[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

Haha, that's what we wrote it off as, since, up til now, I didn't have anything referencing or even resembling a gun in my CS... You musta really been out of it xD
Yeah, I was. xD I get pretty loopy when I get really tired lol. But no, I found your CS now, so all is good.
Ok, good to know :3 glad to have you back among the land of the conscious xD
I love the fact that we have an IC OOC, a place that not only can we mess around with no effect to the story plot, but our charries can blow off some steam without actually wrecking anything of value xD
Just saw the combat rules, looks like they're actually pretty brutal. Am I reading it right in that the effects of attack and defense stack, or how would this work?
Jin! Come to the adventures tab and help me defend the ship!!!! SOS!!

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Like a real battle, they'd stack if you don't have your wounds tended too. It takes one turn to tend to your wound, of course, having the surgeon look at it is ideal, but not always possible in combat.
Oi <.< them dice aren't all that friendly, are they? I'd love to see some examples of how it works, specifically, the defender rolling a one, do they immediately roll again to determine their state of consciousness or?

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