[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

Alright people drop and give me 10!

Lol j/k. xD I hope this goes smoothly. Feel free to send me CS's and all that fun stuff. Even if it days I'm offline I'm not since I'm on my phone. :D
Whoa, whoa whoa. Damn. I'm late. Sorry, you guys. Also, I've edited Novena a bit.


actually, I've edited her a whole lot. She's still not done too.
*just noticed the maps update post, goes to check it out*
Careful, Nid likes to change up people's ranks, she may make you a master gunner too *pokes Nid playfully* :3
Just cuz we loves you, Nid, I don't pick if I don't care :D

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