A Court of Kings

Genevieve was left in the library, feeling awful because of her attitude. "What have I done?"
Baldur was still standing by Victor when he saw Atticus approach. It was strange to be looking at the throne room from here with his friends. He had seen his grandfather up there many times but now this was where he would be. By his King.
Cassie went outside and sang to the sky as the clouds floated here and there and the coronation came closer.

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Reneka Phantomhive the duchess of Phantomhive dukedom walks in. Many eyes glares at her as she arrived late for the coronation ceremony. The light brown haired duchess walks in with utter sophistication along with her brother.
She bows a little and greets him with a smile. "Your Majesty, its our pleasure and honor to witness the ceremony"
Cassie came back in once the commission settled down and the ceremony began.

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Evalyn walked to her seat in the throne room marked -Lady of Winterstone- As she waited for it to begin.

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Reneka looked around. People were gathering and flattering each other. She sighs as she awaits for the ceremony to start.
Atticus watched as people took their seats. And he snuck a glance at Victor, his structure calm and collected. Atticus twiddled his thumbs, his palms sweaty. He looked down at his shoes and smiled anxiously, he was far more nervous then Victor and it wasn't even his ceremony.
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Cassie was placed across the room near Victor. She watched his body language and facial expressions. "He looks so calm and focused, but inside he feels as nervous as ever..." He thought to her self.

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Reneka took her seat. She looked around the room and then at Victor. 'He will be a fine king....maybe ', she debates in her mind.
Victor stood at the throne anticipating his crowning, as his dukes and duchesses stood in lines leading up to the throne

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A large, hardened, grey man entered the throne room bearing the crown of Tremont in his hands. The small chatter of the people began to hush as he made his way towards the throne. His polished ebony and crimson armor shined in the candlelight. Wilbert Braun had served the previous king nearly all his life. He had watched victor grow up along his grandson and thought of him as one of his own. His emotions began take him and his eye welled up. But only for a moment. He gave Victor a wink then inhaled sharply through his nose and raised his chin as he spoke to Atticus.

"As the kings personal servant you have been given one of the most important responsibilities that can be had. You must ensure the the king is comfortable and well prepared so that he may engage in his kingly duties at his best at all times."

He turned to Baldur with a stern look."General Braun. You are the kings right hand. You are the iron rod that is to be brought down or stayed at his whim. As General you must be an icon of Stength, intelligence, courage, and resolve. Not just to your king but to the people of his kingdom."

He turned and saw victor standing unmoved and determined. "There are no ends to the responsibity of a king. You have been humbly given the fate of this kingdom. To rule, protect, and make prosperous its people. This is the right that is now yours. We can only wish to serve you in your life so you may uphold these responsibilities."

One last smile at Victor and one tear down his cheek. He placed the crown upon Victors head and kneeled.

"Long live King Victor Tremont!"

Everyone kneeled to there new king and resonated. "Long live King Victor Tremont"
Genevieve never attended the coronation, due to the fact that she accidentally fell asleep in the room where King Tremont allowed her to stay. When she awoke, she jumped from the bed in horror. "I missed it!"
"You are to gracious my lord. As for us all, a bright age is coming. I am grateful to have such honorable nobility. Now let's have dinner, I'm famished." The king joked at the end smiling warmly.

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Cassie hurried to Lady Evalyn's side. "Hurry Milady." She said as they walked with grace and posse to the dinning hall.

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The young girl hurried to join the celebration. She burst in, causing the doors to shake the castle. "I'm so sorry. I fell asleep in the library, then my room." She took her seat.
Wilbert ,wine goblet in hand and meat in mouth, came up behind atticus at the table. "Atticus! You looked like a soft wind could have blown you over up there!" He roared with a smile."I trust you'll keep Victor together during these times yes?"

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