Main IC

            Abel Lazuli

            Abel was shocked at how fast sister iris rushed off. He chuckled a little, but then quickly frowned. “I hope she is careful. Rushing off so quickly can sometimes lead to dangerous situations.”  Abel turned his attention back to Brother Ange and gave him a big, joyous smile. “I would love to have a night stroll. Night is my favorite time of the day after all.” He then gave the two cats a nod and then they slowly stalked back into the cathedral. “They are most likely going to go plot a way to get back at you. They don’t like it when people tell them what to do.” He couldn’t help but laugh and wonder what trouble his cats will cause.  They will most likely kill a few mice and leave them piled outside Ange’s door.

Abel followed Ange out into the courtyard and enjoyed the coolness of the air. It reminded him of his hometown. “I love this time of year. Fall always brings this pleasant chill and drives out the horrible heat. Soon the nights will be longer than the day, once we pass the autumn equinox and the sun will sit lower in the sky. It’s just a fascinating season, that brings about so much change and mystery.” He gets a slight blush when he realizes he is rambling. “Sorry, if I am ever rambling like that just slap me in the face.” he chuckled at his own comment.

                “Anyway, Brother Ange, how are you enjoying your stay in San Circa. I know it had been a bit boring as of late, but that mean you have time to focus on your research. From what I read about alchemy, it’s not an easy subject to understand. Plus, it must be annoying that so many in the Vatican do not approve of it. I read many reports and papers of Higher ups denouncing the practice. Personally, I find your field of expertise to be fascinating and would love to learn more on the subject.” He never really had the chance to speak with Brother Ange so openly and is taking the opportunity to find out what he could about the man. @Manic Muse

|| San Circa Streets Watching Saverio & Iris (@Tobi Naefaerne @too much idea) Feeling alert OOC: First real Larkin post~! ||

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Life begins at night. From the moment that the sun set beyond the hills and horizon, even as the streets drained of locals retreating into their homes, it wasn't long before the blanket was filled with the presence of others. Some was made up of fear. Some was made up of malice. Some was made up of vigilance. Some was made of love. Some was made of innocent curiosity. The night was never empty, even if much of this was seen by only a select few. This was something that those who wandered through the dark cloth knew. Maybe that was why it was so much easier to hide within it.

It was easier to pick out one in the open than one within a crowd.

Eyes peered out through the veil of darkness, blending into the shades of shadows, yet framed by locks of snow and sable simultaneously. They had been there for quite some time, leering out towards the rooftops from the alleyways. It wasn't for the view of the chilly night sky. They were watching the movements of another as they cast their silhouette from the moonlight.This was no surprise though. For any who held keen eyes and sharp perception, the presence that was following the resident of the roofs was no stranger.

That presence belonged to one Larkin Greenwich.

It had started upon the taking of- No, it had started just before the taking of the last sweet roll that evening. Normally when Larkin found herself ahead of the pastry thief, she would make damn sure that she got her hands on what remained after everyone had gone through. She had been within the walls of San Circa for four years, learning the craft thrust upon her, and laying claim to the food that was given to the members of the church. The taste may not have been the greatest sometimes, but the feeling of warmth that it brought was a far cry better than what she had experienced in those cold caverns. This time was different though. This time, Larkin was welcoming the sensation of having it stolen from her. After all, this roll held a small piece of her vengeance: laxatives.

Now Larkin could've just watched him devour the sweet bread like the gluttonous pig she had come to know him as, but no. That wasn't enough. She wanted the visual satisfaction of watching her deed go into effect. She wanted to watch the alarm grow on his face, then relish in his squirming and urgency to find somewhere - anywhere - to relieve himself. Perhaps it had been thoughtless of her to do such a thing before they were assigned to go out patrolling. She cared only partially though. She was already partially such, so why not tap into a little bit of that daemonic sadism?

And so she had done what she was best at, and stuck to the shadows as she tailed him. His nimble maneuvers were hard to keep up with at times, but she could find him well enough. When she was out of the church and in the open air of San Circa, exposed to all the umbra particles that speckled the space between every person, place and thing, she felt much more aware of everything; like a small dose of adrenaline kicking in. She could feel him. She could feel others. She could feel them. Things further away felt fuzzy, like the edge of a daydream. Things closer felt strangely intimate. Larkin didn't care for either, and yet she knew she would need to deal with them if she wanted to hunt.

Oh, did she want to hunt.

As she moved from her spot around a corner, her hand touching against the cool stone of the building she had braced herself against, it was this extrasensory sensation that alerted her to the presence of another. She kept herself small, her body as close to the ground and avoiding the light of lamps and the moon and stars as she crept to the other end, then darted across the open street. Her quarry had paused for the time being. She had no fear of losing him as she skittered to peer into the next street over. There she saw a familiar figure, who looked a little grumpy by her body language.

[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"Tch, Iris." [/COLOR]Larkin was surprised that she hadn't heard her coming; surprised and irritated. She was loud and energetic, as well as perky and prone to impulse. Most all of those qualities were ones Larkin disliked greatly in a person. What made things worse was that it looked like she was heading in the same direction as her quarry. The young woman bit her bottom lip in thought. "What's she doing out here alone? First my dumbass Regimen, and now this one." She gave a huff. "Lucky I'm the one in the alleyways right now." A bit of a mischievous grin crossed her face, right before Larkin made a playful gnashing of her teeth in Iris's direction. "At this rate, I'll be too skilled at avoiding detection when this seal wears off. I'll've eaten half the town by the time they find me."

With an ironic chuckle, Larkin stepped back into the alleyway and disappeared to place eyes on her prey once more.
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Lara Rosetto

Waiting around for the other for what felt like forever. Lara had stopped pacing. She let a gentle sigh which turned to steam in the cold air. Was she too early or something? Where was everyone? Everyone she had passed so far were off duty for the night. Unless...she was late and they were already gone? Nonsense, Lara may have looked like a laid back individual but she was never late for anything. That and she was sure she had checked the time a good few times before she had stepped outside. She shook her head as she had leaned against the nearest wall for a moment.

It was then that she spotted something, or, well... someone walking down the street in front of her. Pushing herself off the wall, she walked out a little bit, narrowing her eyes a little to see who it was. It was Iris. What was she doing out alone? Where was the rest of the group? In all honestly, Lara didn't know her all that well, she knew of her of course, just not personally. But even for someone a rank higher than Lara was, it wasn't a good idea to go out far alone. With that thought in mind and the thought that if she were to wait around here any longer, she might not meet anyone else on duty at all, she took off down the street to catch up with Iris. That way, neither was alone and who better for Lara to learn off than her? They were both specialising in healing from what she had heard, so maybe she'd learn a few things.

"Hey!" She called as she was nearing Iris to grab her attention. After finally catching up she spoke "Good evening!, its alright if I stick around with you, right?" She asked with a polite smile as she tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "I'm on duty tonight too" she continued, she hoped she didn't sound too forward by just going ahead and following Iris but honestly she didn't want to have to do a hunt on her own she did prefer being along with someone else.

@too much idea

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Iris Sescelsia

location: Streets of San Circa

mood: \(*≧▽≦)/

tags:  @Nona

It doesn't take her long that maybe, just maybe, going out all by herself is a bad choice. She is certainly nowhere in Nozomi's level, and not exactly the offensive type. Isn't she acting as reckless as the lone wolves type that she usually hate? Ah, she wondered what makes her suddenly run off like that. Maybe she should head ba-


Huh? Is she hearing things? Before she could turn her back to check, a girl wearing Chapter's uniform approached her.

"Good evening!, its alright if I stick around with you, right?" The girl politely asked, with a smile on her face. "I'm on duty tonight too" 

Oh God, thank you. Thank you!

"Sister Lara, correct?" Iris remembers her. "Of course! I'm happy to have you here! (Like, seriously happy) You are also an Exorcismos, right?"
Roksanna Varro

Domare, Milites

In the late evening air, Roksanna woke to the smell of crisp autumn air and breakfast. As with most of her Dark Chapter life, her sleeping schedule was opposite of the civilians she helped protect. More often than not she dozed fitfully during the day only to revel in the darkness of the night. Though she didn’t have patrol duties tonight, she still had duties to perform at San Circa. After stretching out sore muscles, Roksy lit her beside lantern to aide the falling light outside, and scrambled out of bed. Cleaning herself up and getting dressed in her favorite black and blessed silver robes, Roksy double checked her leather satchel before exiting her second story bedroom.

The intoxicating aroma of fried eggs, bacon, sausage and ham had her mouth watering before she even entered the kitchen. Her father, still grumpy after his forced retirement, walked to the icebox she herself had marked with runes, and pulled out a glass jar of honeyed milk. Her favorite. As he finished cooking, she walked around and laid out plates and utensils. It was a silent affair until he ladled food onto each plate and sat across from her. He extended his hand, which Roksy took, and said a prayer.

“Amen.” Roksy said softly, eyes closed and head still bowed.

Silence was both a friend and enemy. The only sound was of forks and knives and glasses of honeyed milk being refilled. The bacon was fried to a crisp, just as she liked it, and the yolk of her eggs were just a bit runny, also how she liked them, and it all seemed to melt in her mouth like ambrosia. Halfway through her plate of food, her father grunted in pain and resituated his leg underneath the table. Roksy tried not to look, but as always, she had too. She was however, able to bite her tongue and stop herself from asking him if everything was alright. He hated when she did so.

“You on field duty tonight?” He grunted, his face masked from the pain she knew he was feeling.

“No,” said Roksanna, “I’m scheduled to remain at San Circa. I think I’ll search out Father Martin or Lady Amaryllis though.” She hesitated, not wanting to sound foolish in front of her father. “The lack of daemon activity has me worried, maybe they’ll know something that I do not.”

“More than likely.” he said thoughtfully. “Though I’m not sure how much they’ll be able to tell you, little one. Best find a way to locate what you need on your own.”

Roksanna nodded slowly, taking another bite of her now lukewarm eggs before eating the rest of her bacon and standing up to help clean the kitchen. It took less time than it did to eat before the kitchen was back to it’s usual state. She gave her father a peck on the cheek, slung her leather satchel over her shoulder and made her way out into gathering darkness. Her family’s two-and-a-half story home was less than a league from San Circa cathedral, and the daily trek always seemed to pull her into her role as daemon hunter. The roads were relatively quiet and she received only a few furtive glances from last minute stragglers.

As the dying sun fell beneath the horizon, the church bells sang and the autumn air felt chillier than only moments before. It wasn’t long before the church rose before her like a giant sentinel. Roksanna’s pace quickened and minutes later did she find herself walking up the steps to the grand entrance. There were people milling about in the entrance and hesitantly Roksy walked into their midst.  

“Hello Brothers.” Roksanna said with a small bow. “I’m assuming you’re all on duty? I’ll say a prayer for your safe return.”

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 Gideon Ward


The jokes between Skye and Alois at the expense of Gideon brought an alarmed frown to the Regimen’s face. “Me? Pervert? So cruel! I’d never!” The offense was taken with a grain of salt. After all, it was all in good fun, wasn’t it?

With the appearance of Parthenia, his attention switched over and he gave her a smile and a simple nod of the head. “I don’t think any of us would mind another pair of hands. I think--” Just then, he heard the doors open and looked up, only to see the coattails of Iris and soon, the young milites Lara following after not too long after. He let out a small sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. “In a rush…” Pushing off of the wall, he faced the trio. “Let’s start mapping up a plan, shall we? Now I know Saverio went to the south, so we know he’ll be covering the rooftops. What we can do is spread out and head to the north, where we can corral them to the south--”

Once again, Gideon cut off as a voice interrupted the beginning of his strategy. He turned to see Sisceal. “It's been relatively calm. I wonder if this only means a storm is coming…” It was very odd that since the reveal of the two Hell’s gates and Abel’s tragic incident, nothing had happened. Nothing at all. The usual daemon attacks, a couple bumps and scratches, but nothing more. It was disturbing, and it would be a lie to say that even Gideon wasn’t concerned.

Hearing Roksanna, he glanced over to her as well and gave her a nod. “Thank you, Sister Roksanna. May your prayers shower over us all.” He turned to doors, and then to the group. “Any other ideas before we head off?”
Alois scoffed at the comment,  "I've heard plenty worse rumors about myself..."

As more people crowded around the entrance hall, the young ensis slowly straightened out his posture and assumed a more serious stance. He had planned to avoid all of this, but the not-too-conspicuous Regimen had foiled his evening plans. He didn't mind though. The more potent the bait, the more stronger the daemons that would come and bite. Things have been too quiet around San Circa for a while now. It was suspicious, to say the least. The thought of battle uplifted his mood somewhat, and he even made an attempt to smile at all those who greeted them. Though it was barely nudge of the corner of his lip. It was the least he could do for their efforts. Things felt more fired when Parthenia made her appearance, her debut polished with the usual mischievousness and play. He was sure she would shoot off her guns to kick off a party if she had the chance, but Lady Gloria made sure rules here were followed to a tee, otherwise, there will be some serious problems. He has seen her punishments before, and he was not keen on spending even a night on her figurative torturing table. He wouldn't even be surprised if she did possess such a thing. Alois may slack a tiny bit around Gideon and Parthenia, but if she was ever in the room, he wouldn't even dare breathe if she didn't allow it. 

He nodded his head solemnly, though his tone hid a more sinister agenda.

"Yes, I'm excited for all the new blood--" eyes darting to the side, "Er, the daemon's that is..." continuing casually, hoping no one noticed his little slip-up, "Things have gotten a little stale around here. I've even begun to wonder why I was needed to be been transferred to San Circa when you all have it under control."

Alois listened intently to the plan Gideon was forming, appearing almost impressed at the show of leadership. Though, in actuality, it was more like he was faced with a shocking reality, than any sort of budding admiration. He had almost forgotten the lazy-eyed Regimen can do anything that wasn't sleeping and/or swinging a sword. Not to discredit him, however; those two things are done at a master level indeed, sometimes both at the same time too. Perhaps it was just the extended lull that provided no urgency for Gideon to get serious about. Such a title wasn't given to just anybody, he supposed. 

When Roksanna offered a prayer for them, he bowed his head and made a cordial gesture. Her sheer physical beauty might distract other men, even women, but he was less than interested, only concerned about returning the formality. "I am honored, sister. May your faithfulness grant us favor against the beasts of darkness tonight."

Alois quickly turned back to the group when he was done with the short exchange, pulling his silvered swords to his side and making sure he was properly armedfor the encounter to come. "Nothing much I can add. I'm not much of a strategist. And frankly, I trust you both enough to take charge. You haven't gotten me killed... yet." eyes narrowing, "And no, that's not a compliment." stepping to the side with a slight huff, "Just point me at the enemy and I'll do my job."
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"Daddy! Daddy! Look at the pie I made daddy!" The smell of a slightly undercooked pumpkin pie swirled around Hathom as he gave his daughter a small, loving smile. "It looks delicious Alyx. Be careful or you might make mommy jealous with your great cooking." The comment drew a mischievous smile from the little girl and a raised eyebrow from the fiery haired woman at the doorway. Her expression was unamused but Hathom could see the retaliation dancing in her honey colored irises. This only drew a bigger grin from the man as he cautiously approached his wife and placed a tender kiss upon her lips. He felt Isel's lip curl for a moment before he quickly broke off and gave her a wink. She had wanted to bite him and she always gave it away just before she did it. Isel gave a slight huff in defeat and turned to their daughter, "Come on Alyx. Let's go eat dinner and then we can eat your pie after." The little girl squeeled in delight as she ran to the dinner table.

The final click as the last bullet filled it's magazine woke Haythom from his reverie. The tempesta mentally cursed himself for allowing his guard to slip and losing himself in memory of things that once were. He shook his head and took a stand from his bed. Loading the magazine into his rifle, Hathom proceeded to gear up and get ready for tonight's watch. Most....well no...everyone had always taken lingering in San Circa as a joke or as a day off. Hathom never allowed himself that luxury and always went fully equipped and ready for what it really was, guard duty. Keep San Circa safe on the off chance something happened tonight. Things were very quiet lately and that only set Hathom further on edge. He preferred there be a steady flow of activity because that kept everyone sharp. Times like this made everyone lax and that in turn created a disaster. 

Hathom dawned his cloak and made his way over to the cathedral. The sight of everyone gathered within the church halls was a welcome one. Everyone was already splitting into their teams for the night and Hathom followed suit by posting up on the steps leading up to the cathedral doors. He gave a slight wave to those inside before turning to face the outside with his rifle cradled in his arms. The man was like a cloaked sentinel of the church and would remain as the watchful eyes of The Dark Chapter, so no harm could befall his comrades inside.
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 Saverio Pascarella

~~Tempesta Regimen~~

Tags: @Nona, @too much idea, @Suzuki Mine

Saverio had taken a break from traveling southward when he had found that dark marble. He felt sorta funny in his belly region, but he shrugged it off as nothing much, thinking he had worked through worse. Though what Saverio found the oddest is that he felt the same off sense of being watched as he did whenever he was in the kitchen. If a trainee needed help that bad they could have asked him during his designated time of showing them how to not shoot their foot off. Eh, all well.

Stretching, Saverio decided his break was over and he started to dash and jump along the rooftops again. He figured he go towards the church a little bit then to the west. Well, Atleast that was the plan until he saw and heard two other member's of the Dark Chapter. Sure, he COULD go down and talk to them. But that wouldn't be the most interesting path right off the bat. Besides, the less a person sees you, the more natural of reactions you can see from them. It might of been looked at as weird or creep-ish, but he didn't care. Besides, this would give his watcher, whomever or whatever it may be, time to follow him.

From the looks of things, Saverio could tell the two chapter member's below were Exorcismo, one was the Regimen Iris... The other one however, well, Saverio has seen her around. He knew the girl's face from somewhere else as well. Wait, was she the one being added to his team? Yeah, that seemed right. But what was her name again? All well, questions for later. After all, Saverio's main goal in these nightly hunts has been to scout and grab daemon attention from afar. So following these Exorcismos around like a predator setting a trap would be alright in Saverio's eyes. However it might be strange for them if they noticed him now.

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 Franklin McNeil

Location: Cathedral --> Church Grounds, 


In the secured walls of the Cathedral Franklin had been confined to his personal quarters. The door had no windows, the door provided no peak into Franklin’s room. Candles were extinguished providing a veil of darkness; nothing tend to stir within here, leaving nothing but a white room of silence. However, Franklin had been turning within his bed. The cushioned mattress had all the means to offer comfort and yet he tossed around; throwing himself in various positions, and sleep would not be granted to him. In a final effort, Franklin rolled off the bed and crashed to the floor. The thud rattled his brain, a throbbing pain shook him; he giggled wryly. “Finally…Finally; rest at last.” He muttered with delight, closing his eyes. The floor was crude in its stone texture, but to Franklin it felt as soft as snow.

He slept soundly on the ground, tugging the blanket off the bed to cover the rest of his body. His mind wisp away into a dream. There he would be in room; blinding him with its harsh lighting. Franklin’s clothing was ragged, lips were try and cracked, body bruised; he felt exhausted as if he ran for days. “Days…how many Days.” he croaked. He had no choice but to force his legs to move forward; he wobbled to the side, the walls had a thin layer of shade; Franklin held to the shadows in a fit of sweat. “Avoid the light. Avoid Their sight. I want to go home.” His voice cracked; crumbling into heavy whimpers and tears. In that moment of weakness, Franklin came to his senses and covered his mouth. “They’re coming.” He heard them trailing from behind, they made themselves known to Franklin; they always do. Cries of agony and malice; threats of never ending torture, and the laughter. A horde of chaos was coming, Franklin scraped up his knees and ran with all he could. “Never. NEVER.”

Franklin’s eyes sprung wide awake, he crawled to his belly digging his nails into the ground. “Back! You foul filths. You will NEVER Catch Me, I Can Smell you!” He picked himself up from the ground, taking in all the surroundings he could in his dark room. “I’ll break your bones, I’ll—I will never go back.” He saw that his door was closed, he made a break for it. With enough bagging and kicking, franklin’s eye sight narrowed in on the handle. The door was sprung open and Franklin; in his garments, roamed out in the public. He eyes went one way then the other, scoping out the structure of the Church. “Another Trick, Oh…Oh I won’t fall for it. I bested you more than you can count.” A sickening laughter shot his lips as he scrambled up the stairs, always keeping close ot the wall.

Franklin met people with suspicion, some members would try to greet Franklin; only to be met with a sudden gasp and a quick dart up the stairs in escape. “I—So real, I don’t know. You can’t…wait.” He held his head and winced; “I--yes, I left. I left.” He repeated to himself, strolling around the hallway and towards the front door of the Church. Franklin dragged himself on the front door, and gave a measly push. Stumbling out of the church, creeping slowly; taking in the breeze of the wind. A sudden change came, he felt his shoulders slouch with ease. Franklin looked up at the sky, noting the that the celestial body was, “Real. It’s…Real.” He muttered, his lips slowly curved to form a smile. A short laugh came as he walked with a more confident attitude. “Oh Yes, good; bloody good.” He nodded, continuing on to see that some of his colleagues were out here too; taking in the beauty of the day. “Fair tidings; iris, Lara! What a blessed day, is it not?” He greeted them with open arms and a jolly smile. He turned around, and faced the sky. “You know, it’s not every day you can go about and appreciate what the Lord has given you, why take this grass for instance,” Franklin pointed downwards before kneeling. He traced his hands through the small leaves, “You tell that he gave every ounce of love for us to cherish.” He began to lay down on the grass, bringing his nose in close to the ground taking long whiffs. “You can even smell the love as well. It’s divine”
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Ange Valitine


Location: Church courtyard exit right > city block

[SIZE= 10px]Around: @loyalwolf[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10px]Mood: Cautious[/SIZE]



Abel spoke his mind about Ange's chosen field of expertise, Domare Alchemist. It felt odd, listening to the young Brother speak so openly on the subject. Despite recent events, the young man still seemed innocent and naive about the world. In his own way, Abel reminded Ange of his son, as he once was. Giving a few moments of silence and looking up at the sky, to see if any bright stars had made an appearance yet, the Domare finally crushed the quiet that had settled between them.

"It is not an easy path, I will admit it. At times, I can feel myself slip. There is a fine line between doing something for the betterment of humanity and doing it for personal greed. Especially, in my case. It can be hard to separate the two at times. I want answers so that I can better protect the people, but also to help myself.  I can see why some in the Church and even outside of it, are fearful of the practice. There is a reason it use to be equated to black magic and witchcraft in the past. Still, when we are combating such horrid creatures, perhaps it's good to have a little darkness of our own."

Giving a forced smile, he stopped for a moment and inhaled deeply, "Ah, I miss the country side. Air is air, no matter where you go but it is never as sweet as when in the country side. San Circa teases me with wafts of it from time to time. Despite its size, I still get hints of the wild grasses and trees in the wind."

He paused and kicked a pebble with his shoe, sending it flying into the wall that separated the church grounds from the city. Heading down the left side of the cathedral, Ange shifted his gaze over to Abel. A thought was just about to make its way into the world when, the echoing sounds of a metal clattering against the cobble street cut him off. Followed by an elderly woman's wailing ringing out, from the opening in the stone wall, ahead of where the pair now sat. Ange's full body snapped to attention, the pupils of his eyes dilating more than required for the dimness of the night around them.

"Did you hear that?"

It was a foolish inquiry, made more out of reaction to the noise than sense. The source of the noise had been close, no more than a block away. Swiftly walking toward the opening in the gate, Ange looked one direction, then the other. Noticing the light of a lantern too low to be a street light, he frowned.

"Someone is out there. I am not sensing a great deal of umbra in the area but," Ange could not help but eye Abel's wheelchair. Was it foolish to have a man bound to a wheelchair watching his back or to go it alone? Hearing an unmistakable elderly woman's voice crying out in what seemed like confusion, he knew he could not wait.

"Charles! Mary! Where are you? Help me, please. I've fallen. It's my ankle!"

"If you're coming with, stay close."

Ange opened the top compartment of the box hanging at his side, bringing out a very small corked bottle of sulfur and then from another compartment one of water. Palming the dangerous combo, while his other hand clung to the coin. Ready, should things get hairy. It seemed to be an elderly woman, confused and most likely lost in the streets. Still, Ange knew daemons enjoyed their tricky oh so very much. He wanted to help but would not do so blindly. 
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Orlando Scollato | Sacerdos 

  Location: Entrance to the Cathedral   Company: All of the youngins    Feeling:mildly annoyed, particularly forgiving in spite of it     Out OChants:

Orlando sat by himself with a cup of tea, re-reading an old book he had come to consider his favorite. He looked around and knew that it was about time he headed up to the church for the approaching night, but he took his time to sip the last of his tea and finish the last page he was on. He planned to make some quick rounds, greet the others and all before everyone went on their way.  The old man had spent most of the day relaxing which was a nice change of pace from his usual day to day. It didn't help that he was still rather new to the scene and still had to get used to San Circa  and all its inhabitants. Orlando scowled at the thought of his newest cohorts. He wasn't very familiar with most of them and was in the process of trying to remedy that. It'd be difficult to work with anyone if he was oblivious as to who they were exactly. But given what he heard regarding the incident prior, he had mixed feelings about getting to know these people. It seemed to him some things could have been prevented with a little competence. Orlando finished the last of his tea and closed his book, he was cutting it a tad short here but he didn't have far to go, so he allowed himself this small luxury.

Orlando cleared the table he had been sitting at and collected his things. Once this was done he put on his standard issue cap and headed toward the entrance of the church. He moved with purpose not stopping to make small talk or anything of the sorts. He nodded here and there to anyone that made an attempt to greet him as he strode onward and arrived where he needed to be rather quickly for a man his age. Once his compatriots were all within eye sight he shortened his stride and slowed his pace to an almost leisurely gait. Orlando stopped a few paces away from the group closest to the door, he noted who was here and took a moment to recall their names. He scowled a small bit when he noticed a couple of people leaning against the wall. It crossed him as disrespectful to the house of God to lean upon it's walls like a hooligan so he reflexively shot them a sideways glare. Orlando grunted and took a few steps forward deciding to go ahead and to get the salutations out of  the way so he could get to the reprimanding, " Good evening. I hope you are all well and prepared for tonight's duties."

Orlando's voice was as always, loud and commanding despite his lack of trying. He gave a small nod to those around him in greeting in addition to his snippet of speech. Now that the pleasantries were out of the way he turned his full attention to doing his usual thing as an aging man of the church, reprimanding the youngins who stepped out of what he considered to be the lines of proper conduct. Without looking in their direction or naming names, Orlando addressed the offenders in such a way to act as both a friendly scolding and a warning to the others in the future.  

"I sincerely hope that we noble knights of the church are behaving ourselves in a manner befitting of one with such a title. For instance treating the house of God with proper respect, we would not want to look like common hooligans loitering on holy ground, correct? Otherwise old men such as myself may feel compelled to waste other's time with lectures of principle."  Orlando's words were a saccharine display of indignation. He was annoyed but in a good enough humor not to really lay into anyone for the moment, after all some of them would be putting them selves in grave danger in just a little while. With that in mind Orlando's expression softened a small bit and he wished them all luck, "All else aside I wish you all the best of luck on patrol tonight. You shall be in our prayers but remember to be vigilant, I'd really rather not see an incident come to pass so soona fter my arrival. Now if you all will excuse me I must be on my way, there is much to be done." he said turning on his heel as he finished. 
The men and women inside seemed to be on friendly terms for the most part. That was always good to hear. It was good for morale and if everyone was in high spirits then the mission had a higher chance of success. Hathom silently kept watch on the steps and was pleased to see one of the elder members of The Dark Chapter making his way to the chapel. He didn't really need to get a good look to know it was Orlando Scollato. A rather spry man for his age and very stern but his heart was always in the right place. Anything and everything for his love of God and for the good of The Chapter. Hathom himself didn't know if God truly existed or if he was even still around but that was always a thought he kept to himself. 

The two had never exchanged more than a few words at a time and the respect seemed mutual. "Scollato." was all Hathom said, accompanied by a nod as the elder passed his spot on the steps. It didn't take long for the old man to begin scolding some of the less social individuals and this drew a husky chuckle from Hathom's throat. That old man is going to out live us all. A passing thought but not a rude one. The elder truly did have a lot of energy for his age. Hathom was roughly thirty years younger but even he could not find the energy to be constantly reprimanding people as Brother Scollato did.

Steel refocused and cast his eyes back out to the settlement with renewed ire. His dark brown eyes focused on what looked like a flicker in the light and remained for some time before moving on. The mind could play tricks but Hathom wasn't about to let his guard down. The man cradled his rifle a bit closer and pulled the hood of his cloak off to open up his peripheral vision to its full potential.

@Maou The Great

Nozomi Sorren

"Not good enough."

The words ran throughout the training center, which at the moment was only occupied by the Sacerdos. From an outside perspective, one could say her training was going flawlessly. Executing combination after combination of moves that utilized her both hands, making sure that her movements were equal for both hands. But Nozomi was never satisfied with herself. She could see every misstep in her movements, every flaw that could mean the difference between life or death. Either that, or she was just extremely hard on herself. It was her own choice to be that way though, as she saw herself as nothing more than a tool for the Dark Chapter. And what good was a faulty tool? To Nozomi, she wasn't satisfied unless she was sure there was no room for error, or no errors at all. It was the reason that she delayed her promotion to Sacerdos after all. She didn't feel like she was ready to move up a rank, and thankfully the Chapter was still willing to promote her some time after their initial proposal. The way she saw it, she didn't deserve to be promoted until she actually was ready. 

Her perfectionist personal ideologies thankfully never transferred over in battle, and Nozomi was smart enough to realize that battles are unpredictable. That's why in moments like these, she couldn't afford to be anything less than diligent. As much as she hated making mistakes, she'd rather make them here where everything was under her control then out in the field where nothing was for certain. It didn't mean she wasn't going to be hard on herself in the meantime. Her serious demeanor caught the attention of the higher ups from a young age, as some were surprised impressed at her dedication to her studies and her field. To Nozomi, it was just a dedication of her life to the Chapter, since they had given her a second chance at life when she was younger. It was the least she could do, in her opinion. And because of that, she was going to become the best damn tool in their arsenal, come hell or highwater.

Well, it seemed that tonight she wasn't going to get anywhere in this stuffy room. Maybe a walk outside would help clear her head, give her a new perspective on things. Of course, that meant she'd have to make sure to not get in the way of the people actually out on duty tonight, but staying here wasn't doing any good. Perhaps she could find a quiet spot in town with a good view to read the book she always had on her. With an exhale, Nozomi grabbed a towel and wiped off the sweat from her forehead before disconnecting her spear and heading toward the barracks to grab her book.
“Let’s hope that it is calm for good eh? Or at the very least I’ll pray for your safety out there.” He offered a comforting smile as he came closer to the group. It was false hope but it was something. Far better than wallowing in fear and worry, letting it drag them all down and suffocate them in the darkness. Especially now with the discovery of the Hell’s Gate looming in the back of everyone’s mind. But what did he know? He had been out to pasture lately, training and harassing nuns in the chapel and any pretty piece of tail he came across. Not to mention he hadn’t been in San Circa for near as long as most of the people he had gotten to know there. “You kick some daimon arse if you come across em ya hear? Come back safe and sound too or I’ll beat ya myself.” A hearty chuckle escaped his lips. Sliding the flask out from under his robes he took a big drink from it. Sighing happily the liquor warmed his body and added a lovely rosy tint to his cheeks. He plopped his bum down on a nearby chair to listen as the group was informed of their duties for the night. Only to be there until they left of course, at that point it was back to heading to something better to do with himself until the urge to bother someone else arose. Which was give or take two hours or so if he kept up with visiting his little silvery friend. Maybe a quick walk around the chapel as well to keep from getting as stiff and dusty as most of the old gargoyles lurking around or like the statues decorating the place as well.

@T A K E N O B U@RyuShura@Rissa
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              [COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]  [/COLOR]Abel Lazuli


      [SIZE= 14px]   Abel watched as Ange walked off towards the sounds of a woman asking for help. He had this feeling of Deja Vu in his stomach. This wasn’t a smart idea, but he knew he couldn’t let Ange go off on his own.  He begins to whisper, shout to himself “Dammit, we should come up with a plane first. On top of that I had to send away Chaos and serenade.” He began to wheel himself behind Ange, not knowing what was in store for them. That's when he saw a little old woman that seemed to have fallen. He observed her closely and from what he could tell she was just a normal human.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]                “Ange grab her and let’s go. We are sitting ducks out here. Plus, you have two disabled people with you so I suggest we get moving.” That's when A trio of daemons begin to show themselves from the shadows. Abel couldn’t help but feel like he had seen this coming. From the looks of them these weren’t lower level demons either so that means Ange and himself won't be able to defeat them. He quickly observed everything and tried to come up with a plan. “OK, so are first priority is to save that old woman. After all that’s are job and the reason we are in this mess. Which means I have to distract those things while Ange carries her to safety.”  He looks back at the demons and notices One of them raises their head and sniffs the air. Abel hypothesizes these creatures relies on their sense of smell to lead them to their prey.[/SIZE]

                He reaches inside his bag and takes out a notebook and a red colored pencil. “Ange be ready for my next move. Once I give you the cue grab the Mrs. Over there and run towards the church gates.” As he was shouting his plan and he was finishing up drawing up his seal and begin to roll away from ange and the women to create some distance.  he then stops and goes back to work on finishing the seal. Abel hated studying this seal because of the fact you could never practice it without activating its effects. Normally Abel would use this seal to draw out demons that are hiding. He finishes the last part of the seal and all of a sudden a metallic smell begins to fill the air around him. He tore the paper from his notebook and threw it on the floor. It appears as if the seal was letting out a red mist, that had a very metallic taste to it. Abel knew that he had just used a simple blood seal. This particular seal lets out a mist of blood. Abel couldn’t move just yet he need to make sure that the scent drew the creature. Once he was sure he had their attention he would make a break for the church. He really wishes he had his two cats with him to help him out. If he lives this Ange is going to pay for sending them off.  @Manic Muse @T A K E N O B U

Lara Rosetto

Lara nodded when she had said her name. Oh thank goodness! She didn't want to be wandering around herself, that would be just asking for something to come after you. She was glad Iris was nice enough to have her tag along too, after all, she was still a little bit inexperienced. "I am. I'm focusing my studies on healing and support as well, so maybe I can learn a thing or two from you" she spoke before letting a gentle laugh, as much as she disliked admitting she didn't know things to people normally she felt as though maybe Iris wouldn't mind helping her out on that one, besides, how was she supposed to get better at her field if she didn't ask a few questions here and there. Her gaze moved around the surrounding area before settling back on Iris "What were you doing heading out on your own, If you don't mind me asking that is..." She said with a curious expression. She knew they weren't even away from the cathedral really but still, she was about to travel a lot further before Lara had caught up to her.

It was then that she paused for a moment, getting the feeling that she was being watched... She took another quick glance around the area she was in but saw nothing, well nothing on the ground anyways, maybe there was something above he- "Fair tidings; iris, Lara! What a blessed day, is it not?" Lara blinked a few times, her thoughts interrupted by a new voice. She watched as another Dark Chapter member walked towards them with open arms. “You know, it’s not every day you can go about and appreciate what the Lord has given you, why take this grass for instance..." Lara smiled politely at Franklin as he continued on his speech about the grass and slowly began to lie on the ground. Lara found herself suppressing a giggle at his sudden and peculiar actions, maybe that came across as unprofessional... She bit her lip momentarily until the urge to laugh had gone. "It is good to see that you are in a grand mood" she commented with a smile.

@too much idea

@Tobi Naefaerne


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Iris Sescelsia

location: Streets of San Circa

mood: \(*≧▽≦)/

tags: @Nona @AtomicAssumption @Tobi Naefaerne

Iris couldn't hide her happiness hearing that the girl wanted to 'learn a thing or two' from her. She's always happy to help! Especially when they told her exactly what they wanted to learn from her, make it easier for her to show her what she should learn about.

"What were you doing heading out on your own, If you don't mind me asking that is..."  Before she could answer that, a man greeted them in such dramatic ways... And there is one man in Dark Chapter that she knows is eccentric like that.

"Ah, Brother Franklin! How are you?" Iris grinned. She hasn't seen the man around for a while, she does hear that he shut himself inside his room but she doesn't want to talk about gossips. "Are you, by chance, assigned for tonight's patrol as well? Me and Lara here is just getting ready to start, so you can tag along!"

Ange Valitine

Location: Just outside the church grounds setting off fireworks and flares!


Ange left behind the sense of security that the Church grounds offered. Approaching the glowing warm light of the lantern, a tension grew in his chest. The Alchemist was fearful of what lay around the corner. It was not until his gaze had traveled over the form of the fallen woman, several times, did he breathe a sigh of relief.

 The woman was terrified. She was clawing hopelessly at the cobble road, attempting to crawl over to the light. The lantern was turned on its side a few yards ahead of her, with the glass door shattered from the impact with the ground. Ange felt pity for the elderly woman but was equally grateful that it was indeed a civilian. The situation was innocent enough. Senility had most likely got the better of her, causing her to leave the safety of the home after night fall. There was likely a family out there panic stricken and unable to leave their home in search of her.

“Ange grab her and let’s go. We are sitting ducks out here. Plus, you have two disabled people with you so I suggest we get moving.”

"Clearly. I've got her," his tone held a clear cut hint of annoyance."Miss, I am here to help you. I am going to take you to a safe place. Please keep quiet, there are dangers out here. We don't wish to attract attention."

The Domare was a few feet from the woman when he sensed it. Something about the area around them suddenly grew denser, darker. The unholy hounds crept out of the shadows, revealing themselves one by one. Not all together, but not far apart, they were clearly a hunting pack. A pack that had found their prey.

Ange's grip tightened on the two small bottles tucked away in his palm. He had been prepared for a trap but not like this. This was a true victim, now locked with them in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Worst yet, he had dragged Abel into the mess. Not daring to move his head, Ange shifted his gaze, studying the monstrosities the best he could, given that the shadows still welcomed the beasts' company.

 The three of them were abominations. Heads of a lizard with mouths filled with razor sharp teeth. Bodies of large muscular hounds, that could hunt a man to the ends of the earth. There was no out running them; no disappearing into a cloud of smoke. They were royally and overwhelmingly, screwed.  

"Clever bastards," Ange snarled the words.

 His mind was racing to piece together a solution. An idea came to him just in time for Abel to chime in,“Ange be ready for my next move. Once I give you the cue grab the Mrs. Over there and run towards the church gates.” 

"No Abel, I-" Ange shut up instantly, seeing one of the hounds shift weight as Abel began to move. Using the brief window of distraction he put his own plan into action.

Stooping to take a knee, he carefully but quickly set his kit on the ground but did not remove the strap from his shoulder, should a he need to run. Not taking his eyes off the beastly hounds at first, his fingers made quick work of the simple latch on the larger side compartment of the case. Swinging open a panel, he stole a moment to look at the labels on the various bottles, taking advantage of the flickering lantern's light. Finding a larger bottle labeled potassium, he pulled it out and locked back up the case.

Rising to his feet once again, Ange looked to Abel in time to see the cast go into effect. Blood speckled the air several yards away, "Abel don't be foolish. You need to get to the safety of the Church. ABEL!"

"Christ!" Yes, taking the lords name in vain was a sin he would have to confess and repent for later, if he lived long enough to do so. First, he knew they needed call for help. It was evident they had no chance in hell of taking these hounds out alone.

 Shoving the potassium and water vials into a large coat pocket, the sulfur became the center of attention. Focusing on only the bottle and his coin, he let all else slip away. Only once his focal point was sound, did he add the flickering flames of the lantern into his circle of awareness. Once his connection was solid with all the elements did he begin to chant. The words were of the lost language, Sanskrit.

"Fइरेस्, पोवेर, अन्द्, फ़िरेस्, मिघ्त, प्रोतेच्त्स, मे, एवेर्य, दय, अन्द्, निघत"

Ending the chant, Ange tossed the bottle filled with sulfur high into the air, aiming for the tallest buildings roof top. Next the Alchemist extended a palm toward the lantern causing the flames to leap from the wick to his out reached hand. Once there, he directed them toward the vial as it started its downward decent toward the roof top. The flame engulfed the small bottle but did very little at first. Given the flames had been chanted they remained contained to the item, burning at temperatures beyond that of a normal fire. In a matter of minutes the flames would grow several feet high, producing a violent blue green flame that would be easily seen.

Step one led directly into the step two. Before the flames had even reached their potential, Ange grabbed the water and potassium. Uncorking both bottles with his teeth, he shook them across the area around him and the woman violently. With the two elements scattered across the street, Ange knelt down and gingerly as he could, picked up the woman. She began to wail and scream, beating against his chest with her frail fists. It was less than comfortable but he still managed to hold to her. Using one arm to hold her close, he used the free hand to set off the firework show.  

The command was so simple, he only thought the word, "Ignite." The droplets of water and potassium sprang to life, flying against one another. In an instances the area around him, turned into a light show, with fizzling pops and flashes of light. Shadows and blasts of light went to war with one another, scrambling even his senses, while he rose to his feet with the still wailing woman in his arms. Turning, Ange ran down an alley way, hoping to emerge closer to Abel so they could flee to the safety of the Church together.
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Skye just rolled his eyes internally at Alois' reply, knowing far well that rumours didn't mean all that much when the kid evidently hadn't even bothered to dodge anything the last time they went out. It wasn't hard to get the rumour spread that you got blood on your hands when you always came back covered in your own blood. Either way it didn't quite matter what he thought as he was sworn to help people, even those that got themselves hurt. He'd heal Alois the best he could, even if he didn't like it.

"I'm fine with your plan of heading North Gid, but I'm not so sure about how to spread out if that's the case. I'd say stick by four for a while then split into groups of two? No one is heading out alone that's for sure." Not even with a Sacerdos like Parthenia close by he'd let someone roam the streets alone, it took only one moment of not watching your back for you to get a row of teeth around your neck. Skilled or not none could oversee everything; and daemons were made to slip into the blind spots, perhaps proven innately by them being invisible to those unafflicted.

For now it was getting late, and as much as he liked detailed planning he liked protecting people even more, so he'd gladly have them discuss the rest of the plans on the way North. The greeting from Roksanna caught him a little bit off guard, but not enough not to forget his manners entirely, so a simple "Thank you, sister" was added after the others had their say.

"Shall we head out to the North then?"

Little did he know they wouldn't get very far North before the problems already arose. Stepping outside, a strangely familiar smell hit him; faintly, yes, but he'd recognise it anywhere by now from being close to Alois and spending time in the hospital ward. Like the tinge of old rusty iron to the cool, foggy autumn night. Yet even if it was just a tinge, the smell of blood made his nose feel tingly anyhow. Trying to hold a sneeze back never worked, so he quickly his his head in his elbow and tried not to make it too loud. Knowing he'd probably get covered in worse things now anyway, he just went for the pragmatic approach and wiped his nose with the back of his glove.

[COLOR=b3b300]"Uh... apologies... everyone smells the blood right?"[/COLOR] It was more of a general statement trying to get some confirmation, from the others but he really would've acted on intuition alone not to speak about the smell of blood. The flare that followed was enough of a confirmation however that he didn't need their answers, his expression immediately going from questioning to resolute. It was perhaps a remarkable thing to see the young regimen get serious, holding a certain air of well directed urgency around him. 

"Parthenia, could you find a vantage point higher up close by? See what is going on exactly before we rush in head-first, but don't go out of sight." Honestly he trusted her skills enough to believe she'd be okay with less strict guidelines, but he was a Regimen and he'd damn well keep a regiment, not a loose gathering of somewhat nearby people. "Gid, Alois, stick together." Alois' name was expanded on by a very dark glare, knowing very well had a tendency to do things recklessly on his own. He however didn't, and took his sword out while holding the few protective spells he knew in mind, even if there wasn't anything nearby yet. Maybe it was nerves combined with a desire to protect everyone that got him nearly overbearing, but even then it was most likely better than having complete apathy or ignorance (God forbid disdain) for the unknown.

@RyuShura @T A K E N O B U @Suzuki Mine ( @Rissa mentioned)
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Being attentive for too long had its downsides. It was good in short increments of time but be too focused for too long and things that you normally would have noticed fall through the cracks. The human mind isn't supposed to be incredibly focused on everything it sees. It makes everything too strenuous, dampens your other senses to an extent, and is just overall bad for too long. In this case, however, it was because Hathom was focused that he caught the flash of light to his right side. His eyes drifted over to the source and there he saw flames, slightly altered by some sort of chemical reaction. They were blue and green rather than the classical red, orange, and yellows. The flame was quickly followed by a series of distant pops that Hathom recognized as gunshots from a low caliber firearm. It wasn't the right conclusion but it spurred him to action nonetheless.

"Everyone! We got activity to the right of the cathedral!" He barked out in a very deep and alarming voice. The ones that had not already been alerted were sure to be now that he had sounded the proverbial alarm. The milites had already popped up from his spot on the stairs and charging full sprint over to the makeshift signal flare. Hathom traveled light and his years of experience in the field along with his physical prowess granted him speed that was quite alarming for someone his age.

It didn't take long for the rifleman to reach his destination and as he rounded the bend, he saw a sight that would make anyone's eyes widen in shock. High level demons hunting as a pack, approaching a lone member of The Order trying to save a civilian. "Damn fool." Hathom growled out while he brought the stock of his rifle to bare and aimed down the sights. The tempesta didn't need to take down the threat. He only needed to buy time for the other member to retreat within the cathedral. Which was a good thing because the long sprint here wasn't helping his normally untouchable accuracy. Of course, no longer being untouchable just meant that he was now a sharpshooter with the eyes of an eagle. 

With a steady pull of the trigger, the CRACK! of a bullet breaking the sound barrier filled the night sky, alerting any in the immediate vicinity if they weren't already aware. The bullet's path was straight and true, striking the lead raptor- like creature just above the leg and into the hip joint. While it may not cause fatal damage, it would certainly slow the demon down.

Wasting no time, Hathom pulled the bolt on his rifle back at shocking speed and chambered the next shot. He squeezed the trigger again and it struck the second raptor on the far left dead in the chest. If nothing else, he hoped he would have attracted the attention of the beasts now that he created some noise and injured two of them. Hathom was approximately 136 yards from his target, which is a fair distance but he knew they could close that distance quickly given enough time. He had fired two rounds and had three more in the clip before he had to reload. The tempesta chambered the next shot and ready to place another shot according to the actions of the demons.

@Manic Muse
Alois followed behind as everyone made their final farewells for the night, eyes pointed down half-closed as he expected to meander for a while before any sort of action would catch them. But his eyes lit up when his nose picked up on a very familiar scent. He knew it was going to be a special hunt tonight. A pleasant rosy sensations welled up in the overwhelming numbness of his chest. He felt a compulsion to rush forward and smother himself in the blood to feel it more and more, but he practiced restraint more than a few times around his compatriots. He tried to keep things clean and quick to save face, but he's been feeling awfully restless these past few weeks because of this neglect. He didn't know when all these false acts would all just crumble down. Perhaps tonight was to be the day he got to have a little fun and satisfy these strange urges? His face shifted somewhat at the confirmation from Skye, but he still remained largely the same. His voice might have sounded a little more enthusiastic?

"Yes, it is quite... unmistakable." he said, quickly pulling out his sword upon seeing the flare light up the sky. 

The sharp sound of the metal shiing sent a shiver down his spine, his hands tensing at the notion of cleaving flesh and feeling the warm splash across his face, but his enjoyment was cut short. His lips formed a slight frown at the leash being fastened around his neck, feeling the band get pulled tight as Skye gave him a stern look, "Yes, yes, I won't get too ahead of myself..." glancing to Gideon with a slight bow, "Hope you don't yank too harshly now... I want to have some fun too."

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 Franklin McNeil

Location:  Streets of San Circa




Franklin hummed a soft tune each time he filled his nose with the fresh scent of grass. Giving no thought, Franklin brought himself up to take a knee. Franklin clasped his hands together, resting his forehead against his fingers; “Oh Lord in Heaven, we ask that you bless us with this wonderful gift of life, beauty, and prosperity. Know that we will accept this bountiful gift, we shall not tarnish it in the slightest. Amen.”  As the prayer was near completion Franklin smacked his lips, smiling with glee. He leaned down again, opening his mouth this time. Sucking in his breath and taking a vigorous bite; Franklin stood with a handful of grass in his mouth. Franklin didn’t see anything wrong munching on the grass, the earthy palate resonated within him. Sounds of satisfaction bellowed in his throat, “Mm—oh. Hm. Oh, my Apologies.” Franklin furrowed his brow at the sight his was giving the two sisters. He began to scrap of the fickle of dirt off his unkempt beard, as well as he bedwear shirt. He turned to the two, bringing both hands together and bowing slightly; “I…Mm. yes, terribly sorry sisters. In my zeal, I didn’t even ask if you two wanted to share in this,” He stood upright, looking back towards the ground, “Bountiful source of nutrients!” He smiled bright, showing his teeth; there was evidence of a few leaves stuck in the gap between his front teeth.

“Please, don’t wait on my account! This gift is yours. Everyone’s!” Franklin laughed loud and with vigor, twirling around as he walked behind them. There was so much to be said, so much to be done; Franklin positioned himself in behind Iris and Lara. Still he would laugh, shouting out various praises; “Bless Be To the Lord,” “Bless You All.” “Hallelujah!” And then as he looked up at the endless sky, he stopped. The laughter cease, Franklin’s arms fell like limbed noodles and the smile faded. He stood there in silence;  his eyes flickered taking in everything and more. Without Franklin’s knowing, he could feel something; wet tears forming within his eyes, before he knew it they started to run down his face. “Listen Carefully,” He spoke, breaking the silence, “Avoid the light. Avoid their sight. Stick to the shadows, and you’ll live—and you’ll live another night. “ He took a gulp, his voice felt faint, hoarse; Franklin lifted up his shaking palms and placed it on their shoulders. “You’ll be safe…..Well! Time for my morning routine. Make sure that you remain resolute in your duties, we don’t want to be slacking off, hm?” In a shift, Franklin resumed smile, his voice returned to that firm yet kind demeanor that the service was used to. “I’ll bid you good day, and I hope that you will all excel. Not just for the Vatican, but for yourselves as well. God did not place us here without Common Sense, you know?” He gave his tidings with a smile and wave. Franklin scattered away from Iris and Lara. At first he remained in a proper posture, but as they grew further from sight Franklin began slouching over, holding himself as he grimaced. “Where the blazes are my clothes….blast you foul beasts taking another precious thing away from me!” He shouted to the top of his lungs, people gave their gazes, taking three steps back, but Franklin had no mind for their reaction. “Maybe a drink. Yes. Yes a drink.”

Franklin’s plan was to go to the nearest tavern, and get himself something strong to wake him up. Luckily, the potential risk of that scenario wouldn’t come about. Out of the corner of his eye there was a gleam, and it kept making it a point to be seen by Franklin. “Kids, Kids stop your foolishness. A man could go BLIND I---oh.” As he turned he didn’t see no kids, no adolescence playing a prank gone too far. There was a man standing in an alleyway, shining a little reflection mirror towards Franklin. And as Franklin’s eyes met with his, the man smiled and Franklin knew; “You. You!” He didn’t know, but Franklin had pushed people away in a flurry to get towards the man. Entering the Alleyway Franklin crumbled to his knees, a shaken smile formed as tears rolled through. “You came, you…It’s…I’m not worthy.”
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 Gideon Ward


Alois was entirely too ready to go along with Gideon’s plan, however it was Skye that spoke up. A sly grin slipped on his face as Skye commented on his plan to split up. Good, he caught it. Alois was so eager to destroy, that he had neglected to remember a very fundamental concept. Never fight alone. Maybe it was because of this that Skye had a chance to become Regimen. Alois still had a bit to learn. Discipline of one’s desires, mainly.

“Good, you caught on.” Gideon replied, straightening up a little before patting Skye’s shoulder. “Very well then, Regimen Skye. We’ll split into teams. We’ll discuss our pairs while we head out.”

The winds of fate however brought something that most likely none of them expected so soon. The scent of blood. Instantly, Gideon was on alert. Hand on his blade once more, he kept his demeanor subtle. “That’s definitely blood.” He replied in comment to Skye’s rhetorical question. Blood and yells. This was bad. It was only made worse by the oddly colored popping and flaring display just east outside of the cathedral’s gates.

‘Everyone! We got activity to the right of the cathedral!’ he heard yell from behind him. Gideon could barely look back before Hathom darted past and toward the action. “Wait!” Gid called out in vain. Hathom was already gone before he could reach out for the Tempesta milites. With a low growl, the Regimen shook his head and stepped forward into a trot.

“Let’s go, Alois!” He called, noting Skye’s plan. Now wasn’t a time to sit back and strategize what to do. “You want a fight, you got one.” He commented to his Ensis underclassman. Gideon made haste. His trot turned into a run as he pulled out his sword. Surely Skye would go one direction, and the two Ensis could attack from another. Coming from what he suspected was behind the flares, he rushed the gate and went through the doors, only to slide to a stop.

Instantly his eyes were met with a sight that made his stomach drop. Hathom had been attacked quite viciously. The Regimen brought his fingers to his lips to let out a loud quick whistle, then motioned for Alois to cover their open side (so he will be adjacent to the wall) in order to flank the daemon. He rose up two fingers and then flicked his wrist to point at the daemon on top of Hathom, motioning that they would attack it at the same time. He only waited long enough for Alois to get into position before charging forward.
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His tactic had worked. He had gotten the attention of the raptor demons and successfully thwarted their attempts to take down one of the brothers of the order, along with the civilian he had in tow. The two creatures that his shots connected with had retreated into the darkness from which they came and the third quite literally slunk into the shadows, en route to Hathom's location no doubt. The milites fired his primed shot into the shadows. A literal shot in the dark but it looked like it was for nothing. The demon slipped out of the shadows and it was all Hathom could do move his head to the right and allow the beast to clamp down on his left shoulder rather than on his head, which would have spelled instant death. A shoulder could be repaired with miracles, magicks, and tonics. Death is a little harder to heal, to say the least. The tempesta dropped his rifle and braced himself for the impact against the pavement. The kinetic force of the fall would have been enough to cause of moderate concussion if he allowed his head to bounce off the earth. 

Just after the two fell upon the concrete, Hathom pulled his sidearm and jammed it against the demon's center mass. All kinds of goodies just waiting to be popped in their. He wasn't going to risk the head or the neck, in case the creature twisted quickly and made his aim falter. But with the M1911 barrel jammed into the demon's torso? Practically impossible to miss. " DIE! DAMN YOU!!!" Hathom screamed In pain and rage as he pulled the trigger of his pistol and emptied ever bullet it contained into the fiend's center mass. He doubted it would die but it would certainly give the damn thing something to (metaphorically) chew on besides his shoulder. 

@T A K E N O B U

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