• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern V o o d o o


New Member

based off of The Vault of Dreamers


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Basically, there's this school where talented teenagers from across the globe go to. The school is home to the ever popular reality show Noctis TV. In it, the more views a student gets on their feed, the higher their popularity rank- blip rank. Higher popularity rank=more money, more fame, less of a chance of getting kicked out of school. The Sicariorum are the most popular kiddos but do bad bad things in order to make money and other good stuff. They have the school backing them up though so they're untouchable....

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Noctis Academy is the most prestigious, exclusive school for the arts. Most get in through natural talent; others enter the school through bribes and connections. The main reason the school receives so many applications is due to the fact that the school is the notorious for bringing its students into the limelight. Whatever talent the teenagers own, most students enroll into Noctis for two reasons: fame and fortune.

Every action that the students make throughout the day is televised across the nation on one of the most popular reality shows: Noctis TV. The show became an overnight sensation with its innovative, interactive system in which one could pick any student of their liking and choose to watch their feed unfiltered. Students, in turn, would have an increase in their blip rank-- a rank that raises with increased views on their feed. The more popular students have ads littered throughout their feed, causing them to gain a fraction of the money that advertisers paid. Some are even allowed to receive gifts from their devoted viewers.

Students' blip rank is what the school thrives around; the lower the blip rank, the more likely of a chance that you will get booted out of Noctis, leaving behind any chances of future. This is why most -and if not all- of the students will do anything to increase their popularity. Backstabbing and revenge are seen as nothing more than formalities at this school. Liars settle into sockets; flip the switch and watch them run. Lying and deception are your best friends in this school. If you want to be at the top, you have to step on others to make it.

If you want to start a fight, you better throw the first punch. Make it a good one.

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The Sicariorum make up what every school has and needs in order to function: Elites. No one truly knows when they came to be, but Sicariorum have prospered for many decades. The Elites, unlike regular students, have a separate dorm just for themselves. They receive the most money from ads placed on their feeds, and their blip ranks never go below twenty. Rumors often circulate on how to join their ranks, but there has never been a proven way to be at the very top. If only they knew of the malevolence circulating the members.

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The only requirement of being initiated into Sicariorum is to have one of the lowest blip ranks; the reason being that those at the bottom will do anything to make their way to the top. Only few of the students that are selected actually join Sicariorum. Those that survive are the victors. They gain the strength they needed in order to surpass their peers. There are only several rules of maintaining a spot as an elite, but if a member breaks one, they are eliminated. Everyone is replaceable.

"How far are you willing to go to be at the top?"

"I-I'll do anything."

"Even if you had a chance of dying? Even if you had to kill?"

"I said anything, didn't I?"

The first job is usually never easy for new members. The reward, however, is more gratifying than one would think. Every member chose to throw away their ethics for different reasons. Some needed money to pay for their mother's hospital bills, some needed drugs to stay sane, and some do it just for entertainment. Sicariorum members can have almost anything they dream of. Champagne, cocaine, gasoline and most things in between. Sycophants on velvet sofas, lavish mansions, vintage wine.

Unbeknownst to many viewers of Noctis TV, there is an after hours feed in which members of Sicariorum complete rather sinister tasks in order to receive large sums of money and/or gifts that students normally would not be allowed to receive. They are, of course, allowed to reject any task, but it is in their best interest that they complete as many missions as possible.

Once an Elite, always an Elite. There is no way out.

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  • First and foremost, follow all of RpNation's rules here


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Within school grounds there are three dorms: the dormitory for females, males, and the Sicariorum dorm which might as well be a small mansion. Normal students are not allowed to wander near the Sicariorum dorm, but the rumor is that you can get in as long as you acquire an invitation from one of the Elite.

Both the girls' and boys' dormitory have four floors- one for each grade level. Those below rank 25 are required to spend the night in a sleep shell. All students are administered a sleeping pill that is said to "maximize creativity", but the upper ranks are allowed to sleep in small rooms.
Note* Those that sleep in pods keep all of their personal belonging in designated lockers located near the entrance of the dorm on the first floor.

After all of the students fall into a deep slumber, new students are taken from their pods and trackers are injected into their forearm for future purposes.

Maximizing creativity by taking the pills is part of one big ploy in order for the Sicariorum to venture out into the night without worrying about being seen by a peer. The electric gates surrounding the school that are usually on -students assume they are used to keep out unwanted visitors, but in reality, the gates are used to keep them in- turn off during the night in order for Elites to climb them.


Freshmen: 14-15 Consists of one hundred students. This is the hardest grade level to survive. the bottom fifty are sent packing while a new fifty are brought in every other month. Before the school year ends, there is one last cut.

Sophomores: 15-16 Consists of 50 students// the bottom fifteen are cut off monthly and transfer students are brought in

Juniors: 16-17 Same as above

Seniors: 17-18 No cuts

Now on to the actual blip ranks:

note*each of the grade levels are ranked separately, but if requested, you can see how your blip rank compares to someone in another grade

For freshmenRanks 100-50: students have to cheat your way to number forty-nine. they are given no benefits and live on an allowance of ten bucks a week

excluding freshmenRanks 50-35: students live on fifteen dollars a week, and remain on edge due to being sent home at any moment. pros? no one will be gunning for their head at the end of the day

Ranks 35-25: these students receive a little bit of benefits. twenty bucks a week and ads are placed on their feed (meaning they recieve some money) and they receive small gifts

Ranks 25-10: students that are ranked here sleep in an actual room with a bed. they live on thirty bucks a week. more money from ads and larger presents are gained

Ranks 10-1: Students of this caliber receive forty dollars a week, are given the most presents, and have the largest room

*note Elites are not necessarily always in the top ten

I really have to edit this



*** Very limited

Honestly, not all Sicariorum members have to be crazy. If you want to make your character refuse to do more than harm someone, that's okay. If you choose to make your character not want to be a member of Sicariorum but has no choice, that's also fine. You can make your character however you want.
I know I left out a lot about Sicariorum. There's something that makes them special, but I'm planning to only reveal this later and only to those that claim this spot. Everything unravels with time.

1. Taken

2. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

3. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

4. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

5. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

6. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

More spots will be added if there is a big interest

Waiting list:

User ll User ll User ll User ll User

The apprehenisve

** Not as limited

These students have a feeling that Noctis is not what it seems to be. Whether they act upon this or not is up to you.

1. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

2. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

3. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

4. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

5. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

6. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

More spots will be added if there is a big interest

Waiting list:

User ll User ll User ll User ll User

The transfers

** Not as limited

If you want your character to make relationships in the rp, this spot is perfect for you. Transfers have only been enrolled for a week. There are no senior transfers.

1. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

2. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

3. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

4. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

5. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

6. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

More spots will be added if there is a big interest

Waiting list:

User ll User ll User ll User ll User

The oblivious

* Not limited

Normal students that have no clue that Noctis is more than meets the eye.

1. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

2. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

3. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

4. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

5. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

6. Name ll Gender ll Grade level ll User

More spots will be added if there is a big interest

Note: Regarding sexuality: I don't want there to be five homosexual males and five heterosexual males or vice versa. If you see one sexuality being repeated a lot, make a character that doesn't have that sexuality. I just want things to be a little diverse and even. Same thing with gender, talent, and grade level.


Just fill this in and leave a comment to be put on the waiting list (Max is three characters so just fill it in multiple times if you want more than one character):

Spot wanted (the oblivious, the transfers, etc.) ll Gender ll Sexuality ll Grade level ll Talent

Note: Talents include singing, acting, modeling, graphic design, hacking, photography, etc.

I'm fine with several characters having the same talent (unless there's like six characters with the same one)


Listen to them in whatever order you want.


This roleplay relies heavily on the characters. If not enough people seem interested, I won't go ahead and start this roleplay. If you're really interested, I would recommend tagging people or spreading word of this roleplay. I want there to be at least ten characters.

Open for posting


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