[Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

Rebecca coughed and dusted herself off, making sure she wasn't burnt to a crisp.

Rebecca: "Help! I'm stuck on a floating island and my bike is broken and I scraped my knee!"
Jackie: Shame for poor Beccy, she got hit direct in the science.

*tosses her out a rope with a zip line/hook for her to secure and slide back to the ship on*
The captain searched about for Rebecca with a spyglass. Spotting the elven gunner on an island just beneath the ship, she rubbed her temple.

"Well this is shaping in to an eventful morning." She sighed in exasperation. "Would someone bring The Stick?"

An anonymous crewmate gave her a long, hooked pole with which she used to try and fish Rebecca up onto the ship.
Gurak just remains quiet as he drops a piece of wood to the floor.

Gurak: Brook played Gurak a weird song. After hearing it Gurak wanted to destroy lovely ship!
Lilith: *shakes her head at the poor elf*

Are ya tryin' to be a modern day Icarus, lass?

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Holding tightly to a rope, standing on a long pole, and flailing frantically, Rebecca screamed and attempted to leap onto the ship, missing entirely. She crossed her arms and continued to plummet.

Rebecca: Well crap.
*shakes head*

Jackie: Pity, she had so many possibilities... She will be missed... *takes off his hat*
Brooksleuth looked down at his captain, sheepishly grinning.

"Musical mutiny? Nay! Gurak's attackin' the ship, I'm guessin' that the Ass Clouds put 'im under their influence."

Brooksleuth grabbdd a rope by the side of the crows nest and slid down on it, landing on the deck of Hangman's Remorse with a thud. Brook left his musical instrument by the Crows nesg, so no-one could steal it. Well, he did have his bow though.

When Gurak blamed him for playing a weird song, the musician looked offended.

"What?! I haven't a played a tune since the Cloud Peril encountered us! Don't go blamin' me!"

Then Brook grumbled, "I swear, me music isn't bad. Isn't it...?"
Captain Soledad deftly catches the falling elf with The Stick while nodding at Gurack.

"Just as I expected. Rebecca! I can forgive everything but disloyalty! Prove your loyalty to me by erasing the treachery from this crew! Attack!" With this, she uses The Stick to fling Rebecca directly at Brook as he slid down to the deck.
Lilith: *smacks Jackson*

Are ye daffy?! Let's go get the poor lass!

*leaps off the ship holding onto the rope attached to the sail. Tries to catch Becca*

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Brooksleuth saw what his Captain was doing and he barrel rolled out of the way. Sitting upright, Brook raised his hands in surrender.

"C-Cap'n! I told ye, I done nothin' wrong!"

Brook's bow was beside a gunpowder barrel and out of his reach, shit.
(I'm gonna have to go real quick and come back later today)

Rebecca grabs onto her savior, unfortunately gets smacked in the face with the pole and is sent flying upwards, and crashing face first on the ship.
The Captain points at Brook and glares fiercely.

"Innocence! Proves! Nothing!" With this, she hooks the musician by the belt and starts trying to reel him in.
Gurak just sort of stood there, cleaning the mess he made while attempting to look as innocent as an Orc could.

"Gurak was so scared. Gurak didn't want to destroy lovely ship."

Inside his mind he was only thinking about one thing.

"How did Gurak end up sleeping in the other ship?..."
Jackie: Well, looks to me like they have enough troubles of their own, I'n surprised the ship itself hasn't fallen from the sky due to the sheer weight of incompetence. I'd a'most feel guilty to be 'tracking them now. I guess I better get some shut-eye instead. *goes below decks of the Cloudcutter, keeping his hatchets close by in case of sudden emergency*

(Night, everyone ^_^ )
Brooksleuth stared at Rebecca as she crashed into a pole, the hell.

He felt something hook onto his belt and a strong pull, causing him to be dragged in the direction of his Captain and onto the floor, face-first.

"But 'mf tellin' the toof!" Brook protested, struggling to speak whilst he was being reeled in on the ground like a fish.
Aye, ye 'ave a point there lad. Sleep well, Jackson.

*watches and laughs from the Cloud Cutter*

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Gurak finally complete cleaned the mess. With a sigh of relief he approached the deck. After spotting Lilith on the other ship he rose both his middle fingers.

Gurak: "Gurak didn't find it funny!"
Hearing a peal of laughter from over the rail, Captain Soledad finally notices the Cloudcutter.

"Bah! You airborne flotsam! What are you lot doing here bothering me? Can't you see I'm trying to conduct an unfair inquisition on my crew?" She gestures threateningly at the Cloudcutter with The Stick, which now has an elven musician (or possibly just his pants) dangling from the hook.
Lilith: *looks up and laughs even more*

Ey Brooks, feelin" a draft up there?

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The musician glared at the Cloudcutter member before slicing off the hook's tope with his violin bow. Quickly tightening his belt again and pulling up his pants, he didn't say any more words to his Captain. He wouldn't want to be thrown out into the ocean, not today, or not ever.

"Get goin' Ass Cloud, I got some dirt to clean up, yer damn crew's dirt!"
Lilith: We may have SOME dirt but yer crew has deserts!

*spits at the ship*

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