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Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom - An SMT RP

Will we be able to use 'original' (as in not in SMT yet) demons such as Lugh, or do original interpretations of already present demons (since they do things like change up Lilith's personality and design almost every game)?
Yeah,it'd be nice if that was possible but I personally wouldn't insist strongly on it. Have a couple ideas of demon partners for my character that haven't yet appeared in the games.
Yeah,it'd be nice if that was possible but I personally wouldn't insist strongly on it. Have a couple ideas of demon partners for my character that haven't yet appeared in the games.
Will we be able to use 'original' (as in not in SMT yet) demons such as Lugh, or do original interpretations of already present demons (since they do things like change up Lilith's personality and design almost every game)?
Sure, I'd be down for that.
I find it strange how some obvious gods and folklore figures have never appeared in the games. Like we have Nidhogg, Fenrir, and Hraesvelgr, but no Jormundgandr (outside of Demikids)
So yeah, original demon designs are A-OK


I'm in
Nice! Always happy to have a fan interested

I'm gonna be working on the OOC tonight, as the interest check looks like it was really successful.
Everyone cool with a "character sheet" style format of submitting characters? Also how do you wanna go about communication? Just use the OOC or is there another method you wanna go about it, such as discord?
Sure, I'd be down for that.
I find it strange how some obvious gods and folklore figures have never appeared in the games. Like we have Nidhogg, Fenrir, and Hraesvelgr, but no Jormundgandr (outside of Demikids)
So yeah, original demon designs are A-OK

Nice! Always happy to have a fan interested

I'm gonna be working on the OOC tonight, as the interest check looks like it was really successful.
Everyone cool with a "character sheet" style format of submitting characters? Also how do you wanna go about communication? Just use the OOC or is there another method you wanna go about it, such as discord?
Do we allocate stats like mainline SMT?
Sure, I'd be down for that.
I find it strange how some obvious gods and folklore figures have never appeared in the games. Like we have Nidhogg, Fenrir, and Hraesvelgr, but no Jormundgandr (outside of Demikids)
So yeah, original demon designs are A-OK

Nice! Always happy to have a fan interested

I'm gonna be working on the OOC tonight, as the interest check looks like it was really successful.
Everyone cool with a "character sheet" style format of submitting characters? Also how do you wanna go about communication? Just use the OOC or is there another method you wanna go about it, such as discord?
I personally say communication should be done with an ooc channel/thread. Additionally, I am 'cool' with a character sheet for the purpose of submitting characters.
Yeah,a stat system isn't always a bad thing,but it doesn't hurt to start out by keeping things simple.

I vote for an OOC thread that keeps things onsite,but if the majority goes for something like a Discord server I'm not opposed.
I'll go with the OOC being the main form of communication then!
One idea I have for stats could be using the Skill Potential idea from SMT IV and V. Basically the stuff your character would be better at and worse at Skill Potential So someone with a Physical skill in the negatives won't be too good with Physical skills while if they have a Fire skill in the positives they'd be good at that. This could also be helpful in deciding what demons you'd recruit, whether that be to cover your weaknesses or go all in on one element.
Hope this makes sense.

How is this for a character sheet
Initial Partner:
Skill Potential:
Physical description:

Sorry if all this seems sporadic. Although I have been RPing since early high school, it has been literal years since I hosted an RP.
I think its a good template as well. Also fine with ooc being here since if the site ends up having issues its easy enough to switch to discord if needed. For custom demons how do you want us to run them by you?
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Should our character's skills match those of their partner (as in if we get an ice demon like Mermaid, should our character have positive potential with ice) or are they unrelated? Do we post the characters, when completed, here or wait for the character submission thread to be posted? What is the generally requested age for our characters? Lastly (from what I can ask) what is the in-universe world like (is it something which would affect the character's background like SMT IV's Eastern Kingdom of Mikado or the III's Vortex, or will it be like the modern world until stuff happens)?
Rightio, went out shopping but I'm back. Glad the submission is good!

Should our character's skills match those of their partner (as in if we get an ice demon like Mermaid, should our character have positive potential with ice) or are they unrelated? Do we post the characters, when completed, here or wait for the character submission thread to be posted? What is the generally requested age for our characters? Lastly (from what I can ask) what is the in-universe world like (is it something which would affect the character's background like SMT IV's Eastern Kingdom of Mikado or the III's Vortex, or will it be like the modern world until stuff happens)?
I say the skills don't need to match the skills of your partner. This would mean the characters can cast spells themselves. Especially if we go with the "weapon fusion" idea that I proposed above.
Unless you think it'd be better to fight entirely with your demons and have the characters stay at the backlines, but I think it's more exciting this way.

Character sheets will be put in the OOC when I finally get around to posting it.
The setting will be the real world until stuff goes down. I'm thinking the introductory post will be the main cast arriving at the address in the letter they received. After that, things will take on an appearance similar to that of the Vortex world from III or Da'at from V

I think its a good template as well. Also fine with ooc being here since if the site ends up having issues its easy enough to switch to discord if needed. For custom demons how do you want us to run them by you?
Sure! You can run the custom demons by me now.

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