[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

He will be when Brook's played his tune on him ;) idk im inclass rn qwq
Pssh, yer just jealous that you can't get a wench, you have to settle for what you can get xD Jackie, on the other hand, has masculine charm and debonair wit, he's just waiting for Mrs. Right Pirate. xD
Oh great, now the lad's going to play a magical violin on the two of them. I sense an evil plan forthcoming. Careful, though, if it can be replicated, Barbarossa's going to be able to replicate it for the rest of his life.
*wears earplugs, chainsaws ain't 'xactly good on the ol' drums* It'll take more than magic tunes to catch this crafty pirate unawares. Maybe he'll consider if you had surgery to change a few things. *holds up his saw menacingly and gives you the Axe-Crazy grin* I think removing all your limbs should do, the head will have to go, of course.

*revs the saw* "Vroom vroom, me hearty!"
(I think that last line is gonna be Jackie's battle catchphrase, it's too damn perfect for his attitude xD )
Also, Brooks, I just read your last Scurvy Dogge post, I wouldn't do it if I were you, even Jackie is scared to death of Lil xD I mean, on top of Horst (literally) throwing you out if you pick an actual fight, it ain't gonna be worth it if you have a 50% chance of being made into Lil's next pair o' leather boots xD
Stickdom said:
@Solitaire, regarding the latest announcement, are we starting in the same area, or separately? I think it might be a bummer to start us off on the wrong foot with a big fight straight off.
Also, as far as dice go, are you factoring in character skill levels for their specialties? As in, players like gunners get some kind of bonus to fire cannons accurately, even more bonus when the master gunner is leading them, etc.? Just a thought, I didn't see much ship-to-ship combat listed there, thought you might want to address that *pulls out the Stickjar of ideas and puts two cents into it*
Oh hell no, we're starting off separately. xD Even though both captains saw each other, they'd be docked away and both be too busy wanting to be the first one in.

As for bonsues, I guess we can factor them in? It wouldn't be able to be much of a bonus, unless I change the die to a higher face die and edit the rolls things.

You'll never know~
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Haha, Soli, you should know us by now, you know we like to mess around, and you gave us all THREE OOCs to fill up, I'm surprised we've been able to fill such a tall order so far xD

As for the roll bonuses, I was just thinking adding like +1 to whatever it was that was rolled. Kind of like a leadership bonus, you get a little morale boost when you have a cheer/whip behind you (depends on the leader's mood that day xD )
And The Scratcher's poor taste in music strikes again! xD

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