[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

I'm gonna have to have Soli fix that, it's gonna bug me that Jackie is older than just about half, if not all the crew xD
Just went through all of the CSes, Jackson is quite a few years older than the Aetherblade's captain, who is the oldest in all the CSes, are we taking racial age into account instead? It just seems weird for Jackson to have the experience of a forty year old with the maturity of someone just out of teens, being ordered around by a captain that is almost half as old as he is xD
Instead of buggering myself about it, I'll just have Soli edit it, make his age a straight-up 27, and remove the "Elvish years" bit xD *still thinks that the higher ranking officials might want to be a little older, late 20's is kinda young for a Cap'n, eh?* xD
made Barbarossa younger cause I figured his work didn't require as much leadership... but I do agree with stick on this.
Well, a navigator I can see being a bit younger, since it's all about charting skills to and from places the captain decides, you still have a say, but it's not as much leadership, more of a guidance, and a young kid can read a map just as well as an older gent/lady, so long as they trained themselves for it.

(LE GASPS) i forgot to add that ughh, anyways. I gotta get to school soon. I'll be in SB and replying, but not much qwq
Is or isn't? I assumed he was sopping wet with the juice he tried to snort, and Jackie was just letting him sit in it xD
It spilled onto the table when he tried to throw it at Jackie with his mouth : P but yeee, lets keep at it
*directs Le Bosun to the other Side Adventure he created, Ye Olde Scurvy Dogge, a less destructive outlet for character practice and development* xD
Im in school rn, might not reply as fast enough or not at all, just a heads up!

And Sticky, THANKS SO MICH FOR THE CHAR DEVELOPMENT THREAD, I'm gettin' into Brook nao.
Haha, sure, I'll love ye with the business end of me chain-sword, ya dafty rodent :P
<.< don't get too close, there, Jay, I'm not to sure which direction Barb's trousers are facin' either, and Jackie's too fond of an actual woman's touch ta have them kinda feelin's, if ya catch my sea-breeze

*is a method actor, there IS NO such thing as OOC with my charries xD you should see my character for the Night Vale RP* xD

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