• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern V o o d o o


New Member
I'm probably forgetting something

Appearance: (anime is required but you can include real pics too if you want)





Grade level:



Rank: (Basically is your character usually in the 20's or is he/she always at the bottom)


Biography: (Optional if you really don't want to do it)

Affiliations: (you can list friends, enemies, or even a love interest here)

These are optional:




Etc. You can add whatever you want to your character
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if you click the pic it opens the slide

??? ?????? ???? ?? ????

??? ?????? ???? ???? ????

??? ?????? ???? ?? ??????

?????? ???? ????? ?????

Memento Mori

no slide

I want to make this nice and pretty but that requires time and effort

I'm just going to fill out the basics so that you can at least get an idea



My touch is black and poisonous


Genesis Hawthorne


Just turned Seventeen





Grade level:





Actress (maybe) original, I know


Usually 21, 18, or 27 (these are her favorite numbers and she basically forces her watchers to keep her at one of these ranks)

I'm a killing spree in white, eyes like broken Christmas lights


Virtues: Attentiveness, Assertiveness, Assiduousness, Dauntlessness, Detachment, Meticulousness, Piety

Vices:Antagonism, Callousness, Covetousness, Cupidity, Dishonesty, Envy, Erratic, Jealousy, Malice, Obduracy, Recklessness

Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you

Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you

Genesis comes off as a very enthusiastic and vibrant person. Even though she has barely met you, she will treat you as a long time friend. Genesis is very touchy and constantly invades people's personal bubbles, but usually, she does not mean anything by getting too close.

In reality, Genesis is very apathetic and could care less what happens to you. She's a two-faced and callous little devil. Calculating and conniving, Genesis plans out all of her actions meticulously. She chooses to only act in ways that will benefit herself and is not afraid to hurt others along the way.

Genesis gets jealous for every little reason but manages to conceal it pretty much completely. If someone even goes so far to even
talk to someone she likes, Genesis' stomach somewhat clenches up. Not much of a problem. But when someone goes as far as to touch someone she likes, Genesis is filled with unquenchable bloodlust and quickly flees the scene before harming someone. Needless to say, she is very possessive and overprotective of those she holds dear and will kill if anything were to bad were to happen.


(Optional if you really don't want to do it)


? When Genesis is concentrating, she -ever so slightly- sticks out her tongue towards the edge of her lips.

? She cannot stand when doors are left open and feels really uncomfortable

? Calls everyone by their last names

? When she sees that someone's eyelash has fallen out, she places it on her thumb, motions for the person to place their thumb over hers, and whoever gets the eyelash proceeds to make a wish then blows it away

? She always licks her lips which causes them to get really irritated and red after a while

? Genesis is the messiest eater. If she doesn't eat with a napkin on her lap, she'll get her clothes covered in food.


? Manipulation

She has a way with her words and, more often than not, Genesis gets what she wants. Thanks to this, her room in the mansion is overflowing with gifts from her faithful viewers.




? Honesty

Genesis is a compulsive liar; whether it be big or small, she usually cannot help but tell lies.

? Memory

? Common sense

Once upon a time, there was a sophomore named Genesis, and the tenth grader microwaved tacos wrapped in foil only to find a fire inside the microwave ten seconds later

? Book smart

During her sophomore year, she constantly missed school from health issues. In all honesty, she should have been held back a year, but Noctis Academy does not really care about their students' academic performance.



Surprisingly, she's religious

Has a very weak immune system

Fifty words for murder and I'm every one of them



I'm going to try to find a song to match up with each relationship so that's going to be fun

??? ??? ??? ???? ????? ????

??????? ????? ?????? ??????? ????

? ????? ???? ???? ????? ??????

??????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ??

??? ?? ?? ????????

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Work In Progress. Form & Coding will be finished soon.


Name: Nicola "Nikki" Holden.

Age: 17.

Gender: Cisfemale.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Grade level: Sophomore.

Role: Transfer.

Talent: Mostly gymnastics, although she also does a tiny bit of dance.

Rank: (Basically is your character usually in the 20's or is he/she always at the bottom)

Personality: Nikki's one of those girls that you just can't help but get along with, because she'll pester you relentlessly until you become friendly with her. Her painful optimism and bubbly nature give her a certain charm to some, but cause a great nuisance to others.

Biography: (Optional if you really don't want to do it)

Affiliations: (you can list friends, enemies, or even a love interest here)

These are optional:




Etc. You can add whatever you want to your character
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"I love Selene! She's really cute and funny. She has her flaws, and flaunts them. It's just adorable, that girl. She's like my little sister. I see her around in class, but I don't really talk to her. No one does, not just me. She's fine with it, though."

"I don't really know her, but one time she tried signing to me that I forgot my name on my paper during a silent test. We had a short little sign language conversation, just me thanking her. I was asking when she learned sign language, but the teacher saw us and thought we were cheating. She started moving her arms in no specific motion, fanning her face and everything like she couldn't breathe. They got her to the nurse. She failed the test, since she didn't complete it, but bailed me out. That was cool."



"You're talking about Selene Iparis? I know her. Everyone knows her. And everyone who doesn't know her is as weird as she is. Obviously she hasn't found anyone as weird as her, or she'd have a friend to be weird with. If she wants friends. What I meant by I know her is, 'I know her name and rank' not, 'I know what she's like.' I mean, I do know what she's like, from what I've heard but- this is a train wreck. Selene's some sort of med freak, and that's all I'll ever, ever need to know."

"It's not that easy. She has mixed reviews. Some people hate how weird she is, and some people love how weird she is. I don't think she's weird at all, people just like to talk about things that don't matter. She's just another person."




Selene Ellaveeva Iparis







Grade Level:





Medically Knowledgeable. This gives her an understanding of the body as well, meaning she can read emotions based on physical responses no one can control. This also gives her an idea of where pain would be most felt, an area with the most nerves, such as the tongue, hands, back of the knees, and ribs. In that way she can cause pain without doing very much harm. This has helped her in rare occasions where self defense was necessary.

Besides having a great understanding of the body, she knows about the effects of many common medicines, and often takes pills she gets from her parents that ensure a long life and health. In this way, she is incredibly healthy. A weakness of hers is diagnosing physical illness. She can identify easy things, such as strep throat or a broken bone, but bronchitis, for instance, can't so easily be diagnosed without proper examination. On the other hand, she can tell mental illnesses easily. Like medicine, she is incredibly interested in researching it, and as a result knows the ins and outs of those types of things.






Honest. Above all, she finds it difficult to lie and deceive others. Not because she can't lie, but it may hurt them. She takes her words into consideration, and rarely says something she doesn't mean.

Harmless. Few people are even close to scared of her, and for good reason. Selene is both physically and emotionally unintimidating, with an open and friendly attitude toward most. This doesn't mean she won't get her hands dirty, just that she isn't one to start fights, or even be considered dangerous.

Smart. Not a genius. She's incredible at memorization, which directly leads to having a higher intelligence.

Spontaneous. This might be from her inability to concentrate, which makes her feel the need to interrupt boring or common situations with something inexplicable.

Excitable. It's easy to make her excited, and she can become hyper with a few words.

Poetic. Some of the things she says make sense to a select few.


(May Add, Consider WIP)




[Will Be Determined-Contact With Questions/Suggestions]



Quotes, theme song, more pictures, etc.



"Ria? The- Oh. I've seen her around. She seems pretty cool."

"She's not someone to mess with, really. She's like a flirty female version of Chuck Norris. Scary."

"You mean Ria Iparis? God. It's She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I'm kidding, but if she hears you talking about her, she'll kick your ass."

"She's alright. I don't think anyone really knows her that well. I think she won't let them."




Ria Eraveeva Iparis








Grade Level:





Combat. She is, in this category, far more dangerous than anyone of her age has reason to be. Due to her training, which was held by her father and occasionally professionals, she has almost flawless plans for every dangerous situation, and reacts quickly when touched. Because of her twin's knowledge of anatomy, she has a better understanding of the most painful places, as well. Due to constant exercise and training, she is athletic, and excels in most physical activities.






-Cocky. She appears to have the most conceited mind in the world; This may be correct.

-Scary. She can come off as incredibly intimidating, especially strangers. She also has a soft, secretive voice that carries the most puzzling words, usually having double meanings.

+Flirty. She spares few with her words. It appears effortless, though she thinks carefully before saying anything.

+Smart. Not all "the limit does not exist" smart. (Heh.) But she is fairly intelligent, and relies on logic for most things. She can twist the truth around, or answer questions indirectly, and does so often.

+Charming. To both genders, she can flirt almost flawlessly in a way that usually causes attraction, frustration, confusion, or a combination of those. That said, she doesn't have flirting super powers, and can in fact become uncomfortable or embarrassed around those she considers attractive, leading to the next trait.

-Awkward. This is reserved for only a few. She's usually smooth and endearing, but around a select few, she can become nervous, especially with those who are attractive by her definition, as well as flirty.

-Insecure. Yeah. Her of all people. She silently doubts herself, and lets out any stress she has in nightly crying sessions, which is, well, nightly.

-Possessive. Just that. She doesn't like others getting in dangerous or flirtatious situation; For explanation, refer to first fear.

-+Mysterious. She does this on purpose, by the way.

+Analytical. She knows exactly how to get under someone's skin, and can usually tell someone's true emotions, especially if they're bad at acting.

-Childish. This is only after she truly gets to know someone. She can become dependent, caring, and innocent when she decides someone has become her friend.


(May Add, Consider WIP)




[Will Be Determined-Contact With Questions/Suggestions]







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In retrospect, I do see where my actions may have been percieved as 'wrong', or at least fit into the socially defined category of 'wrong'.

The thing is, I see something-and I want it. I need it. And I will go to whatever extreme it may take to obtain what I want.

You call it psychotic, I call it determined. It's all down to personal definition.



NAME Xander Delfeuraux. (zan-DUR / del-FYUR-oh)

NICKNAMES Xander doesn't do nicknames. You'll call him Xander, or you'll call him nothing a t all. It is extremely rare for Xander to allow someone to call him by a nickname, so if he lets you call him by a nickname, he must take quite an interest in you.

AGE Seventeen years old.

GENDER Cisgender male, meaning he was born a male and also identifies as a male.

SEXUALITY Bisexual. Xander is attracted to both males and females.

BIRTHDAY Xander's birthday is October 29th, making him a Scorpio.

GRADE Xander is a Junior.

ROLE Sicarorium. He is constantly aware of exactly what's going on around him, or at least he likes to believe he is. Nothing gets past him very easily.

TALENT Science. Xander is completely obsessed with science. Any science related question you have, he'll have the answer. He's mostly obsessed with things regarding anatomy and biology, but he is also extremely knowledgeable in space and molecular science.

RANK Xander's rank is 1, as always. He isn't one to brag about it out loud, but there is definitely an aura of superiority around him to those who aren't as high up on the ranks as him.


HAIR Xander's hair is black, with thin strands of bright crimson red and gold. The strands of red and gold glisten in the light, and compliment his complexion and eye color. His hair is cut in a sort of messy style, with strands that pass his forehead and go over his eyes a little bit, yet it looks neat and well kempt at the same time. He pulls off the messy hair type of look quite nicely. His hair reaches to the nape of his neck in the back. Then the front pieces vary in size, some falling past his ear, some falling past his eyes, and others that are short and don't go past his forehead region. His hair always looks slightly different each day, depending on where the strands decide to fall. Xander always tucks two pieces of hair behind his ears, and let's the rest work it's own magic.

EYES Xander's eyes are his most memorable and striking features, along with his hair. His eyes are a bright, almost neon shade of green that seem almost as if they can glow. His large, bright eyes hold an intense stare to them no matter what expression his face holds. It seems almost as if he's staring directly into your soul, or analyzing your thoughts. Well, most of the time he is actually analyzing people's behaviors and thoughts, but that's besides the point. His eyes also carry little specks of red that are more noticeable up close. His eyes are lined with thick dark eyelashes that make his eyes look a bit more dramatic.

FACE Xander's nose is slim, with a pointed end. It doesn't protrude very much from his face. His nose is kind of small, but it suits him in an unexplainable way. He has a wide mouth lined with long, naturally light pink lips. His lips are somewhat thin, and are usually seen in a wide grin. His resting face usually looks like he's deep in thought. His eyebrows frown slightly downwards, and he rests his head on his thumb with his pointer finger against the top of his chin, leaning his elbow against a table or flat surface.

BODY Xander is very tall standing at the height of 6'5", with a lanky yet athletic build. Although his body seems lanky, he has broad shoulders. His arms are muscular and toned, but not bulky enough to show under his clothing. His muscular torso, arms, and legs are only really noticeable when he's in a bathing suit or shirtless. Xander's skin is a pale, milky color with a dot of complexion to it.

WARDROBE Xander dresses in strictly dark colors. Not for any particular reason, he just finds himself attracted to darker shades, and they also compliment his skin tone, hair, and eyes very well. He dresses in black, maroon, grey, navy blue, and other colors similar to that. The shoes he wears are either brown, black, or white. His usual attire is a slightly over sized t shirt, black skinny jeans (ripped or not ripped), a bomber jacket (black, navy, or maroon), and either a pair of sneakers which are either black or white, or a pair of black or brown combat boots. For special occasions, he wears a white dress shirt with black pants, a black blazer, a tie, and dress shoes.

OTHER Xander sometimes wears a pair of earrings. Usually three on one ear and two on the other ear. On his left ear he wears one cartilage piercing and two lobe piercings, and on his right ear he has two lobe piercings.


PERSONALITY Xander's personality is very complex, and has many different parts to it. Two people who have known him for the exact same amount of time could have two completely different descriptions of his personality and habits. His personality changes and molds in order to get along with everyone that he wants to get along with, or to provide a specific facade to each different person in order to get them to think of him in a certain way. He uses people like pieces in a chess game without them even realizing in 99% of the time. If he wants you to like him, he'll analyze your behaviors and copy them when you're around. He noticed that people subconsciously trust other people who have the same movements and quirks as them. He'll learn references and information about things you enjoy, and mold his personality to fit as your ideal friend. If he doesn't want you to like him for whatever reason, he'll figure out the types of things you dislike based on your behaviors and do things to make you dislike him. It depends how much he wants you to hate him, because if he wants you to hate his guts, he'll go to more extremes than this. There really aren't many people on this planet that Xander genuinely likes, or genuinely hates. He sees people more as opportunities rather than friends or enemies. There has never been one person in his life so far that he's loved or hated. He dislikes his parents, but that's the only real emotion he feels about anyone. If somehow he takes an interest in you and likes you, he'll mimic your quirks and behaviors the same way he would to someone that he is trying to subtly manipulate, except he'll be doing it for a genuine reason. He'll also learn what you like and dislike so he can avoid upsetting you and try to make you like him more. He'll bring you gifts and do favors for you. If he finds himself falling in love with someone, Xander is extremely protective of them to the point where it's almost controlling. I mean, if you even look at the person he loved with a questionable face, you'd better watch your back. He'd kill someone for a person that he loves and not think twice about it. Xander gets extremely jealous very easily when he falls in love with someone. When Xander hates someone, he'll do whatever it takes to make their life an actual living hell. He won't kill them just yet, he'll wait until they're suffering so much that they do it themselves. In other words: don't betray him. don't hurt him. don't get in his way. If you do, you'd better count your days, because you won't have many left. He also doesn't take no for an answer. If he is rejected by someone he's manipulating or someone he genuinely cares about, he'll do whatever it takes to get a yes from them. He will never admit that he can't get something done, so if he's done all that he can and they still say no, he'll just have to get rid of them.

BIOGRAPHY Xander was born to an extremely rich couple. When I say extremely rich, I mean they were practically wiping their asses with bars of gold. They were filthy rich, like they could have probably bought the entire continent of North America. This being said, Xander never had to face a shortage of anything. If he wanted something, someone was already running off to go find it and bring it to him before he even said the words.Never his parents, though. It was always one of the army of maids they had working around the house. Xander was an odd child, this was mostly due to curiosity and the overflowing amount of money and time on his hands. He didn't have any friends. He was home schooled by people who were geniuses in their field of education, and never really left the property his parents owned. Xander was always obsessed with anatomy, chemistry, molecular science, and space. He often theorized about existence even as a young child. Xander, being the curious little genius he was, liked finding dead animals in the woods behind his house and performing surgeries and transplants on them in his lab his parents had paid for upstairs. Xander's parents were never around and his maids and workers didn't dare to tell him what to do, so he did whatever he felt like. Growing up with so much free time, he also liked to watch drama and arguments unfold. Sometimes the maids would have little arguments over the chore list, but other than that, there wasn't much to watch. He'd sneak into their things, steal something from them, and hide it in another maids room. Then he'd indirectly mention it to someone, and watch them fight over who stole what. Xander never got caught mostly because he was just so tricky and careful about it, he hand an entire plan he followed each and every time. it was foolproof.

After being in the house for so long, Xander became bored. No matter what was bought for him, he still wasn't amused. At age 14, he decided he wanted to attend Noctis Academy. His parents wouldn't allow him to. They said he was better off at home, and he had plenty of education at his house. This got him mad. He'd never been told no before, so he decided to do a little snooping. He started to follow his parents out to wherever they went for months at a time, and paid maids large sums of money to fly out to wherever they were going and report back to him. He discovered that his parents were so rich because they owned their own drug cartel and were taking part in human trafficking across the borders. With this newly obtained information, he blackmailed his parents into sending him to Noctis or else he'd report them to the authorities. Of course they sent him there in a heartbeat, and he was accepted the moment he opened his mouth on that campus. The school was extremely impressed with his knowledge of science, and immediately invited him to the school. And, well, here we are today.

AFFILIATIONS None yet. I'll discuss these over PM.


QUIRKS Xander taps his fingers on a table or flat surface when he's feeling bored or impatient. When he's mad but he's trying not to show it, he digs his finger nails into the side of back of his legs as an outlet for the anger. He bites down on his lip when he's very focused. Sometimes eh doesn't realize he's biting down so hard when he's focused, and his lip will bleed.

STRENGTHS Subtle manipulation, Deception, Lying, Spreading rumors, Planting evidence, Science, Reading people, Running, Pressure points, Analyzing people, Stalking/following people while remaining unnoticed, Keeping secrets (when he feels like it), Charming people, Making friends with people, Lying to get his way,

WEAKNESSES Containing his anger in a way that isn't harmful to himself,

LIKES The things he's good at, Writing, Being correct, Winning, Learning about other people/competitors, Sex, Charming other people, Books, Studying, The unknown, Music, Boys, Girls, Dark colors, Nighttime, Stars, Space, Science, Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry,

Cooking (mainly for himself), Strategizing, Theories, Black coffee,

DISLIKES Losing, Not getting his way, Rejection (something he's never dealt with), Being proven wrong (something that doesn't happen often), Being told what to do, Bubbly people, Naive people, Stupidity, Messing up, Accidents, Losing his temper, Cliche movies, Most pop music, Most super sugary things,

GOALS His life goals are to become a world famous scientist, to provide the cure for more than one illness, and to become wealthy by making his own money not his parents', dissect a cadaver, perform surgery, have one of his theories about space become a proven fact.

The thing is, I'm going to walk out of this room as a winner, no matter how I climbed my way up to the winning position.

And you'll be right here. Still in the same pathetic place you were when you arrived.

That's the difference between you and I. You'd rather sit back and play it safe, whereas I strategize and conquer.

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- manipulator.

- silver tongued.

- acts sweet when she has to.

- crazily ambitious.

- coquettish & promiscuous.

- a model, hides behind an air head facade but is actually weirdly smart.

- always has a lollipop. always.


i'm gonna

Name: Kalani Fischer.

(pronounced: kuh-la-knee fish-cher)

Age: 17.

Gender: Cisfemale, meaning she was born a female and identifies as one as well.

Sexuality: Bisexual, and she's pretty open about it too.

Grade level: Junior.

Role: A member of the Sicarorium.

Talent: Publicly, her talents include modelling and cosmetics. Her skills with makeup are actually fairly impressive, seeing as she can go beyond simply making someone look prettier to utterly transforming their face. She's the sort of girl who always looks her best and can't deal with being told that she doesn't.

Rank: Anywhere from 2 to 7, although she's aiming for that top spot and will do absolutely anything for it.

be your


+ There's no doubt about it, Kalani's definitely confident. She's not afraid to show off her skills, and frequently flaunts her appearance, drawing attention whenever she can. She doesn't tend to hesitate too much and just goes for things, rarely letting the thought of consequences hold her back.

+ Ambitious, she knows exactly what she wants and will do absolutely anything to get it-- she really isn't afraid to play dirty. She's a skilled manipulator with a silver tongue, but also finds that often just a little flirting will do the trick. She can get you wound around her finger within moments, convince you to do her dirty work, anything she needs.

+ Although she often hides behind an air-headed facade, Kalani is actually a lot more intelligent than she lets on even if she tries to hide it. As she always says, an underestimated candidate is a dangerous one so she likes to play dumb in order to maintain the element of surprise. That being said, her intelligence shines through accidentally at times and she's quick to correct herself with a 'dumber' substitute comment.

+ No matter what the situation is, Kalani is passionate, whether it's a cause she believes in, a goal she's aiming to reach, or even love. When she feels strongly about something or someone it's almost impossible to change her mind, and once she's set her heart on a goal it'd take a lot to deter her.

+ Creativity. She's quick thinking and resourceful, as well as imaginative.

- Vanity is one of her fatal flaws, and it's pretty self explanatory; she's hot, she knows it, and she's practically obsessed. This leads to her also being immensely self critical, and she's constantly checking how she looks in a little compact mirror which she keeps in her picked or down the front of her shirt.

- You can't trust her because of her ambition; she sees people as pawns she can use for personal gain so once you become useless, she'll toss you aside like a broken doll.

- Because she knows how she herself thinks, Kalani is naturally suspicious of others; when someone is sweet to her, she's wary. When they offer to help, she declines. In her eyes, everyone around her has an ulterior motive.

- Even with all her confidence Kalani's still fragile and if she regards you with admiration, a comment or even a look can send her crashing down. She often needs reassurance that's she's pretty and things so that could be why she's known to sleep around.

- She'll flirt with everyone and anyone. Boys, girls, old, young, taken, single, married, unmarried, you name it.





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(What the fuck is going on!?)

- Ren Yokayama -

oblivious | sophomore | taurus | engineering


"Is that really what you think?"


Name : Ren Yokoyama

Age & Gender : fifteen | cisgender male (his/he/him)

Sexuality : Homosexual

Hair : Black ; usually messy

Eyes : Dark Brown

Height : 5'11"

Physique : Tall and lean built

Rank : 21

"That I'm Just A Reckless Kid?"


To Strangers : Ren is usually not as open when it comes to new people being around him. Of course, he acts polite and tries to make the person comfortable despite on how he feels. Thankfully, Ren is pretty great when it comes to reading people and finding out what kind of person they are. If he hears a bad rumor about you, then it'd most likely sways his opinion and how he treats you.

To Friends : In all honesty, Ren can be affectionate towards his friends. However, he tends to come off as mean to them. His friends are used to this however because he never means harm from it. When it comes to arguments or falling apart, he isn't the one to try to fix it first. He'd wait for the other to try and talk to him and see what happens. However, he just might eventually approach and apologize. out of guilt. He's the one friend in the group who usually calls the shots and make the plans.

To Family : His mother wasn't around him and his little brother as much as she should be. so there isn't much to say about her and Ren's relationship. His little brother is the closest person to him ever, make fun of him and Ren will most likely have a problem with you. Ren's father died in the war around five years ago, but he still honors him until this day.

Romantic Wise : Ren is a closeted homosexual, so his dating life isn't anywhere active. He will often stare at guys without noticing, but wouldn't have the first clue to approaching anyone romantically.

Affiliations: None yet. PM me!

"Give Me A Fucking Break."


- Quirks -

? Is unable to grow facial hair

? Is color blind

? Believes in Aliens

? Thinks love is stupid

? Is a light sleeper

? Is terrified of Airpllanes

? Has a comic book collection

? Always has a lighter, but doesn't smoke

? Always makes a wish at 11:11

- Likes -

? technology

? horror movies

?getting up early

?the rain

?cheering people up


?building things from scratch

- Dislikes -

? hospitals

? materialistic people

? cauliflower

? wasted talent

? the heat

? when someone mentions his family

? cameras

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(I will cut a bitch)

Karin Nakamura

sicarorium | junior | aries | cosmetology


"I'm not just a cute face."


Name : Karin Nakamura (KAI-REEN)

Age : Seventeen

Gender : Transgender Female (her/she/they)

Sexuality : Pansexual

Hair : Dyed pink, styled daily

Eyes : Pink | Contacts

Height : 5'7"

Physique : Slim fit with a small bust and curved at the hips

Rank :10

"I can think of many different ways..."


To Strangers : Within glance, a lot of people think that Karin is an innocent little girl who wouldn't dare to hurt a single fly. Caught under the spell of her being innocent, people would usually look the other way without suspecting her to do such a thing. She interacts with strangers to the utmost kindness so that she would be able to manipulate them later along the road. If she doesn't know you, then you're simply a pawn to her. Be careful with interacting with her.

To Friends : Remember all that talk about you being a pawn? Well now you're stuck in being a piece of her little game. If a person has enough balls to tell her to quit messing around with them, she'll be impressed by their aggressiveness and won't give them as hard of a time. Karin treasures her friends very dearly despite of her being a major bitch. No she's not verbally abusive, however she can be very bossy at times. If she likes someone enough, she just might tell them her secret about being born a male.

To Family : Karin loathes her mother for still referring to Karin as 'he' despite her daughter's wishes to call her her preferred pronouns. Her brothers aren't as supportive with her decision either, but respects her enough to refer to her as a female. Her father is the only person she can't live without, she loves him to the moon and back. She is raised in a dysfunctional household and doesn't like going home because of her family arguing all of the time.

Romantic Wise : If Karin likes someone, she's going to make it known. She's usually the first to make the first move in a flirtatious manner. She's dated a couple of people in her past, but grew quickly bored of them and resulted to being single. There are a lot of times where she flirts with her friends shamelessly and doesn't apologize about it.

Affiliations: None yet. PM me!

"...to destroy you."


- Quirks -

? Has to eat candy or she'll be pissed off

? Is a wonderful dance partner, but is clumsy when dancing alone

? Is secretly an alcoholic

? Hates old people because she thinks they might steal her soul

? Always uses the phrase 'This bitch.'

? Is double jointed and flexible

? Will fight any and everyone

? 'Accidentally' burns a client with a flatiron if they're being rude

? Has a 'Daddy' complex

- Likes -

? makeup

? doing people's hair

? twisted books and films

? tea

? food

? pastel colors

? science experiments

- Dislikes -

? religious fundamentalists

? bugs

? when someone has too much hairgel

? someone testing her inteliigence

? homophobia

? being too early

? bad music

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Isabelle Karine

| sicarorium |

Life is


Isabelle Opal Karine


She is sixteen years old


She is genderfluid. She thinks that choosing one gender is such a boring thing to think about. She doesn't want to waste her time on such a boring thing.


Isabelle is a demisexual.

Grade Level:

She is a junior.


Her talent is English or more specific writing. She has been a genuis at writing ever since she was a little girl. Isabelle's parents pushed her to read and write at a early age and then at the age of 6, she wrote her first book. Which her parents sent to a publishers office and it turned into a big hit. Ever since then, she has been writing and has grown to be known as the writing girl genius.


Isabelle is rank 12

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Issac Karine

| sicarorium |

Why Must


Issac Optimus Karin


He is sixteen years old.


He is a male.


Issac is heteroflexible. Meaning if a really hot guy comes into his life and makes him feels things. All bets are out the window. He isn't solely focusing on girls because there is some really hot guys out there, that could make him feel things..

Grade Level:

He is a junior.


His talent is computer science or more specific hacking. He learned about computers and hacking through his parents. They pushing him to be the best out of all of the kids even his siblings. He learned how to read and write at a young age but those things never stood out to him. One day when he was 6, he found a computer and it was love at first sight. At the age of 8, making his first program and his parents selling it to make big bucks. Since then, he had become the very best at computers and also had the side hobby of hacking which he is also the best in. He is known as the boy computer genius.


Issac is rank 5

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Isai Karine

| transfer |

Being Smart


Isai Omega Karine


He is sixteen years old.


He is a male.


Isai is bisexual.

Grade Level:

He is a junior.


His talent is both science and history. He can literally remember every fact about either history or science. It's due to his parents pushing his siblings and him to their best. He found a science book at age 6 and ever since then he loved it. He was offered by universities when he was younger to study science there but he refused. Then at age 8, he learned about history and fell in love with it. He's been to every museum in the world because of his father. He's also been an multiple science championships and won them all. He's only known as the boy science genius since people don't view history as being important which is why we humans keep repeating it.


Isai has no rank yet.

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Name: Ren Hatsu

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade level: Sophomore

Role: Sicarorium

Talent: Sculpting, she creates advance beautiful sculptures of concrete stuff. Her latest sensational sculpting was one of a man emerging from a woman.

Rank: 6

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- Name -

Carter James Everett

- Age -


- Gender -


- Sexuality -

Demiromantic Pansexual

- Grade Level -


- Role -


- Talent -


- Rank -

Currently 8, Generally stays between 3–9

- Eyes -

Hazel, Seeming to fluctuate between green, gold, and brown

- Hair -

Dirty blonde/Light brown, Always kept neat

- Height -


- Build -

Lean/Toned, Well-maintained through exercise and diet

- Distinguishing Features -

• Scar across his left ribs from childhood shenanigans

• Permanent smile/smirk, rarely frowns

- Clothing Style -

Carter is the type that could make simple look classy. Someone could wear the same outfit, and it's likely that Carter would look better in it. On a daily basis, he dresses simply but neatly, most often found in solid color button-down shirts and pants without tears. His style is generally business casual due to his conditioned habit of dressing nicely for school and going out. He might wear name brand t-shirts and jeans if he's not going anywhere. Carter is fashion aware, but not fashion forward. He likes to look good and is moderately interested in trends, but he normally doesn't want to spend a lot of time on his clothing unless it's for a special occasion.


- Quirks -

• Keeps head up while walking, never looks down

• Has a fondness for antique technology

• Uses endearing titles, sometimes unendearingly

• Believes in the paranormal

- Likes & Dislikes -

+ Flirting

+ Movies

+ Challenges

- Boredom

- Most sweet foods

- Being pressured

- Vices & Virtues -

+ Ambitious

+ Cunning

+ Charismatic

+ Resilient

- Arrogant

- Duplicitous

- Competitive

- Resentful

- Personality -

At first glance, Carter is a studious, well-bred boy with a promising future. He has always been extroverted and tries to surround himself with people. He'll be the first to start a conversation with a stranger, and he likes to make others laugh. Carter gets to know people, often for personal gain, but he's willing to invest some time nonetheless. He is rich and attractive, and he knows it; he doesn't mind using those qualities to his advantage. He's friendly, warm, and can make someone feel like they're important, but be careful—he is an actor, after all.

Although he always has a smile on his face, his view of the world is actually quite cynical. Carter thinks that the world is based on transactions—that no one does anything out of the kindness of his or her heart; people are only interested in serving themselves. Carter doesn't exclude himself from this mentality, so he expects that like himself, no one can truly be trusted. This view has often proved useful in school and in showbiz, but Carter has mistakenly pushed away genuinely caring people by not letting them into his life. He's afraid of commitment and if he starts to think someone is getting too attached to him, he often runs in the other direction.

Perhaps his reluctance to commit is linked to his restless nature. Carter is adventurous and likes change—when things stay the same too long, he gets bored. He is daring, sometimes to the point of recklessness, as he will never turn down a challenge. He gets a thrill from the chase and is not one to take no for an answer. If anyone says he can't do or have something, it usually makes him try harder, sometimes to the point of obsession. It's a matter of pride, really—a quality that Carter isn't lacking in the slightest. He's used to being both admired and envied, and having a reputation is valuable to him.

His fellow Sicarorium members are privy to a slightly different version of Carter Everett than the general school population. Sometimes it's as if the night literally changes him. His old school counselor said he might want to get tested for a mental disorder, but Carter never did. Maybe it's all the pressure of being such a good kid during the day that makes him crack at night. Carter has no qualms with many of the things that happen in Sicarorium after dark. He often hops the fence to cause trouble. He isn't excessively violent, but he gets a kick out of destroying property and getting into the occasional fight. As a person who naturally draws attention, Carter is great at causing distractions but not so great at anything involving stealth. He can be both stubborn and impulsive, and as such, he is not a particularly good strategist but excels at adjusting on his feet or working up a plan in the heat of the moment. He generally makes a good partner-in-crime and has the decency to keep his word or finish a job if he's working with a group or as a team because for a liar, he surprisingly values integrity.

Carter is good at making allies and landing one-night stands, but his loyalty is always a bit questionable when it comes to relationships. He often lies about his affections for someone and can be rather insensitive to their feelings. Carter enjoys people for as long as they are entertaining or useful, but heaven forbid he should get tired of you. Your Prince Charming will turn into the Evil Stepmother and stab you in the back before you realize it. He'll stop pretending to care when he doesn't, he'll be blunt and rude, and he may purposely say or do things to hurt you just because he wants to. As someone used to being center stage, he's not fond of being rejected, excluded, or ignored. Carter can be a bit overdramatic without realizing it, and he is prone to holding grudges. He's not very good at working through problems and would rather avoid issues or cut people out of his circle rather than dealing with them. On the rare occasion he really wants to keep a friend or lover for a long time, he doesn't really know what to do and his cool confidence subsides to a slightly adorable awkwardness.

His mother says Carter was born to be in the spotlight. Ever since he was young, he used to put on shows for their friends, neighbors, or anyone who would watch. At first, it was cute and his rich mother doted on him like he was a little prince. Then, she started home schooling Carter at a young age and turned into a strict teacher who expected nothing less than perfection. She taught him how to be mannerly and studious, despite his young age and need for activity and socialization. After a few very difficult years of home schooling, his mother realized that her tough love might eventually cause them to despise one another. Yes, she was strict but she did care about him and only wanted to see him succeed. So she placed Carter in public school, where he immediately became a target of bullying. He got pushed around, excluded, and beaten up more than once until the day he fought back, stabbing the main bully with a pair of scissors. After that incident, it was private school for the rest of his education. Sure, there were some mean kids there as well, but most of them had been raised like he and the worst things they ever did was lie and cheat.

The new private school proved to be a better fit for Carter, and he made friends with his classmates much easier than he did at public school. He became rather popular and continued to succeed academically in addition to discovering his interest in theater. Between acting classes and visits to the opera house his mother co-managed in her spare time, Carter got hooked on performance art. At first, Carter's mom wasn't supportive of his desire to become an actor. She thought that theater and film should be leisure activities, not careers. She started pressuring him to pick a more practical profession, and the two often got into arguments at home. Carter responded by putting more effort into his acting classes in order to prove that he had a shot at being someone in show business. He landed the lead roles in several school plays and found some parts in commercials and TV shows, and his mother finally conceded. To show that she would make an effort to support him, she submitted his application to Noctis Academy.
To be determined

- Name -

Grayson Harper Mavry

- Age -


- Gender -


- Sexuality -

Homoromantic Asexual

- Grade Level -


- Role -


- Talent -

Creative Writing

- Rank -


- Eyes -

Golden Brown

- Hair -

Orange, Messy

- Height -


- Build -

Thin, Lacking muscle

- Distinguishing Features -

• Wears thick-framed glasses

• Very pale skin due to limited sunlight

• Freckles across the bridge of his nose

- Clothing Style -

Grayson doesn't like to fuss about his wardrobe. He can usually be found in jeans and a t-shirt with a lightweight hoodie. He's economical and wears clothes as long as they fit, probably because he's used to wearing hand-me-downs. Grayson prefers simple patterns like stripes and plaids. Some of his clothes have ink stains that won't wash out. He shows a preference to pastel and neutral colors. He doesn't care about trends or designer brands, but he's a sucker for soft fabrics.


- Quirks -

• Can fall asleep anywhere—the more uncomfortable, the better

• Clears throat and combs fingers through hair (making it messier) when nervous

• Writes ideas/notes on his hand when he doesn't have paper available

• Often wears jackets because he gets cold easily but is also self-conscious of his

"embarrassingly skinny" arms

- Likes & Dislikes -

+ Poetry

+ Solving mysteries

+ Hot drinks

- Athletics

- Bright lights

- Uncertainty

- Vices & Virtues -

+ Diligent

+ Observant

+ Adaptable

- Unadventurous

- Reclusive

- Ineffectual

- Personality -

Grayson is a smart guy hiding behind a facade of teenage apathy. He gives off the impression that he doesn't really care about school, which is true to an extent. He actually tried to flunk out once, but his family won't let him and enlisted friends to help bump up his views and keep his rank high enough to stay in. After it was clear that he wouldn't be getting out so easily, Grayson went back to his usual studious activities, and it's through his wallflower status that he is slowly becoming a wild card.

Ever since he was a child, Grayson has always been observant. He notices things and people that others fail to recognize. He watches underdogs climb to the top and sees plots unfold while they are still in the formation process. Grayson's curiosity can land him in places he never imagined, sometimes for the better and other times—not so much. He has never been the type to seek out trouble or even adventure; he's much more comfortable with things that are familiar and safe. Yet he is surprisingly adaptable and can solve problems when they appear out of the blue.

Grayson doesn't have many friends, but he has an unwavering interest in people. As an avid writer and reader, observation is not only a talent he has but a hobby as well. He's an introvert and not the best conversationalist, but he makes an effort to keep the few people that choose to stick around him. He notices other peoples' interests and won't hesitate to acknowledge their achievements. Grayson is encouraging and supportive, the kind of friend who would believe in you when no one else does.

Despite his lack of conversational skill, he does extremely well with the written word. Grayson can normally be seen with a pen in hand, taking notes throughout the entire class or writing during lunch, or really, anytime. He excels at poetry and short fiction, and those talents got him into Noctis. On the other hand, he doesn't seem to have any skills beyond academics—he's not popular, athletic, or particularly notable. Sure, he's a nice guy, but most people probably don't even know his name. To the rest of his peers, he probably doesn't look like much; however, his viewers seem to be entertained by Grayson's activities.

Since he knows things about people and places, and Grayson is trying to connect the dots in a way that's comprehensible. He doesn't really know what's going on at this school, but he's suspicious of the entire system, and that's what's keeping his viewers interested—they want to see how far he's going to go and what sorts of things he will find out. Unfortunately, Grayson doesn't really have a plan of action if he happens to discover the truth. There's a lot of uncertainty, and he doesn't know where any of this will lead. So for now, he's been keeping the suspicions to himself and continues to barely make the cut while his classmates fight over ranking.

Grayson is the youngest of three boys, and his older brothers made sure he knew he was the runt of the litter. It was all in good fun, of course, but Grayson grew up thinking they didn't like him. In addition to always wearing his brothers' hand-me-downs, he had a speech impediment that his brothers and kids at school made fun of. Grayson's parents sent him to speech therapy, and the therapist was able to help him correct the stutter; however, the emotional damage was already done. Grayson continued to be a quiet loner at school to the point where his parents thought he had no friends. He never talked to them about his feelings, despite their best efforts, though one thing his father said did stick—the idea of writing in a journal. Grayson started writing as a way to say what was on his mind, but his imagination soon unfolded and created fictional worlds that he wished were real. Grayson's parents were still concerned when he kept talking about these people and places they had never heard of, but they figured he was just being a kid and at least he was talking again.

The imaginary friends and worlds never went away. Grayson continued to live half of his life somewhere inside his mind when he went into middle school. He started writing stories— cliche stories at first, but they were stepping stones toward a more refined style. In addition to his interest in fiction, Grayson found himself attracted to poetry, reading and comprehending beyond his expected grade level literature. He started copying different poetic styles to get a feel for the craft, and he's still working on his own voice. When Grayson's parents discovered he had been writing and that his English teacher thought Grayson could maybe get published if he continued to improve, they were thrilled. They had high expectations for each of their sons, but Grayson never asked for the attention he was about to receive. Following his wealthy grandfather's death, Grayson's parents came into a good sum of money and decided to use some of it to get Grayson into Noctis. They had gotten hooked on the TV show and liked the idea of one of their sons being famous, so they secured a spot for Grayson by overselling his talents and adding monetary persuasion. Grayson wasn't happy to find out that his parents submitted his application without asking if he even wanted to go to Noctis, but when he got accepted, they said it was the opportunity of a lifetime and wouldn't let him back out.
To be determined



- Name -

Arden Lee Leyster

- Age -


- Gender -


- Sexuality -


- Grade Level -


- Role -


- Talent -

Graphic Design/Digital Art

- Rank -


- Eyes -


- Hair -

Purple, Left down or up in a ponytail

- Height -


- Build -

Petite, Athletic, Not curvy

- Distinguishing Features -

• You mean besides the purple hair?

• Slightly pigeon-toed

- Clothing Style -

Arden dresses casually, most often seen in shorts and tank tops. She values comfort over fashion and prefers clothes that have various functions. Her style is simple and sporty; it's neither tomboyish or feminine, just rather plain. Arden isn't a huge fan of decorative patterns. She sticks to solid colors with the occasional stripes and rare florals. She likes to wear rich colors, showing a slight preference to colors that are neither pastel nor dark, but rather somewhere in the middle. Arden is usually dressed for warm weather, even in winter—she'll wear shorts and sandals and won't admit to being cold.

- Quirks -

• Doesn't mind sitting for long periods of time but frequently shifts in her seat

• Wears jackets with shorts and flip flops

• Cracks toes, knuckles, and neck when bored—in that order

• Ambidextrous and can also write/draw with her toes, to some extent

• Feels safer in small spaces than in large, open areas

- Likes & Dislikes -

+ Music

+ Furry animals

+ Socializing

- Not getting enough sleep

- Group projects

- Wearing long pants

- Vices & Virtues -

+ Creative

+ Self-motivated

+ Approachable

- Gullible

- Forgetful

- Workaholic

- Personality -

Arden is a naive, hard-working dreamer who wants to succeed here so she can get make a name for herself after graduating. She is passionate and enthusiastic about her artwork, and this energy extends to her daily life. Arden is an optimist that radiates positive vibes, so she normally sports a gentle closed-mouth smile by default. She is friendly without being overbearing, and others often find it easy to open up to her without worrying that she will betray their trust or pass presumptuous judgments. Yet, her willingness to believe anyone causes her own downfall at times because everyone does not have good intentions like she believes. Regardless of misplaced faith on more than one occasion, Arden has not learned to be wary of people that see her as their rival and don't want her to succeed.

Arden finds it easy to talk to strangers but has a harder time making long-lasting friendships, partially due to her inability to multi-task. She's the kind of girl that always seems busy, and so it can be hard for her to maintain her social life. Arden prioritizes her studies over her friends and sometimes has a problem balancing both in a productive manner. She's a self-motivator and may push herself to unhealthy extremes to get work done. She's a perfectionist; however, she's also rather disorganized. Her room is always a mess, and she often forgets where things are.

When her friends manage to pull her out of her cave, Arden genuinely enjoys spending time with other people. She prefers hanging out with a small group as opposed to large parties, but she can be convinced to attend events that may be out of her comfort zone. She has a sense of adventure, and she likes to stay active. Arden loves running and outdoor pursuits almost as much as she loves designing, and she gets a lot of inspiration from different places and people she sees.

Arden may be one of the few students who has worked her way up through sheer talent and hard work. She has never cheated or sabotaged any of her classmates—in fact, she often encourages people to do their best. Arden does care about her rank, but she's humble and acts like viewership doesn't matter. Many of her viewers see her as a promising candidate with a potentially bright future, since she managed to climb the ranks quickly for a freshman; however, many of them are waiting to see if the virtuous girl will crack under the pressure and submit to the surrounding drama.

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Mariana Arabella D'Blanc


I'm not a treasure to uncover…


Mariana Arabelle D'Blanc




Cisgender female


Polyromantic androsexual; attraction to males and/or masculinity.

Grade level:





Target practice. It includes archery, knives, darts, and different ranges of guns; however, Maria's hidden talent lies within Chinese ring daggers.


Sixth. While acting, singing, and piano are quite lovely to the ears, there's nothing better than the pumping adrenaline of anticipating blades against flesh… only to be relieved that once again, Maria had hit her mark, sparing the life of yet another one of her victi--volunteers.


Not a secret to discover…


A dull gray… almost a teal really. The eyes are the windows to the soul; Mariana's olive orbs reflect nothing except boredom, detachment, and restlessness… yet, around Maria's iris is a brilliant ring of golden, brighter than the glory of the sun itself. While some believe it's the hidden center of self, others choose to believe it to be a mere coincidence. What you choose to believe is ultimately up to you.


Maria has a smooth, olive complexion, attained after the numerous hours spent practicing archery, standing under the unrelenting rays of the sun.


Soft chestnut waves roll lazily past her shoulders, cascading in loose waves down her back. Under the direct gaze of the sun, it reflects a gentle caramel... under the gloomy pounding of Spring showers, it becomes a dull umber. Usually, Maria's mane is kept flowing freely in the wind, though it's often tied into a neat ponytail during target practice.


I'm not a riddle for you to solve…


Mariana's personality--well--it can be described pretty accurately in a few words, really: contemptuous, aloof, bittersweet, unpredictable, and somewhat feisty. At least, that's what it appears to outsiders peering in, anyways. Mariana personality reflects the mysterious depths of the ocean. Skimming the surface, the benign waves are lulling calmly in tranquility; however, without a seconds notice, the gentle baby waves transform into intimidating larger ones, and the larger ones into catastrophic nightmares. Then again, there are just those particular days--you know, those days where the familiar waves tug at your feet playfully, taunting you to chase after it endlessly. One second you're chasing after the retreating tides, the next, they're chasing after you without a care in the world. Although the moment you no longer follow the retreating tides, the ocean loses the mischevious vibe, returning to just another passing wave. It's easily bored, always finding something--or someone--to occupy it's unbelievably short attention span. Then, there are the depths. The dark, unusually silent, and undiscovered unknown. The one place that not one person has dared near, for there are innumerable creatures of the sea, mysteries, and warnings that surround those waters. The same frightening waters that once you fall into, you only sink deeper and deeper and deeper... until one day, you realize that you've forgotten the feeling of warm sunrays hitting your skin, forgotten the blinding light reflecting in your eyes, and forgotten how to breathe in the fresh, crisp air of a breezy summer day.


It's somewhat mysterious; as I mentioned previously, much of Mariana is undiscovered--where she originally travelled from, her family situation, and anything that delves further than the shallow waters.


Maria always conceals at least three Chinese ring daggers somewhere on her body. Occasionally, Maria will carry specific models designed with convenience in mind. As they're often developed from various stones, marbles, and crystals, they're more conveniently cleared at security checkpoints.

Oftentimes, many catch Maria gazing off into the distance, with a nostalgic glimmer in her eyes; however, anytime Maria is confronted about the memories behind her fond gaze, she merely brushes it off, insisting that it was merely another daydream.


ψ Mischief; "I mean, what can I say. The Queen of Mischief can't just abandon her people, now, can she?"

ψ Chinese ring daggers; "the smooth ring spinning around and around your fingers… I got shivers just thinking about it."

ψ Spontaneous anything; "planning is boring… surprise me."

ψ Banana milk; "I like milk, and I LOVE bananas; what could possibly be better?"


ψ The dark; "yes, I sleep with a giraffe night light. I mean, it certainly is cuter than your ugly ass..."

ψ Mint chocolate chip ice-cream; "yes, vanilla is great, so is double chocolate and cookie dough… but c'mon, mint chocolate chip is where it's at!"

ψ The feeling of a dull blade; "god, you can't even cut watermelon with it."

ψ Adventurers; "don't get me wrong, I adore exploring; however, stay away from my waters. I am not a treasure for you to discover, nor a riddle for your to decipher. So please, quit trying to "fix" me. I'll continue to smile, to laugh, and banter… After all, a damaged good is just that--damaged.


Not a just a pretty face on a doll...


Let's plot, shall we? ψ(◍ ⋋ ◡ ⋌ ◍)ψ


Ahoy <;

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