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  • Users: RZA
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  1. RZA

    Closed spectre

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla in turpis id velit faucibus volutpat a et libero. Phasellus sit amet dapibus magna, et sodales ipsum. Aenean tempor vehicula dolor id tempor. Etiam interdum hendrerit orci. Mauris quis quam sed urna scelerisque lacinia nec id orci...
  2. RZA

    Closed spectre

    ...Describe facial hair, if applicable: Dimples? Widow's Peak? Freckles? Cleft chin? Birthmark? Physical Appearance: Scars: Tattoos: Piercings: *You are free to delete anything that isn't applicable to your character.* {/slide} {slide=left | SOCIAL AND FAMILIAL CONTACTS}Mother: Father...
  3. RZA

    Closed spectre

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi molestie at massa vel porta. Ut lacinia tortor in libero euismod sagittis. Morbi mollis urna quis dolor pretium vehicula ac eu urna. Maecenas vel rutrum dui. Nulla ut orci lorem. Nunc commodo erat ut dui semper, quis bibendum sem...
  4. RZA

    Closed spectre

    it did not work rip // WWINONA flowers stories gravesfa-star PROFILE NAME: Winona Wyatt DATE OF BIRTH: 9/27/2022 OCCUPATION: Witch for Hire LOCATION: Southern Louisiana AGE: 24 R/S STATUS: It's Complicated GENDER: Female HOMETOWN: Eastern Tennessee fa-star ABOUT Lorem ipsum dolor sit...
  5. RZA

    Closed spectre

    a place to do things i shouldn't be doing >_> as of right now none of these codes are free to use //
  6. RZA

    hello love <3

    hello love <3
  7. RZA


  8. RZA


  9. RZA

    Answered Can't Post Comment in Profile?

    I got it now, thanks @Fyuri & @mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y Should be working now!
  10. RZA


  11. RZA

    Idea The Comeback!

    The only thing that'd bring me back. <3
  12. RZA

    tfw you return from the afterlife

    tfw you return from the afterlife
  13. RZA

    HK Main OOC

    Sorry I've been MIA lately, life has just been RIDIC.  BUT I WOULD LIKE IN ON THE CHARACTER EXERCISES TOO!!!
  14. RZA

    HK Main OOC

    ooooh!! So Sisceal will find Lady Amaryllis and Roksanna, Martin. I dig it  where can she find him?
  15. RZA

    HK Main OOC

    exactly what I was debating with Roksy.  roksy: *omg orders are to stay but they might need me omfg what do i do* 
  16. RZA

    HK Main OOC

    Hellllooooo errybody 
  17. RZA

    Accepted Characters

    Roksanna Varro  Nickname: Roksy  Age: 27  Gender: Female  Height: 5'9  Body Type: Sylphlike  Appearance: Roksanna Varro is almost a spitting image of her father, except for her eyes, which are unmistakably her mother’s. She’s tall, graceful, and brunette. Straight locks fall...
  18. RZA

    HK Main OOC

    uh oh, my post???
  19. RZA

    Main IC

    Roksanna Varro Domare, Milites In the late evening air, Roksanna woke to the smell of crisp autumn air and breakfast. As with most of her Dark Chapter life, her sleeping schedule was opposite of the civilians she helped protect. More often than not she dozed fitfully during the day only to...
  20. RZA

    HK Main OOC

    I should have my post finished later today!!