Search results for query: *

  1. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    (ooc: alright, i'm going to bed for real this time. goodnight guys.)
  2. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Optimus blasted the head off of a Decepticon attempting to stab Jet's back before firing at attackers getting too close to the Ark for his liking. He managed to get at least one kill with every shot, and always killed a group of their foes whenever his lucky shot came up. He also took the time...
  3. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    The coms came to life with a crackle and the sound of a transformer being torn in half. After a moment, Grimlock's voice would be heard, sounding equal parts furious and gleeful. "Grimlock to Autobots in range! Them Decepticons resuming assault! Prepare defenses!" The coms went quite again...
  4. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Optimus gave Shatter Blast and Jet a nod of greeting, shaking Jet's hand when she offered it. "The honor is mine, Jetstream. Welcome to Iacon." He then thought for a moment and turned back to Steel Fang. "It will take a bit more time before everything is loaded and everyone is aboard. I...
  5. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Optimus shook Steel Fangs hand. "I am Optimus Prime. It is a pleasure to meet you and your companions, Steel Fang. I only wish our meeting was taking place under better circumstances." Grimlock was getting there at his own pace, because Grimlock did everything at his own pace, even when it...
  6. AkenJizo

    Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Question: how is Sentinel Prime still alive if Optimus has already become a Prime?Sorry if my posting rate slows down; I'm watching episodes of Axe Cop right now.Imma log off for tonight. goodnight everyone.Nevermind, it was earlier than I thought it was.
  7. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    (ooc: they're not attacking yet, man. he's saying get to the ark before they attack.)
  8. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Grimlock gave Shatter Blast and annoyed look. "You Shatter Blast stay out of this. This matter between Dinobots." He then turned his attention back to Steel Fang. "You New Spark can make all demands New Spark likes; Me Grimlock not respect you Steel Fang until you earn it. Right now, Me...
  9. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Grimlock gave a grunt of acknowledgement to Jet before giving Steel Fang a derisive snort. "Maximals? Leader? Ha. Him Optimus Prime only leader Maximals have, and you Dinobot, not Maximal. Me Grimlock can see it in you Steel Fang's optics."
  10. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Grimlock was not impressed, because it's very hard to impress him. "Other Dinobots already at Ark. Me Grimlock only support you're getting." He then turned his attention to Steel Fang's new comrades. "Who them with you?"
  11. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    A new voice cut into the conversation. "Me Grimlock already here, Steel Fang. Me waiting on street." And with that curt intrusion, Grimlock exited the conversation as quickly as he joined it. Such a bot of subtlety, he is.
  12. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    The gates opened, though slooooooowly (because big gates always open sloooooowly. It's a law).
  13. AkenJizo

    Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Name: Optimus Prime (formerly Orion Pax) Age: Old Gender: Male Rank: Autobot Leader Faction: Autobot Remnant Function: Faction Leader, All Around Badass Appearance: Robot: Vehicle: Weapons: Fully upgraded Path Blaster, Energon Sword, Energon Axe, anything he picks up...
  14. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    "Roger that. Grimlock will rendezvous with you as soon as he can. Once again, good luck." And once again, Optimus ended the conversation.
  15. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    "Understood. Are you going to try to fly your way to the Ark, or go through the city?"
  16. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    "Permission granted, Shatter Blast. The Decepticons have fallen back to regroup, but we don't have much time before the fighting begins again. Be careful."
  17. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    Optimus answered almost immediately. "This is Optimus Prime."
  18. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    "Understood. Good luck. All of you." And with that, the Autobot leader ended the call.
  19. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    As it turned out, Optimus was no more supportive of that plan as Grimlock, though he wasn't nearly as caustic about it. "I'm afraid I can't authorize that, Shatter Blast. The Ark was specifically designed to get us past Megatron's blockade. If you tried to do the same with a hastily repaired...
  20. AkenJizo

    Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

    The voice of The Last Prime was decidedly grim as he answered Steel Fang's query. "I'm afraid the worst has come to pass, Steel Fang; Cybertron's core...has shut down. We only have a few weeks at most before all systems go offline, and after that, Cybertron will no longer be capable of...