink wine during dinner or special event." Evalyn said as she slowly felt homesick and missed her father and mother.
"Of course your Majesty." He gave a bow to the two before leaving and returning with a glass and pitcher of water. He set the tray of water onto the table pouring water into the medium sized glass. Once finished he stepped behind Victor prepared for anything else he may need.
Victor only grew more angry the more he thought of Sir Ross falling in love with another woman besides his childhood friend. "Excuse us for a moment." Victor told Evalyn. Atticus come with me.

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