A Court of Kings

Baldur continued to survey the room searching the room for any more anomalies. Right hand anxiously gripping his large scythe.

There will be no need for violence this evening. Surely...
Cassie danced with the gentleman watching his body language and expresseion. He looked around the room and saw the new king on the throne. "If I am not intruding, shall I ask what a fine dancer such as yourself be named?" She asked later on with no answer from her previous question.

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Katherine rests her elbow on the table, and then rests her chin on her clenched fist. Kat then lazily surveyed the room.
The diplomat quickly left as a man in black was hidden behind a pillar, with a poison dart.

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Baldur lept foward while bringing scythe to his side. He closed the distance in two strides. He caught the assassin off guard. Moments before the dart left, the arm holding it was severed in a flash followed by a swift right hook to the mysterious figures face. The whole thing took merely a few seconds.

Guards rushed by quickly to apprehend the fallen foe.
King Victor stood from his throne and rushed over angrily "Lock him away, torture him, do whatever you must but find out who sent him!" He shouted with rage.

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The guards picked him up saying "Your majesty, he's dead, it seems Sir Baldurs strike has broken his neck" The king looked to his friend saying "You never have known your own strength, take him away, I'll worry about him tomorrow, tonight we celebrate"

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Baldur began to walk back while wiping the blood from his scythe. "What a shame..." He fround. "I believe some of your guests are a bit taken back by this event."
"No worries everyone! Do not let it spoil your evening!" Victor said to calm the room.

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Atticus watched the man be token away, before leaning down to whisper into Victors ear.

"I think it is time you went to bed, I wouldn't want anything else to happen.."
Cassie felt sick to her stomach seeing a warm body lying on the ground dead. Her head ached seeing flashes of her country being torn to pieces. Blood, screams and eyes watching as death took loved ones away...Cassie practically fell, fainting to the ground.

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"Atticus they will not win" the king snapped. He was sure King Alonette sent him.

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Atticus immediately stood tall, his lower lip slowly quivering.

"Of course my king, I'm sorry for underestimating you for even a minute." He whispered.
Victor sat in his throne with an expression of anger on his face, thinking of the assailant.

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Baldur returned from speaking to the captain of the guard. "The city gaurd has been put on high alert victor. Patrols have been sent to the rooftop and outer grounds as well"
"At the summit, I will question Alonette, I know he sent him, I know it to be true."

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"As a friend to Cassie, she fainted during the chaos and when I looked for her, I cannot find her..." Evalyn replied. "Priority is to protect the king. But Princess Cassie is not as she is..."

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