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  1. Yumekibo

    For some reason my laptop just stopped wanting to work so I don't know when it'll fix

    For some reason my laptop just stopped wanting to work so I don't know when it'll fix
  2. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- OOC.

    Ohmygosh guys. I'm soooo sorry for going awol but my mom just got married yesterday and everything was just so hectic leading up to the marriage so I just had no time to explain what was going on Edit: I'll make a post first thing tomorrow morning unless my computer finishes updating soon
  3. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- MAIN.

    i'll add in a banner tomorrow i don't know why i'm posting this so late Evangeline Nazari Outfit with tights| Location:: Nazari Household Evangeline had been planning out this day for weeks. A week's worth of clothes hung from the knobs of her closet with accessories to match; Eva even had...
  4. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- OOC.

    Oh man I leave for a little bit and the ooc blows up I'll do a first impressions and make a post and tons of other stuff as soon as I get home!!
  5. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o - Settings/Locations

    I have to make this really pretty optional uniform Part of the campus This isn't exactly how I imagine the map of the school to be, but the university size that the map depicts is pretty much how large Noctis is I decided to name the more important buildings Within the cafeteria, other...
  6. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- CHARACTER SIGN-UP.

    ?????????? ????? ???? ??? ? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ? ????? ???? ??? ? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?????????? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? {slide=} BODY ;; She's very slim, and the only parts of body that have fat are her tighs and chest // she has faint stretch marks around her abdominal area...
  7. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    @MidnightAnew That's perfectly fine! As long as you have them up by tomorrow there's no problem (they don't have to completely done I just mean to at least have the wip up)
  8. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS

    there goes my head start o(o・`з・´o)ノ I was going to have my character be finished by the time you posted the rp then feel super proud to be like the first one to finish but oh well the sooner the better
  9. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS

    Very interested. I'm stuck between going for the girl next door or the golden girl.
  10. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    I would've replied sooner but I didn't even notice your comment since it was the fourth of july You don't have to do that though! I don't want anyone to drop characters just because the gender ratio isn't equal.
  11. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    @H A N A K O Ah!! Thank you so much for telling everyone. I didn't even notice. I'm really new to this site so I wasn't aware that it wouldn't alert you guys if I edited them in.
  12. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    if you click the pic it opens the slide ??? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ????? Memento Mori {slide=} ? ? ? ? ? ? ll stands at a whopping five feet and four inches. In order to make up for her height...
  13. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    I really have to edit this R O L E S Sicariorum *** Very limited Honestly, not all Sicariorum members have to be crazy. If you want to make your character refuse to do more than harm someone, that's okay. If you choose to make your character not want to be a member of Sicariorum...
  14. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    ...All students are administered a sleeping pill that is said to "maximize creativity", but the upper ranks are allowed to sleep in small rooms. Note* Those that sleep in pods keep all of their personal belonging in designated lockers located near the entrance of the dorm on the first floor...
  15. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o - Notes

    Notes for V o o d o o Please edit this post to suit your roleplay's needs. See Main Thread: Detailed - V o o d o o
  16. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    I'm probably forgetting something Appearance: (anime is required but you can include real pics too if you want) Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Grade level: Role: Talent: Rank: (Basically is your character usually in the 20's or is he/she always at the bottom) Personality...
  17. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    Date:: November ll Saturday Weather:: Windy ll Cloudy Time:: 9:15 AM No classes in session. Students will all have just woken up and most will be on their way to the cafeteria for breakfast. Elites may eat breakfast at their dorm if they don't want to walk to the cafeteria. Use this time...
  18. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    based off of The Vault of Dreamers ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Basically, there's this school where talented teenagers from across the globe go to. The school is home to the ever popular reality show Noctis TV. In it, the more views a student gets on their feed, the higher their popularity rank-...
  19. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    I'm going to get the thread up in a bit. I'll tag everyone so you know when it's up @DreamsAreForDreamers It's really up to you. If you can handle three characters, then that's great. @H A N A K O I'm really glad you're comfortable with curveballs. That's going to be better because more...
  20. Yumekibo

    Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

    I think in order to start this roleplay we need a few more males. If this RP does get up though I'll still be accepting anyone who wants to join so it's not that big of a problem. @ailurophile It's perfectly okay! Feel free to go in whatever direction you want with your character and the...