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  1. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    I'm not getting notifications and now I'm so lost.
  2. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] Chapter 1, General Posting Thread

    Rebecca stumbled about attempting to find her way back to the ship on her own. Thinking it wasn't going to be very difficult she had set off without any assistance, however due to the sheer amount of alcohol she consumed it seemed next to impossible. People glared, animals were nearly trampled...
  3. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    I find essays fun.
  4. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] Chapter 1, General Posting Thread

    Rebecca typically kept her favorite parts of the ship in perfect condition, which was anything which required gunpowder. When she wasn't performing maintenance on the weaponry Rebecca was often caught stealing rum from the storage, or when docked, out drinking at various pubs. Lately she had...
  5. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    Yay! *Jumps off her ship and starts flailing* I DON'T HAVE WINGS
  6. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    College is so boring, all I do is pretend to know the work and drool on my backpack when I fall asleep. I can't wait to be a sky pirate.
  7. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    They set their lungs on fire :D *rimshot*
  8. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    Manager found out I'm a lesbian and didn't agree with it so he fired me. It's legal here which sucks.
  9. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    Your queen has terrible news, as of tomorrow she no longer has an occupation. A new diplomat reigns over her cafe and thus fired for reasons which should be deemed unconstitutional.
  10. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    Your Queen doesn't need rules, her say is absolute, and she demands all obey the rules. You can quote me on that.
  11. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

  12. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    Rebecca cares not for Violins.
  13. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    Cannons and rifles and handguns, oh my.
  14. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

    The collision between the ships revealed exactly how graceful she really is. Rebecca was launched forward and landed on the opposing ship on her back, dazed and confused, with bullets rocketing above her.
  15. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

    Yay for rules!
  16. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

    (I'm gonna have to go real quick and come back later today) Rebecca grabs onto her savior, unfortunately gets smacked in the face with the pole and is sent flying upwards, and crashing face first on the ship.
  17. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

    Holding tightly to a rope, standing on a long pole, and flailing frantically, Rebecca screamed and attempted to leap onto the ship, missing entirely. She crossed her arms and continued to plummet. Rebecca: Well crap.
  18. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

    Rebecca coughed and dusted herself off, making sure she wasn't burnt to a crisp. Rebecca: "Help! I'm stuck on a floating island and my bike is broken and I scraped my knee!"
  19. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

    Rebecca leans and lazily drifts towards the sails, going so incredibly slow. Rebecca: The only person I listen to is me and science, and right now science listens to me!
  20. TheLunchboxx

    [Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

    Rebecca: *Appears peddling a small flying bicycle with a propeller* I have mastered science in the most pure form!