[Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

Lilith: Aye, she was and I plan on makin' my cap'n happy.

*grins at the chicken Blades*
Novena: Wow, this is totally right out of whack. Totally more confusing than the i function. Completely irrational!
Aya: *has no clue what her Cap'n is talking about, goes along with it anyway*
Brooksleuth: "Runnin' from a fight, eh? Says the pathetic Ass Cloud. You hold yer own blades, do ye not?"

As he spoke, he smelt a familar scent. Quickly turning around, he hissed as he got hit by one of the Breezy's stinkbombs.

Brooksleuth: "BREEZY, WHAT THE 'ELL-"

His rant was cut short by Vil leaning into him and whispering into his ear. The musician's eyes narrowed and he looked at Vil. A hand blocking his nose as he did so, was it Aya's? He guessed it was. She was the 'nicest' Cloud Peril person he met so far.

Brooksleuth: "What ye tryin' to get at? As much as I like how ye look, ye ain't gonna make me wet by saying things like that."

Vil: -laughs loudly- Oh, by the heaven's no!

I only taunt ye, ye cute little bugger. -pets Brook who is only 2 inches smaller-
"Jeez, teaches you to flirt with our enemies, you sloth!" Breezy sticks out tongue at Brooksleuth. "Stay there anyway, it's much quieter without you on our ship!"
Vil: -looks to Breezy- Eh? You an Aether aswell?

-shakes head- No women on the damned ship, I'll go impotent if I get on!
Brooksleuth rolled his eyed at Vil. He is a fellow crewmember of the Aetherblades, but right now, he's lower than Breezy.

Brooksleuth: "Pathetic way to taunt, I'll say." He then flicked the taller's man's nose.

The West Naiad shot a glare at the Ass Cloud member, "This violin actually has a purpose, unlike ye."

He heard Breezy's voice and the familar insult of a sloth and Brooksleuth rapidly retorted with

"Flirtin'? At least I can talk to people, Farty. And nay, you'll miss me in a few seconds if I just leave."
Lilith: He can't help but feel weaker compared to woman. I think ye are using that instrument cause ye can't use yer proper tools.


-yes that was lame but I is also dead tired xD -
Vil looks to Aya and smirks. He walks over and pins Aya to the wall, his large frame towering over her.

You, do you want to try me, love? I would be happy to taste a Cloud Peril woman. Unless, of course, Brook has other thoughts about it.
*is pinned to all, cranes neck to look up at Vil*

Aya: You.. You're lucky I'm only a musician..
Breezy shakes her head at her two horndogs of shipmates. "Jeez, Vil stop torturing the poor women! Even I feel bad for them." She clicks her tongue at them.
Brooksleuth laughed. "Proper tools? This instrument is as useful as ye'll ever be!" As on cue, he spun his violin around and kept it by his side, if there's a need to use it any time soon.

While his attention was on Lilith, Aya was pinned to the wall by Vil. Brooksleuth glanced at him and sighed, "As much as I hate to defend a Ass Cloud, leave Aya be, she means no harm, unlike you." Brook said, ignoring Vil's comment involving him.

(imma pass out soon, I feel awfully dizzy)
Vil grabs Aya by the waist, spins around to kick Lilith right in the stomach as she came up, holding Aya closer.

"Wench? Isn't that what you are?"

Looking to Brook, Vil only smirked.

"So you say I can do whatever I want, eh? And Breezy, you'll understand if you were a man!"

Vil then proceeds to jump up onto the boat, Aya over his shoulder.

"I'll be back! Ahaha!"
(Im done for tonight, Khuyen you can npc Brook if u want or K.O 'im out, I think I'm gonna go vomit. Good night err'one!)
*Is thrown over Vil's shoulder*

Aya: Let me go you fool! I said let me go!! *punches and kicks at Vil*
Lilith: *falls down and coughs. Takes a few breathes in and looks up to see Aya get taken away. Tries to stand*

Get back....here...you bloody cocker!
Vil looks down onto Lilith.

Only if you'll take her place, wench! Haha!

(Mnngh.. Imma go follow after Volca and head to bed.. be back in a few hours. Lori, take control of Vil for me if ye want)
- is heading to bed too. Been up for 48 hrs. Proc can take over Lilith till I get back-
Jackie: *bursts through the door he just sawed down, waving the blade wildly around to the peril of all present* What in the name of Poseidon's left kidney is going on out here?! Is it them Aether slugs, or just a pesky mosquito or... *looks around and notices that not even the crickets are here to chirp, it's so empty* ...or.... or.....

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