Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Emperor Of Embers

The Red Kaiser of Flame
Steel Zinogre submitted a new role play. @Steel Zinogre, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Faction (Autobot Remnant, Decepticon Remnant, Maximal, Predacon):

Function(jobs like scout, munitions and weapon master, berserker, ETC):

Appearance(Robot and vehicle/beast forms, picture is appreciated):




Extra (what makes your Soldier unique?):
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alright, just so you know i have a maximal character as well, but i have not posted him yet. and there can be more than one soldier in a faction. 
Name:Steel Claw

Age: 20 earth years


Rank: General

Faction (Autobot Remnant, Decepticon Remnant, Maximal, Predacon): Maximal

Function(jobs like scout, munitions and weapon master, berserker, ETC): Berzerker, melee master, and heavy weapons master(includes flamethrower), also a scientist/ medic

Appearance(Robot and vehicle/beast forms, picture is appreciated):


Weapons: Tungsten tipped claws in both forms, flame thrower in beast form, X-18 scrapmaker and Neutron Assault Rifle (both fully upgraded.), and the same sword and shield as Grimlock.

Personality: same personality as Grimlock, but has intelligence that rivals both Shockwave and Soundwave. He also is know to hold way more rage in his body than any other cybertronian, making him unpredictable and dangerous to all factions. he is also compassionate, caring, and understanding when he is calm

Bio: Steel claw was born in Shockwave’s lab as an intelligent replacement of Grimrock, however, Shockwave gave Him intelligence that matches his own, so he could continue experiments in Shockwave’s absence. But when Shockwave thought of him as imperfect due to discovered design flaws, he was thrown away and left for scrap, until the Maximal and Autobot forces found him laying in a pile of rejected experiments near Kaon. Steel Claw then vowed to fight alongside the Autobot remnants and Maximals, and exact his revenge on Shockwave himself.

Extra (what makes your Soldier unique?): He is a remodel of Grimlock, therefore, he is a “Brother” of Grimlock. He also hate insecticons more than any other cybertronian, even a mere thought of them will send him into a berserk rage. He is also Resistant to dark energon, allowing him to control it like megatron.
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Name: Grimlock

Age: Geezer

Gender: Male

Rank: ME GRIMLOCK AM KING OF DINOBOTS! (Autobot General/Honor Guard)

Faction: Autobot Remnant

Function: Dinobot Leader, Elite Assault.


Weapons: In Robot Mode, Grimlock carries a large energon sword and shield, and he can easily tear apart his enemies through sheer brute force. He also has a fully upgraded Riot Cannon, but he needs to switch out either his sword or his shield in order to use it. In Dino Mode, Grimlock gains very sharp teeth and claws, as while as a sharp-pointed tail he can use to skewer his enemies and the ability to breath fire.

Personality: Grimlock is impulsive, battle-hungry, and very, very angry. He prizes and respects strength above almost everything else, so much so he has challenged Optimus for leadership of the Autobots several times in the past, mostly due to the Prime's perceived weakness in those situations. Grimlock is an extremely straightforward person, and he won't hesitate to tell anyone exactly what he thinks of them. He is a warrior, and believes there is no problem that cannot be solved by repeatedly punching it in the face. Grimlock has a grudging respect for Optimus, despite the latter's sickening mercy towards captured foes. While Grimlock was never a paragon of intelligence, Shockwave's experiments took their toll on him, taking a hotheaded berserker and turning him into a hotheaded, relatively unstoppable idiot. That being said, he is capable of using actual tactics, but he's such a blunt person that he rarely ever bothers anyway. He hates those who abuse their power, and will stop at nothing to crush any such scum he comes across. He despises Shockwave and the Insecticons above all other beings for what they did to Grimlock and his comrades.

Bio: During the early to early-middle centuries of the Civil War, Grimlock was the leader of the Lightning Strike Coalition Force, an elite attack unit of the Autobots. One day, however, he and several of his men were captured by Shockwave, who preceeded to experiment upon them heavily. The Decepticon heavily modified the captured warriors, attempting to turn them into unstoppable weapons that he could use against the Autobots. However, some sabotage courtesy of Starscream accidentally set Grimlock free, and he began to rampage his way across the base he was being held in. After finding and gathering his comrades, Grimlock began to hunt down Shockwave in order to get revenge for the pain they'd endured at the scientist's whims. While he did manage to make kill his way to the Decepticon, he was unable to kill him, and Shockwave escaped with his life.

Grimlock and his comrades (now calling themselves "The Dinobots" after something they heard in one of Shockwave's myriad logs) returned to Iacon with the bitter taste of failure in their mouths. They were greeted with relief at their safe return, but the experience had confirmed something that Grimlock had long suspected. The Dinobot leader exploded at Optimus, ranting that he was too weak to lead the Autobots to victory, and demanding that he prove his worth as a leader in combat (the first of what would become several such demands). The two fought, and after a long battle, Optimus Prime emerged victorious, and Grimlock accepted his authority once again.

Since then, despite the odd squabble between him and Prime, Grimlock as remained on of the Autobots most stalwart allies, his sheer disgust at the Decepticon's abuses of their power ensuring that he would never be swayed from seeing them scrapped. He was eventually inducted into the Honor Guard for his long and illustrious service, though functionally his role didn't change. He usually joins battles where the fighting is heaviest and where the Autobots need that extra push to achieve victory. Grimlock will not stop his campaign of destruction until the last of the Decepticons (and their "children", the Predacons) were crushed underneath his feet.

Extra (what makes your Soldier unique?): Grimlock is one of the strongest and sturdiest Autobots ever built, but due to Shockwave, he is also undeniably one of the dumbest. Still, despite now technically being obsolete due to his "brother", he's retained his position as KING OF DINOBOTS for a reason, and should not be underestimated.
Save me an Autobot! I'll make a character later, I have to go to a party soon :3 


Yellow Stance


19 earth years.







Function(jobs like scout, munitions and weapon master, berserker, ETC):

Mechanical engineer, scientist.

Appearance(Robot and vehicle/beast forms, picture is appreciated):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9be2f44_Schermafbeelding2014-07-10om11.32.07copy.png.d451f457b5cd58b3552992fe93439b30.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22342" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9be2f44_Schermafbeelding2014-07-10om11.32.07copy.png.d451f457b5cd58b3552992fe93439b30.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/r43_219x164_10078_Cheeteech_2d_cat_mechanical_animal_robot_sci_fi_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.f3ae32d02b0aa554603d735dfd020c8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22341" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/r43_219x164_10078_Cheeteech_2d_cat_mechanical_animal_robot_sci_fi_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.f3ae32d02b0aa554603d735dfd020c8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Robot form: Energon grenades. Electricity stars (shuriken). Two Energon short swords.

Alt. form: Long sharp claws and her speed increases by two.


Yellow is young and hyper is she wants to be, she still has the spirit and inexperience of a youngster. She's also snappy and has a bit of a temper sometimes. She likes blowing up things and creating new things, that she can blow other stuff up with.


Found as a sparkling, Yellow was taking under Sentinal Prime's wings. But being the great leader, Sentinal was gone a lot. Yellow found herself spending her time around Wheeljack, creating and testing experiments with him. Even though Sentinal was supposed to take care of her, Wheeljack was more like a father to her, as weird as it sounds. She learned how to build new things… Also knowing how they would blow up. Though her experiments are usually more successful than Wheeljack's, it still creates a bigger mess when it isn't.

Once she's busy tinkering, it's wise to stay away for own safety.

Extra (what makes your Soldier unique?):

Is twice as fast as the average robot due to her small form and is very flexible.



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Alright everyone, we need a few more people to be predacons. Remember: you can have 2+ characters of any faction, as long as you can handle jumping from one Character to another. i have also made an update for this rp as well, please read it.
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Name: Jetstream

Age: 18 earth years

Gender: Female

Rank: Soldier

Faction (Autobot Remnant, Decepticon Remnant, Maximal, Predacon): Predacon

Function(jobs like scout, munitions and weapon master, berserker, ETC): Scout, Assassin,

Appearance(Robot and vehicle/beast forms, picture is appreciated):





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-11_14-20-45.png.b8608cd064e25daa4a8ec751aa3a490d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-11_14-20-45.png.b8608cd064e25daa4a8ec751aa3a490d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jet also has a two long wrist blades, that are light gray and brimmed with a glowing teal color, it's also thin but sharp enough to cut right through a cybertronian, yet it requires speed to satisfy. (It is connected to her arm, and is strongly attached.)

(the gun is a subsonic repeater)

Personality: Curious, kind to allies, strict when she has to be, sarcastic, good with overlooking plans, and usually social.

Bio: Jet was born to kill Maximals and autobots without question, and she did do that for a while. But soon, she began wondering why she was doing this, and why no predacon told her for for what reason they were fighting. On duty as an assassin, Jet would start spying on the maximals without killing them, trying to catch up some info, but she got none, other than noticing the maximals seemed to be kinder toward each other. One predacon spotted her spying, and soon she was back to assassinating, yet she would hesitate, and often be the one loosing the fight, retreating back to safety. Jet is slowly building up the courage, and hopefully she can convince herself to ask a passing by maximal a question, instead of attacking it.

Extra (what makes your Soldier unique?): She wants to be with the Maximals, but she could be killed if found turning against the predacons.




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Alright everyone! We are now starting. Reminder: we are starting on cybertron as a prologue, then we take it to earth, where the real story starts.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

Age:29 Earth years



Faction:Was Decepticon Remnant,Now a formal Maximal

Function:Hevy Scout,Elite sharp shooter



Beast Form


Weapons:(Not as transormers expert so bear with mi)

Heveli modefied Null Ray

X18 scrapmaker

Energon Axe



Personality: mostly hostile all the time and angry but wen it comes to do somthing he will not hesitate and most of the time he is silent

Bio:He was 1 of the best scouts in the desepticon but he dint whant to fight for power he whanted to fight for freedom and there lives to be back to normal so he desided to ally with the Autobots but now he is still a desepticon for now and he spyse the autobots to join them as he is tired to serve for power but for freedom

Extra (what makes your Soldier unique?):wen in His stealth bomber form his color changes to total black and on his left wing has a Radiation Logo and on the right desepticon logo and has the habit of smoking live bullets

(Not and expert at the transformers and im bad at inglish so keep that in minde


Age:20 earth years



Faction=Was Decepticon Remnant,now former Maximal

Function:Light scout,Watcher(basacly the 1 that tells cordinants,Location of enemys to the Sharpshooter)

Appearance(Robot and vehicle/beast forms, picture is appreciated):



Energon sword

Null Ray

EMP Shotgun

Personality:Similer to Shroud,s but she is much more respectfull and loyal

Bio:She was sent to finde Shroud for betraying the desepticons and bring him back but she has beter plans then Capture Shroud

Extra (what makes your Soldier unique?):Has bin companion With Shroud for very long time and being With Shroud wen they were sparkling,s there like Brothers to 1 another
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Accepted, i know you are not good at english, but please, try to make your posts understandable. I am not trying to be mean, i am sorry if i am.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk 
Name: Shatter Blast

Name: Shatter Blast

Age: 19 earth years.

Gender: male


Faction (Autobot Remnant, Decepticon Remnant, Maximal, Predacon): Maximal

Function(jobs like scout, munitions and weapon master, berserker, ETC): Scientist, Berzerker, Melee and Weapons master, and scout, Architect, Digger, Engineer, medic (since his claws are honed for digging through anything, and his knowledge in architecture allows him to build almost spot-on replicas of ancient statues and buildings, and make modern buildings from the blue prints he makes in his head.)

Appearance(Robot and vehicle/beast forms, picture is appreciated):


Weapons: Claws, Corrosive Bolt Cannon (can also shoot concentrated bursts of energy instead of Acid, piercing the armor of his foes at full charge, however, it can do rapid fire with weaker shots, can also use it in beast form by elevating the cannon over his head as it remains anchored to his back.), Tail axe, his Biting force in both forms, Anything that can shoot fast and shoot explosives.

Personality:he is very aggressive, volatile and unpredictable, he is also as intelligent as Perceptor. he is also a master when it comes to punching, shooting, and slicing up anything that has “Con” in its name. he also has Psychotic tendencies as he likes to torture his foes, love to play with chemicals, and is proud to be a maximal, when torturing his prey, he becomes very sadistic, and with good reason. he then becomes insane along with his sadistic nature when torturing as well.

Bio: Born into the maximals using Lazerback’s modified CNA by Perceptor, Shatter Blast was just a monstrosity to the other autobots, but Optimus saw potential in him and decided to teach him to fight against the Decepticons and Predacons.As he grew older, he began to discover his origins and his beast form, and his beastly instincts as the clone of a predacon. when he got captured by the Predacons, he learned quickly of what they have done to his maximal/autobot brethren and discovered his hunger for other cybertronians, specifically the Decepticons, Predacons, and Insecticons. With this knowledge, he manages to escape using sheer Force and return to Iacon with the information, he was too late as it was falling apart into ruin. now looking for fellow maximals, he fights off the Decepticons and Predacons on his own.

Extra (what makes your Soldier unique?): He is the first maximal to look exactly like Lazerback, his predacon counterpart. While Unpredictable and Volatile, he makes a great ally to the maximals. when enraged, his armor becomes as hard as a Titan’s armor plating, making him more resilient to physical damage than a Titan. he also has a natural resistance to Dark energon, since he used to consume it just to survive when normal energon was low.
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Name: Optimus Prime (formerly Orion Pax)

Age: Old

Gender: Male

Rank: Autobot Leader

Faction: Autobot Remnant

Function: Faction Leader, All Around Badass




Weapons: Fully upgraded Path Blaster, Energon Sword, Energon Axe, anything he picks up

Personality: Optimus Prime is an extremely empathetic person. In a universe with a power-hungry tyrant bent on revenge no matter the cost and a planet eating god-like monstrosity, Optimus cares. He cares about everyone, even Decepticons and Predacons. All he wants is for the War to end and the killing to stop.

Bio: Orion Pax was a data clerk for the Iacon Hall of Records during Cybertron's Golden Age. He began to feel uneasy about how Cybertron's society was run when he noticed how frankly unfair it could be, believing such a thing to be inherently wrong. One day, he was contacted by a gladiator named Megatronus, who shared Orion's displeasure with the current state of things, and the data clerk was quickly swayed to Megatronus' side. Together, they were part of a movement to bring equality back to Cybertron, and end the suffering of the people.

After years of campaigning, the two of them finally got an audience with Cybertron's High Council, giving them the chance they needed to truly make a difference. However, Megatronus (now calling himself Megatron) began to show an extremist attitude, proclaiming that the current rulers needed to be forcibly removed, and demanding that he be made the next Prime. Orion didn't like such methods, and thus, he pleaded a peaceful message of unity to the Council, believing that violence wasn't the way to happiness for Cybertron. The Council was so moved by Orion's plea that they named him the next Prime, a move that infuriated Megatron so much that he completely cut ties with Orion. Before the year was out, Megatron lead his Decepticons in an attack against the city of Iacon, and in doing so, started a war that would end in the greatest of tragedies.

In the early centuries of the war, Orion stayed out of the fighting as best he could, taking a support role and helping the wounded. Eventually, however, he was pressed into front line service. He fought on the front lines for a year before coming face to face with Megatron himself. The resulting battle was as short as it was brutal; Megatron blasted a hole through Orion's chassis, severely wounding him and severing all ties of friendship the two once had for good.

Orion was saved by Sentinel Prime, the leader of the Autobots at the time. Realizing that the Autobots were woefully unprepared for a war, let alone a war with a force as violent as the Decepticons, Sentinel had Orion reformatted, saving him and transforming the former data clerk into a warrior now named Optimus.

The decision proved to be an excellent one, as the Decepticons simply had no one besides Megatron (and perhaps Soundwave) who could stand against Optimus. Optimus single-handily rallied the Autobots, restoring their dwindling morale and leading them to victory time and time again. It got to the point that when Megatron finally killed Sentinel Prime, Optimus was not only the most obvious choice for successor, he was the only choice. Now called Optimus Prime, he continued leading the Autobots for the entirety of the war.

One day, Megatron managed to poison Cybertron's core with Dark Energon, and Optimus traveled down to the planet's center in a desperate attempt to heal it. However, it was too late, and so Primus himself gifted Optimus with the Matrix of Leadership, turning him into an actual Prime.

When Optimus returned to the surface, it was with a heavy spark; as he'd failed to heal Cybertron, it was inevitable that his home would crumble into rust. The only hope the Autobots now had was to flee to the stars and hope for a new beginning elsewhere. Optimus now directs all efforts to that goal; he will get his people to safety, and then they will find a new home, where they may finally know peace.

Extra: Optimus is the leader of the Autobots, and the bearer of the Matrix of Leadership. He is the last of the Primes, a title he wears with a heavy spark. He is also the best fighter on the Autobot's and Maximal's side.
(i noticed this forum so HERE WE GO)

Name: Eleutherian Prime (Eleutherian=latin= Liberty, yeah game references)

Gender: Male

Age: Ancient.

Faction: Autobot

Bio: Created to be one of the first protectors of Cybertron, this warrior has never let anyone down. That is until he was thrown into the sea of rust. He manged to save the Matrix but not himself. He went into a stasis lock and sank to the bottom of the sea of rust. Millions of years later, he was found and they began repairs on him. Now he fights to save what is left of Cybertron and try to rebuild it from the ground up.

Function: This cybertronian is almost as ancient as Cybertron. He was originally designed to be a weapon monger, but when he became a prime he was a leader for the decades. He gained the matrix of leadership, but he went offline so now leadership has been getting thrown back and forwards between primes.

Weapons: 2 Plasma cannons, a battle rifle, and a mobile ordnance cannon. Also equipped with a energy sword.

combat: He is trained from medium to heavy combat and can take vast amounts of damage. He is also very focused and never off set from his target.

(visor should be blue)

Alt.form : (This is him if he were left in the sea of rust to came back himself).

Personality: Somewhat quiet and very hard on recruits. He pushes men to new limits and gives them new hope upon the battlefield. He is uptight, yet very open to ones he can trust. Being a mix of a commander and brute is hard for him, this means a bad temper when pushed to it, and has to set an example for his men which can stress him. He tries his best to stay emotionless.

Likes: He generally appreciates the people who fight for the right thing. He likes to know his enemies better before really attacking them, and grows onto his allies.

Dislikes:The ones trying to destroy his planet. Ones who disrespect or kill others. And decepticons and predacons

Extra: He used to be the the soul holder of the Matrix of leadership.

Name: Bridge

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Faction: Autobot

Bio: An Autobot battleship that assisted the rescue of Eleutherian prime, which gained life when Eleutherian's spark gave a bit of energy to the large ship. It has never transformed but has always been an intelligent being.

Function: Built to be a galactic dreadnought, he carries many bots and guns when in Battleship mode. Out of Battleship mode he is a walking fortress with 3 turrets with 3-18 in pulse cannons, 18 auto cannons, and more then 50 AA.

Rank: Guardian

Weapons: 3 turrets with 3-18 in pulse cannons, 18 auto cannons, and 62 AA guns.



Earth transformation:

Alt form:none

Personality: Unknown

Likes: Autobots.

Dislikes: Decepticons.

Extra: Brought to life by Eleutherian's spark, and the largest Autobot since Metroplex.
Morbuskid said:
(i noticed this forum so HERE WE GO)
Name: Eleutherian Prime (Eleutherian=latin= Liberty, yeah game references)

Gender: Male

Age: Ancient.

Faction: Autobot

Bio: Created to be one of the first protectors of Cybertron, this warrior has never let anyone down. That is until he was thrown into the sea of rust. He manged to save the Matrix but not himself. He went into a stasis lock and sank to the bottom of the sea of rust. Millions of years later, he was found and they began repairs on him. Now he fights to save what is left of Cybertron and try to rebuild it from the ground up.

Function: This cybertronian is almost as ancient as Cybertron. He was originally designed to be a weapon monger, but when he became a prime he was a leader for the decades. He gained the matrix of leadership, but he went offline so now leadership has been getting thrown back and forwards between primes.

Weapons: 2 Plasma cannons, a battle rifle, and a mobile ordnance cannon. Also equipped with a energy sword.

combat: He is trained from medium to heavy combat and can take vast amounts of damage. He is also very focused and never off set from his target.

(visor should be blue)

Alt.form : (This is him if he were left in the sea of rust to came back himself).

Personality: Somewhat quiet and very hard on recruits. He pushes men to new limits and gives them new hope upon the battlefield. He is uptight, yet very open to ones he can trust. Being a mix of a commander and brute is hard for him, this means a bad temper when pushed to it, and has to set an example for his men which can stress him. He tries his best to stay emotionless.

Likes: He generally appreciates the people who fight for the right thing. He likes to know his enemies better before really attacking them, and grows onto his allies.

Dislikes:The ones trying to destroy his planet. Ones who disrespect or kill others. And decepticons and predacons

Extra: He used to be the the soul holder of the Matrix of leadership.

Name: Bridge

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Faction: Autobot

Bio: An Autobot battleship that assisted the rescue of Eleutherian prime, which gained life when Eleutherian's spark gave a bit of energy to the large ship. It has never transformed but has always been an intelligent being.

Function: Built to be a galactic dreadnought, he carries many bots and guns when in Battleship mode. Out of Battleship mode he is a walking fortress with 3 turrets with 3-18 in pulse cannons, 18 auto cannons, and more then 50 AA.

Rank: Guardian

Weapons: 3 turrets with 3-18 in pulse cannons, 18 auto cannons, and 62 AA guns.



Earth transformation:

Alt form:none

Personality: Unknown

Likes: Autobots.

Dislikes: Decepticons.

Extra: Brought to life by Eleutherian's spark, and the largest Autobot since Metroplex.
I love it! But I'm not sure if the owner of this rp is still keeping this active. The last time I remember posting on this thread was months ago.

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