[Race For The Queen's Juniper] The Misshapen Adventures of the Cloud Peril and Aetherblade Crew

Jackie: TEMPESTS TAKE IT, I SLEPT IN AGAIN!?!?! *slashes all the all-around, cutting down several masts and nearly taking out the drive mechanism that keeps the ship aloft* oh.... I'll have to fix that later... *stumps inconsolably down into the hold to get his tools and start fixing stuff up*
Breezy huffs at Vil, before turning to the newcomer. "W-what did you just do to my beautiful door?! You monster!" She quickly begins rebuilding the door. (Where'd she get the wood from?)
Vil drops Aya down onto Brook, ultimately making Brook the cushion. He turns to face the newcomer.

"Who the hell are you?" He cried out, his hands on both his swords hilt.
Jackie: I'm here to rescue Aya, you scum-ridden bottom feeders! *slides past Vil's legs and snatches Aya off of Brook and makes a flying leap off of the Aetherblade ship's deck railing, snagging the railing of the Cloud Cutter with a ropes, swinging to safety, a la Indiana Jones*
Lilith: *grins and follows Jackson* Ta-ta Chicken Blades *leapes off the Aetherblade and catching one of the sail ropes of the Cloud Cuttrr and sliding down*

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Jackie swings wildly on the end of the rope, trying not to be turned into a puree by the mad flying bicyclist

Jackie: Hey! watch where you're... flying... that... thing...
Lilith: *blinks and stares at Rebecca* Ey, don't get near the sails with that you bugsy lass!

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*Enters the scene while still wearing his pajamas*

Gurak: Too much noise, Gurak don't like. If Gurak don't enough get beauty sleep Gurak ugly.
Rebecca leans and lazily drifts towards the sails, going so incredibly slow.

Rebecca: The only person I listen to is me and science, and right now science listens to me!
*looks at the hulking orc that has just made his appearance*

Ummm, just remember, you said it, we didn't.
Lilith: *scurries out of the orcs way*

I think it's a little late for that *chuckles*

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Brooksleuth was suddenly in the crow's nest, peering down at the flock of Ass Clouds and a couple of his fellow Aetherblades. He didn't know how get up there, since he was sure he passed out for like, a good couple of minutes (writer was sleep, zzzz). Aya was rescued and a strange-looking lass was flying a weird...bicycle.

Brooksleuth lowered himself down into the crow's nest and out of view.

"These damn Ass Cloud's 'nd their shit."
*Looks at Lilith then at Jackie*

Gurak: Gurak may be strong, but Gurak has feelings. Feeling that have been hurt.
Jackie: *Looks pitifully at the orc* Aww, sorry to hear that, big guy. Didn't mean nothin' by it, here, have a muffin. *tosses Gurak a freshly-baked pastry of delicious awesomeness*
Lilith: Awe Gurak, we jest cause we like ye. No need to get all sobby.

*pats the orc on the arm*

As apology. How 'bout I let ye 'ave a taste of some Chicken Blades, eh?

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Gurak: Gurak accepts your apology. Gurak happy now.

*Starts eating muffin.*

Gurak: Chicken Blades? Gurak has no idea what those are.
Lilith: *points to the other airship*

See those cowards over 'ere? They be the Aetherblades, or as I like to call 'em, Chicken Blades. Now, they had the nerve to try 'an kidnap our 'ittle ol Aya. What say you teach 'em a lesson?

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*Dramatically drops the half eaten muffin*

Gurak: How dare they? Gurak is pissed now! Gurak shall crash their every bone. Gurak will rip their rips and smack them with them. Gurak shall give them a long speech that will center around the reasons why that was wrong. And Gurak will stitch their lips together so that Gurak doesn't hear their screams!

*Runs towards the airship, flailing his arms*
Jackie, whispering to Lillith: When do we tell him that he's a part of the Aetherblade crew?
Lilith: * snickers*

After he's wrecked about half the ship. I think that's about the right allotted time.

*snickers again*

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Brooksleuth heard and felt a massive ruckus happening down on the deck of thr ship, slowly raising himself up to view them again, he saw Gurak tearing the Hangman's Remose apart. Or at least, trying to.


Doesn't he realise he was an Aetherblade...?
The captain emerged from her quarters, yawning and checking her pocketwatch. Noticing the rucks, she watches Gurack tearing apart the ship for a bit, before nodding approvingly.

"Mister Morbash! Taking some time to check inventory I see? Good man, good initiative. You'll do well on this ship."

She then wandered over to the rail while lighting a pipe.
Gurak looked up at Brooksleuth.

Gurak: "Brook! Gurak is happy to see you are here! You must help Gurak destroy the ship of our enemy!"

Before he continued destroying his attention got caught by the voice of the captain.

Gurak: "Captain? Why aren't you attacking enemy ship like Gurak is?..."
"Dear, did you eat some strange berries again? You're still on our ship, where did you think you were?"

She looked up at Brook in the ship's rigging. "Mister Thamalath, what is going on here? If I find out you've instigated some sort of musical mutiny I will be very cross."

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