Any specific class needed? Id gladly fill the space

THinking about going Tempesta Milites. The soldier type feels nice to be honest. Will that affect the amount of equipment they carry or something?

Well, Tempesta's are ranged. They focus of speed/mobility and sharp senses. If they run out of ammo they're screwed for the most part, combat wise.

I think we have another Tempesta in the making, but don't let that stop you. If you have a change of heart, read up on Enris. Also, try posting more in the OOC. More people in here to ask questions.

Also, can't really make too much fun of one character when my own is a bad stereotype I've been working on fixing a lot....he's an Irish man who loves his alcohol and who is also a crazy priest. lol.

Well, Tempesta's are ranged. They focus of speed/mobility and sharp senses. If they run out of ammo they're screwed for the most part, combat wise.

I think we have another Tempesta in the making, but don't let that stop you. If you have a change of heart, read up on Enris. Also, try posting more in the OOC. More people in here to ask questions.

View attachment 188298

Weeeeell actuaaaalllly. I have some image(s) of who I was going to base his father off of. For his crazy strict religious background. //and last name that made more sense than his previous one. x3


Sisceal is not as insane though. Thank goodness.
We need to have something happen so someone else can be the butt of jokes. xD

Also sorry for being MIA. Work was painful. I had to walk to work, then was reorganizing the shelves in the warehouse for the last 5 hours. Came home in pain. Ended up binging a few episodes of Gotham to wind down. FORTUNATELY I have off tomorrow~
We need to have something happen so someone else can be the butt of jokes. xD

Also sorry for being MIA. Work was painful. I had to walk to work, then was reorganizing the shelves in the warehouse for the last 5 hours. Came home in pain. Ended up binging a few episodes of Gotham to wind down. FORTUNATELY I have off tomorrow~

Eyyyy daleeee
because unconsciousness is an impossibility to human perception -is also subject to insomnia and apparently a fever -
I fell asleep again only to wake up to my cat meowing at me to let me know she was gonna lay next to me. 
I got 8 and a half hours of wonderful sleep. But my kitchen stinks of onions we left out.  O.o
I just got done watching Jurassic World. >_>

My childhood love for Jurassic Park is now complete. 

Yo~ Totes saw your CS submission, and while overall it looks fine ('cause wars did happen according to the lore that's up), a few small aesthetic details might need to be changed.

Currently the world is in the equivalent of the tail end of the Victorian Era, we're in vague Europe, and most cultural and technological advancements from the past have been lost to time and space. While we do have some guns from the WWII era floating about (if I'm remembering properly dun quote me on it might be WWI), weaponry seems to be the only thing that's changed up from what we know of the Victorian Era. So things like your guns are cool, and the military grade armor could fly as long as it's era appropriate, but things like the Alice Pack are a little out of place.

I'm also not sure about the push for the military, but then again, I ain't too sure about how that kinda thing was back then, so this is me just flailing my arms around until someone more intimately versed in the culture of that time period pops up and smacks me in the gob.

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