[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

Ah yes. The infamous stickjar :D I agree with stick. Also. What's the difference between navigator and sailing master in this case?
Har har, Brook, don't ye wish you had some of this hot air to fill your flimsy sails? You'd be better off hangin' yer cap'n's under-robes off the mast, they be quite big enough, I hear. *smug grin*
@firejay1 there doesn't seem to be much difference, given Soli's descriptions D: maybe the navigator is more the maps-and-compass kind of guy, while the sailing master keeps an eye on the actual sails and steering themselves, like a pilot with a little bit of engineer thrown in? That's what I'd say, anyways, it only takes a few to read a map, and between the Navi and the Cap'n, that'd be more than enough, I think *flicks a dubloon into the Stickjar*
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If I'm not wrong, a navigator plans, charts and informs/advises the captain of the best route to take.

A sailing master is in charge of the sails, their condition and the amount of furl. Unfurled, half furled, etc. He's also part of the navigation (as in piloting) team.
Yeah, but that wasn't quite clear from Soli's descriptions in the lore section, I was just trying to logic out the differences in me own wee little head, Cap'n :3
Ey, I'm just gonna start calling you "The Scratcher", you're like a rat, underfoot, stealing valuable food and air, and make pesky noises <.<
But ye had at least thought of a nickname for me. I sense a hate 'n' lovin' relationship, Ain't that right, Jackie?
Haha, Scratch, ain't you funny. Lovin'? Not on your life, even if you had yer backwards knickers changed to frontwards knockers, I dun think if I'd touch you with the long end of a fish-rod. xD
Tis' why I said a love 'n' HATE relationship~ But again, you thought of sayin' to touch me, someone's rushin' things too far.

( im dying its too early in the morning omg, plus Brooks so duomb rn im ssooorrrrrrryyyyy )
*didn't know that chickens had paws, is mentally befuddled for a minute, mostly because of the copious amounts of ale consumed earlier*

He did start it, Ma'am, and one'a my mottos happens to be, "I won't throw the first hit, but hang it all, I'll throw the last one."
Haha. This is OOC chat right? Btw stick, my character's a guy. Was just practicing pirate talk, which I admit I'm still not totally certain I can maintain. Has there been no thread made for the main adventure yet?
No yet Jay, we're waiting for a CS but we made Side Adventures :)

(Which Brook is hating right now, everyone's teasin' the poor lad.)
Not a character, a player, Jay xD someone called a charrie and they haven't posted a CS I'm assuming, not nothing you can do about it xD
@Broken\-Angel, I just realized... Jackson is older than your charrie xD by, like, twice as old <.<

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