[Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

Lilith: *glares at the sound of the song and aims Horus at Brooks*

Ye better stop that before I blow ye hunk of wood to pieces!

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Brooksleuth peered down at them but continued playing, his bow expertly stroking the violin's strings.

"I gotta do what I was born to do, Cloud scum! Ye should be happy that this song is dedicated to ye and the horny pirate."
Lilith was actually caught off guard by the musicians comment.

Lilith: Ye talkin' out yer backside, ye daffy buzzard.

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"Nay, dumb wench. I be talkin' from my mouth."

Brooksleuth ended his performance and he placed his violin aside.
Leon dashes into the scene, applying his Flintstone brakes to stop himself. He says, out of breath:

"I'm here... *inhale* Lilith.... *inhale* at your request... *inhale*"
Lilith: *Looks over at Leon* You hear something Leon? I can't tell if it's the seagulls or some random Chicken Blades.

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Leon: *Finally catches his breath* Nope. Not a thing. As a matter of fact, all I see here are you and a couple of would-be life-sized bloodstains.
Lilith: *laughs* Aye, like I would let a Chicken Blade like you into my bunk. Oh that was the best jest if I ever heard one.

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Leon: A blade? Nah... but I'm a pretty damn good bow and arrow.
Jackie: *comes up from the under-deck, rubbing his eyes sleepily and looking over at the Othermaids across the strip of air between the two parties*

'T'sa bit early for you Maids to be having your keisters handed back to you, ain't it? Why don't you run 'long and do something useful. Jumping overboard would be pref'rable.
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Jackie: Eh, You womens has your beauty rest, don'tcha? Well, I gotta have meself a good lie-down every so often too, right? Can't hurt with a face like this *grins cheesily*
Speakin' o' which, it's about time for my mid-mornin' nap.

*heads back down below decks and crashes back into his hammock again, and starts.... sawing logs*

(the pun! xD sorry, couldn't help myself.. But it's late, I'll see ya'll in a few hours :D )

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