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Realistic or Modern V o o d o o

H A N A K O]@Quarantine the roleplay was posted by [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36853-yumekibo/ said:
@Yumekibo[/URL] here.

i noticed i was tagged in the OOC, but i didn't get a notification for it. i assumed maybe other people didn't get the notification as well.
Thanks Sweetie! <3

@H A N A K O

Ah!! Thank you so much for telling everyone. I didn't even notice. I'm really new to this site so I wasn't aware that it wouldn't alert you guys if I edited them in.
MidnightAnew said:
Interesting idea!
Sicariorum || Male || Heteroflexible || Junior || Acting

Oblivious || Female || Questioning || Freshman || Graphic Design

I might drop the female/make another male instead if necessary.
I would've replied sooner but I didn't even notice your comment since it was the fourth of july

You don't have to do that though! I don't want anyone to drop characters just because the gender ratio isn't equal.
H A N A K O]@Quarantine the roleplay was posted by [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36853-yumekibo/ said:
@Yumekibo[/URL] here.

i noticed i was tagged in the OOC, but i didn't get a notification for it. i assumed maybe other people didn't get the notification as well.
Sorry, I forgot to thank you after I seen this. I went straight to work on my CS so thank you!
H A N A K O]@Quarantine the roleplay was posted by [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36853-yumekibo/ said:
@Yumekibo[/URL] here.

i noticed i was tagged in the OOC, but i didn't get a notification for it. i assumed maybe other people didn't get the notification as well.
Yes, thanks again for letting us all know! :)

Yumekibo said:
I would've replied sooner but I didn't even notice your comment since it was the fourth of july
You don't have to do that though! I don't want anyone to drop characters just because the gender ratio isn't equal.
Thanks! Though I totally started working on those two characters and got inspired for another male, so now there are three in the works ^^' I'll post my WIPs when I can think of names, haha

That's perfectly fine! As long as you have them up by tomorrow there's no problem (they don't have to completely done I just mean to at least have the wip up)

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