[Race For The Queen's Juniper] OOC Chat

Man, I need to shape Brook better. The Side Adventure is practice but I'm just not getting into it, ugh dammit me
Ah, yes, Killi's... Dang, she takin' forever xD that humanicorn has no sense of time!

*jokes, really has no idea of @Killigrew 's sense of time* xD
"I think we got off at the wrong 12 inches."

"Toe the x-axis one more time..."

"You're out of your vector."

"Get out of my way, digit."

"You son of a digit!"

"*whips out megaphone*Attention all 000s! Your treasure will be subtracted and subsequently added to our x, in which x is the number of loot we possess."

I pretty much have Novena's whole character down pat.
Haha. I almost never truly have a character down until I'm at least 10 paragraphs in. but that is a spunky personality she's got there. How in blazes did she get to be the captain of the ship?
Because Cloud Peril is worser off without one.

?? Did I just? Idk what i did
Jay, you should get some practice in, come join us in the Side Adventures, you'll have your charrie down pat in a bit, and you don't have to worry about messing up the RP if you decide you want to change some bits of his personality :D
But I has NOOOO idea who my shipmates are and who the others are. Popped in for a peak and was like "ope, wass gwine on here?" *being a very lost little birdy.
Haha, anyone that Vol calls an "Ass Cloud" is on your side, and all of the "Othermaids" are in theirs xD it's a good place to learn your teammates and how they act as well, you really get a feel for how the ship is gonna run
(S)he's a Cloud, Angie, the navigator guy, looks pretty chill to me :3
Ah. Then yes lassie/laddie, come join us as we show the Chicken Blades just how bad they stink.

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Jay, we can practice our character's together xD . I can't get into Brook rn either
That would be laddie, there, Bosun, and technically, he's a bit higher ranking than you/us in the scale of things, bein' a navigator and all

*totally got flashbacks to the movie "Flight of The Navigator" and relives childhood*
Have fun with an Aetherblade, rn he's the sandbag for everyone. xD Crack-wise anyway.

He's the Aetherblade Musician.
He's a sworn-frenemy, I just can't seem to harbor too ill feelings for him, even though he gets under my skin something fierce xD must be the fact that I enjoy knowing that Jackie could pummel him at anytime, in a good day, but we choose to be rivals instead xD
haha. Cool. I'll see if I can't interact with him.... *actually a little nervous. Is it weird that my charrie cross-dresses?
Tis' the reason why I can't get into Brook's character xD , its so strange but idk
Not at Jay.

Brooks is full of 'imself. I think ye be compensating for somethin' with that violin of his.

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He's supposed to be the sarcastic teasing type, but I had no idea how to do that until Khukhu gave me an idea, okay LOL

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