A Court of Kings

"Send every guard you can find, I myself, and Baldur shall search for her." Victor commanded

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Baldur saw Atticus lokking very grieved and conflicted. He gripped Atticus's shoulder. "Ill keep him safe." He offered a smile to his friend.
Cassie woke up screaming. The image of bodies, blood and fire ran through her mind again. Tears poured down her face and had no clue where she is...

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Cassie, coming back to herself, noticed a few details. It's smelt like smoke that hung in her lungs. Metal was being banged downstairs. She found a candle on the stands and placed it at the window, signaling Evalyn. Suddenly, a young fellow came in and spoke in a deep, terrifying tone; as if he was upset by the setback of the assassination.

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Baldur followed Victor as they began to scour the city together. Often checking in with reports from gaurds as they rode.
"We have to find her, and if there's anyone responsible for this I'll have their heads"

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"Tis a small setback. Thee assassination was a distraction, yet as thee was on the verge of attack, you became the setback." The voice continued. "The king was needed to pay attention to the chaos, not you Milady, dancing with an important chess piece." He came closer and played with her hair. "Sorry to use an innocent girl, such as you Milady, to the kings place of death."

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Victor and about 30 guards approached the black smiths home and banged on the door

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It seemed as though the castle was in chaos. First the attempt of assasination, the death, a kidnapping, what next?! Katherine knew that she should have been just as frantic as the rest of the crowd.. But she wasn't in the right mind to worry
Genevieve got lost amongst the chaos and didn't know what was happening. "Oh dear, what's happening!"
Katherine got bored quite quickly, and stood up. She wanted to know what was going on, and be a part of the action! Even in her somewhat drunken state, she yearned for adventure.
"Open the door or we'll break it in and arrest you!" Yelled the captain

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Lady Katherine went to the front of the castle to retrieve the horse she had left upon arriving. She followed the gravel path to the village, where she searched for the king and his army.
Cassie tried to yell, the than man put his hand over her mouth...he then ran to the window. Jumping to the other rooftop and waited. Cassie then didn't want to yell and put the king in danger again.

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A secondary gentlemen opened the door of the blacksmith. "Good evening my king. What brings thee to my shop?" He asked.

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"Princess Cassie is missing, we're searching every building including yours" said the captain.

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Genevieve couldn't move. The shock and severity of the situation hit her hard. Princess Cassie was missing and she had to help find her, for she had been useless thus far.
They began looking around the place as one of the guards picked up a piece of cloth seemingly from her dress. "Smith, you're under arrest. Seize him." The captain commanded.

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Cassie got up from the bed and sat in a corner of the room. As she took a few steps, the floor creaked.

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The guards busted the bedroom door open. Victor walked in after them with his sword drawn " My lady! You're safe" he said relieved

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