[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

Aye I did, Jacks. The young lass wanted to know somethin' and I was jus' supplyin' her with a possible an'ser.

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ProcFailures said:
"Real sorry about their behaviour, 'specially Jack's. Rules gotta be followed in Horst's turf. I'll make sure he gets his equations comin' to him." She gave a light smile.
Cap'n-sempai is upset with me. D: I didn't do anything wrong Q~Q
Gah, the site had to go down just when I finally had time to post.

Sorry, me hearties, no time to read what's happened since. I'll review and update first thing when I wake up in eight hours.
Important Announcement



If there's anything specific you guys want in your current ship inventory, let me know what it is + your ship name. This includes foodstuffs that aren't on the list and that aren't personal inventory, medical and engineering supplies.

We will be stocking up before we leave, the current food inventory will be the amount after we get our supplies. The amounts will be updated once a week in game time.

(I am still updating it right now, so bare with me.)

Yes. There's rum.
Umm, not to put a downer on it, but do we really need all that? can our ships hold all of those supplies? 80 barrels of salt seems a little excessive, since all it takes to get pure salt is a barrel of seawater left to evaporate. 2 tons each of peas and barley seems excessive and heavy, but at least we won't starve. We're also gonna need a LOT more citrus than that, scurvy and dysentery is a real problem, and it'll take several pieces of fruit a day to keep health up. Oil, we could use a bit more of, both for cooking and lamps. I'd take at least another 20 barrels of oatmeal, that stuff is bland, but it fills a stomach like nobody's business. Potatoes seem to be good, coffee is yuck, but I know some of the crew likes it. Sugar can be used sparingly, so five sacks should be enough. The rum rations are both reasonable and sufficient, we should have no problem there unless someone decides to sneak rations <.<

This has been Jackson's inventory review, take all opinions with a grain of salt (since we have tons of barrels of it to spare xD )
Yeah, but how hard is it to go down low and fill a barrel with it? :P we're still over a lot of open water, and I wasn't saying get rid of ALL the salt, just lightening the load a bit.. you can discuss it with your crew how you wanna do it, but I'd say lose a few barrels, gain a few knots of speed, ransack the slower ships and take all of their stuff that you didn't have to buy yourself :D
I figured you had done as much, though I doubt we'll need so many supplies, since we can't stay in the air for very long without some kind of refueling every few weeks, right? I'm leaving final decisions up to you and the captains, of course, but I was just throwing some (hopefully) helpful opinion out there, take it as you wish :)
Yeah, true... I'm cutting down some of the amounts now. :3

I really should decide how long it takes to get from continent to continent... That's important.
That's better :D sorry for being the one to rock the boat, I just like details to be in order :3 Dang, now that I'm looking at all this stuff that you can do with the supplies, I really wanna be promoted to Quartermaster in the RP, item management is fun xD
Seeing that your boss is going to be caught dealing with numbers for extended periods of time if confronted with supplies, it's better off that we had someone to do a proper, logical job.
Well, you have your ranks with FirstMate/Quartermaster mixed, plus I don't really wanna have to change his backstory and such, so I may just wait it out in the RP and let him get recognized for his item-management skills, maybe he'll get a promotion :D
Aww, heck with it, I'll make him the Quartermaster if Nidelia doesn't want to do that portion of the job. *goes to rewrite a portion of Jackson's ever-changing charrie sheet* I'll make a copy of the way he is now, and if she decides she wants to do it, I just won't post it :3
So, with those travel times, how are we gonna pull of intercontinental travel of more than three months (Black Hollow to Briarglen, example) if we only have fuel for several weeks max? Simplest solution is bring extra fuel (how do the airships run, anyway? Not gasoline, obviously xD ) which means rearranging cargo even more to make up for extra supplies... another solution is to travel some of the way by sea, since they ARE still boats that just happen to fly too, but that will affect travel times as well :3
For the sake of the RP's length, I'd suggest lowering some of the times, seeing as we can't have travel for almost a third of a year, then realize we forgot something (or someone), go back. it would take in-game years to get anything done, and possibly longer IRL, seeing as sometimes the posts come slow.. Time skips are viable, but there'd have to be a lot of them, and a lot of important details skipped over xD *starts piling all of his pocket cash into the Stickjar*
*pokes the subject of Aether* What exactly was this for then? I thought that's what powers the ships, some kind of crystallized energy source or something? We could have hovering/flying engines that burn the crystals at a slow rate, like a futuristic coal furnace, though it gives out a lot more power, a large crystal (say, as big as your head) could probably keep the ship aloft for a day or maybe two if you keep it stoked. That would fall under the position of Sailing Master, seeing to the "furnace" and making sure the energy stays up to the proper level. :3 *has filled the Stickjar, empties it out and starts over again*

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