[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

:o sacrilege! *lives in Germany, the land of Haribo* I dunno if we can be friends after all D:
>.> *considers performing surgery on the hater of Le Bears of Gummy* By the way, I just did a control+F search of my CS for the word "gun"... Not a single mention xD I wonder if Nid was just trolling me or honest to goodness didn't see my CS xD
Yeah, I'm not taking it as a hit or anything, I'm just confused as to what on earth gave her that impression xD
Haha, we'll go with that xD welp, I noticed a few minor changes I wanted to make on Jackson, so I'll get those written up and send them to you for approval and posting, ok, Soli? :)
Ah, Aussies... It's 4 in the afternoon here in Germany, prolly why I'm wide awake xD
Yeah, why wouldn't it be? :D I think it's a good perspective on her view of him as mostly being underfoot and slightly annoying, though he does get the job done xD
I'm adding a few things to his combat potential, mostly just some new tools to use, but I think I'm gonna focus less on being an "up close and personal" fighter and be a battlefield tactician, using stuff like positioning maneuvers and rigging the terrain/surroundings to our crew's favor with traps and such :3 more of a support fighter, prefers to use his craft rather than his (lack of) muscles xD
Haha, he'll leave things like gutting the bilge-rats to you... He's more concerned about battle damage to the ship and the crew than he is about plunder and prestige xD
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*is struck by the sudden paradox of being poked with himself* nope, only 9 pm, and I'm a night owl, I regularly stay up til 3am with all these crazy people xD
Well, I have a few modifications to be made to Jackson's CS, but I dunno if I trust you to be the one to do it xD You wanna redeem yourself by putting some info in my CS without getting me mixed up with someone else? :3

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