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Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS




Living in the South side of Chicago isn't easy. People struggle with discrimination, poverty, and crime in this area. It's hard to get by without stealing or scamming or doing something illegal. This story takes place in North Lawndale neighborhood. A pretty large neighborhood full of mostly poor families. Although the neighborhood is big, nothing remains a secret in this neighborhood. Everybody knows everyone, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. But almost every single time, it's a bad thing. One particular family in this neighborhood is The Gallaghers. The Gallaghers are pretty well known among their neighborhood, but this is only because of the father, who's a complete alcoholic. There's six kids in the household. One is a 1 year old baby boy, an 14 year old boy, a 14 year old girl(they're twins), a 16 year old boy, a 17 year old boy, and a 22 year old female. The oldest daughter basically runs the household because her father's always drunk and usually doesn't come home, and when he does, it's about 3 AM. Life is tough for the Gallagher family, and their drama seems to affect everyone it comes in contact with in some way.

- don't FUCKIN god mod or i'll kick ur butt.

- don't make your character perfect. this definitely isn't a perfect or ideal living situation that the roleplay takes place in.

- make lots of relationships before the roleplay starts, if your character has been living here for a long time.

- if you have a question, talk to me or my co-gm
@karmaa !!! we don't bite too hard

- no OOC drama. if you have a problem with someone, work it out in a private message. if it has to do with the roleplay, add me or my co-gm to the pm to help resolve the issue.

- the literacy level for this roleplay is between casual and detailed, so i expect 2+ paragraphs PER POST. it's fine if you write 1 paragraph once in a while if you're really hitting a writers block, but i don't want to see a few sentences per post.

- use proper grammar. i don't want to see 2nd grade level english.

- if you don't plan on being active in this roleplay, don't bother to join. i plan on having this roleplay run for a long time, and it's important that members are ACTIVE. if you have to leave for a little while, let me know how long you'll be gone for approximately and we'll make an excuse for your character in the roleplay.

- all drama is accepted in this roleplay, as long as you don't kill anyone without their permission.

- hi i love u


*note: you are completely allowed to interpret these sets of traits however you want. these are just a few basic personality traits that each character should have. if you want some to be changed, let me know because their personalities aren't set in stone and are up for tweaks. just make sure to mix in the general idea into your CS.


1. Father(OPEN)- Male, 38 years old, Straight, Alcoholic, Rude, Irresponsible, Theif, Selfish,

2. Oldest Daughter(OPEN)- Female, 22 years old, Straight, Responsible, Loves her siblings more than anyone else, A little bit bossy, Stressed,

3. Oldest Brother(OPEN)- Male, 17 years old, Straight, Math & science genius, Protective, Selfless, Very funny, Makes bad decisions sometimes, Not living up to his full potential,

4. Middle Brother(OPEN)- Male, 16 years old, Closeted homosexual, Funny, Reckless, Ambitious, Determined,

5. Youngest Sister(OPEN)- Female, 14 years old, Straight, Smart, Responsible, Very curious, Independent,

6. Middle Brother(OPEN)- Male, 14 years old, Straight, Weird, A little crazy, Clumsy,

7. Youngest Brother(NPC)- Male, 1 year old, just a cute lil bab livin life


Nazari Family: The house on the left of The Gallagher's

1. Mr Nazari(OPEN or NPC)- Male, 30 years old, Straight, Religious, Conservative, Alcoholic, Verbally (and sometimes physically) abusive,

2. Mrs Nazari(OPEN or NPC)- Female, 32 years old, Straight, Religious Conservative, Quiet, Shy, Sweet,

1. Boy Next Door(TAKEN
@H A N A K O )- Male, 16 years old, Closeted homosexual, Very funny, Sarcastic, Emotional, Lives with Girl Next Door, Just moved in.

2. Girl Next Door(TAKEN
@karmaa )- Female, 15 years old, Straight, Sarcastic, Funny, Sleeps around a lot, Pretends to be good and religious around her parents.

3. The Golden Girl(OPEN)- Female, 17 years old, Straight, Sucks up to her parents, Goody-goody, Tattle tale, Straight edge, Smart, Athletic, Narcissistic, Popular,

Caputo Family: The house accross the street from The Gallagher's

1. Mr. Caputo(NPC)- Male, 46 years old, Straight, Physically abusive, Currently in jail

2. The Golden Boy(OPEN)- Male, 22 years old, Straight, Sells stolen cars for a living, Taking care of all of his siblings, Rich,

3. Bad Apple(OPEN)- Male, 18 years old, Openly bisexual, Steals a lot, Sells drugs, Drinks, Smokes,

4. Runt Of The Litter(OPEN)- Biological female, Transgender FtM, 17 years old, Closeted lesbian, Doesn't trust people easily

DeLane Household: To the right of The Gallagher's

1. Rich Bitch(OPEN)- Female, 22, Straight, Best friends with the oldest Gallagher daughter since they were 3, Bitchy to most people, Wealthy,

2. Rebel(OPEN)- Female, Open lesbian, Drinks, Smokes weed, Sneaks into clubs/bars, Pick pockets people,


Just other people in the neighborhood that aren't a part of the families listed above.


This roleplay takes place in southern Chicago, and the storyline is based off of the TV show "Shameless" (US version). You don't have to be familiar with the show in any way to be in this roleplay, I just really liked the setting of the show. I don't expect the roleplay to follow the plot of the show.


I left this apart from the rules just so people couldn't skim over it or miss it. THIS ISN'T FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. Multiple people may apply for the same role, and I will choose who I think fits best for each role If your character is an "OTHER", I will read over your character and decide whether or not I think your character would fit into this roleplay. Respond to this interest check with the role(s) you are interested. That doesn't mean you're reserving it or anything, I'm just curious to see which roles peak different people's interests. Anything I wrote about the character roles are up for debate besides the ages. The ages will remain the same, but I don't mind tweaking personalities. also, you can add almost anything you want to your character, as long as it's within reason. Also consider what kind of neighborhood this is. I expect some underage drinking, sex (faded to black of course), smoking, drugs, etc. Not every character will participate in this, but some will. Be realistic with the setting.

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Yes!!! Finally a Shameless rp. I had began to lose hope. I like that while you kept the gallaghers mostly true you added a whole bunch of new families. I would love to join and I can be your Co-GM if yo want.
@H A N A K O[/URL] )- Male, 16 years old, Closeted homosexual, Very funny, Sarcastic, Emotional, Lives with Girl Next Door, Just moved in.

2. Girl Next Door(OPEN)- Female, 15 years old, Straight, Sarcastic, Funny, Sleeps around a lot, Pretends to be good and religious around her parents.

3. The Golden Girl(OPEN)- Female, 17 years old, Straight, Sucks up to her parents, Goody-goody, Tattle tale, Straight edge, Smart, Athletic, Narcissistic, Popular,

Caputo Family: The house accross the street from The Gallagher's

1. Mr. Caputo(NPC)- Male, 46 years old, Straight, Physically abusive, Currently in jail

2. The Golden Boy(OPEN)- Male, 22 years old, Straight, Sells stolen cars for a living, Taking care of all of his siblings, Rich,

3. Bad Apple(OPEN)- Male, 18 years old, Openly bisexual, Steals a lot, Sells drugs, Drinks, Smokes,

4. Runt Of The Litter(OPEN)- Biological female, Transgender FtM, 17 years old, Closeted lesbian, Doesn't trust people easily

DeLane Household: To the right of The Gallagher's

1. Rich Bitch(OPEN)- Female, 22, Straight, Best friends with the oldest Gallagher daughter since they were 3, Bitchy to most people, Wealthy,

2. Rebel(OPEN)- Female, Open lesbian, Drinks, Smokes weed, Sneaks into clubs/bars, Pick pockets people,


Just other people in the neighborhood that aren't a part of the families listed above.
YES SHAMELESS!! i really don't need to apply for this bc i'm swamped but i can't help. my mom instincts are tingling for the oldest daughter.

i'm seriously so excited
The Golden Boy seems like something I could do. Going to give that one a spin. :)
HQIASBDKASDB i didn't think so many people would be interested so quick???

i'm so excited for this omg!!!

i'm going to have the thread up either tonight or tomorrow, probably tomorrow.
seriously tho shameless is my jam, i can't wait for this to start
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My entire family is like in love with it. I can't wait for the new season, especially because it's going to be coming out a few months earlier then normal.
[QUOTE="H A N A K O]omg yes i LOVE shameless. i started it on monday and i'm on season 3 because i have no life.

Ah, I was wondering if you were new. There are so many twists taken it only gets better.
[QUOTE="H A N A K O]omg yes i LOVE shameless. i started it on monday and i'm on season 3 because i have no life.

i'm on like season 6? Im falling behind because i don't have show time so i have to find all the episodes online
by the way guys @karmaa is my co-gm so be nice to her !! she's super cool

since gm's get first pick, she chose the Girl Next Door slot, so it's no longer available.
if you guys know anyone who'd maybe be interested in this, please tag them! a lot of people seem to be going for all the roles except the gallaghers, and the gallaghers are the most important. it's okay if we fall short a few people from the other families, but all the gallagher roles must be filled, besides the father. it's not ideal that nobody claims him, but i understand not everyone wants to be a 38 year old drunk hated by his family. if nobody claims him, he can be an NPC.

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