[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/klavier-guitars.gif.2cbac40fa45547aa982576b4faf48ca2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/klavier-guitars.gif.2cbac40fa45547aa982576b4faf48ca2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • klavier-guitars.gif
    266.5 KB · Views: 31
So um, will some plot be hitting us soon or should we make some up ourselves? Just wondering on my first post, prompt-wise. :)
Ah shucks. Didn't even notice, and inspiration well is a little dry what with essay and all will get a post up tomorrow.
Ugh. I must've hit some bad bump along the road. My whole body's blazing with the fires of seven suns.

Due to my health, I will be out of commission until further notice. Won't be that long, I assure you. Maybe about a day or two. If I can post, I will.
*pours a bucket of inspiration on Jay's head* :3 and get better, Proc :(
Solitaire said:
Plot is coming in the form of Captains finding their Crews al la the first chapter intro
So, then basically it's a reunion and stuff? @^ @ I'll just make up something to occupy their time then xD
Just a reminder that coloured text in your posts is actually against the rules. It's one of those things that bugs the living crap out of me.
Will be posting soon. Give me a few minutes or maybe an hour to freshen up and get this ball rolling.
So I have had A Thought about a way we might improve the game's rules. In order to give us a more swashbuckly feel, I want to try and institute a rule variant like the "minion" rules found in a lot of RPGs. This'll allow us to have fight scenes with larger numbers of anonymous enemies without dragging the game down or hampering our creativity.

It works like this. Fighting each other or with important NPCs happens as normal, but if a group of PCs finds themselves fighting a group of anonymous NPCs, that enemy group acts as a single entity with a certain number of "hit points." The enemies collectively roll their attack against one PC, which is resolved as normal. The rest of us in the scene then roll a single D6 and describe our character's actions to fight the group of minions. The enemies do not roll defense, but lose the result of the player's roll in hit points, with the group defeated when they reach zero.

I think this would fit with the tone of the game and give us all a chance to show off. What does everyone else think?
@ProcFailures l-lackadaisical? Jackson?! D: you cut me to the quick, Cap'n, I done nothin' but keep the Cutter ship-shape and fit to sail, and you have the gizzards to say he's "lackadaisical" :( I've failed in me duties, Mu'm, and I shall double me efforts (*^*)7
You know she loves everyone. Just with a little tough lovin. Notice she called the crew yoctograms as well.
I did notice xD The thing about Jackson is "I could live for two weeks on a good compliment.*" But the opposite is also true, an insult or a discouraging word will immediately take the wind outta his sails, he'll literally go from almost obnoxiously cheerful to inconsolably depressed and back again in the matter of thirty seconds depending on the situation xD

*Quote from Mark Twain
<.< I knew that was familiar.... I can't believe it took me so freaking long to realize, but I knew it... Proc, do you TWEWY much? xD

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