Main IC

Alois made no further deliberation as he followed Gideon towards the conflict, darting close behind his partner. He can already hear gunshots as they neared the source of the flares, his heart rate quickening with each explosion of the rounds. When Gideon stopped suddenly, he was confused for a second but upon looking over, his face making a deep scowl upon seeing the mess that they were presented with. He only enjoyed conflict when it was only harbored by himself. Friendly casualties were never a pretty sight for him. He only saw an outline of the single creature gnawing on of their own in the dimly lit road, but the shape of it was so particular that he only needed get a glimpse to know what they were faced with.  This was no doubt a 'Raptorhound', a rather high level Daemon, as he learned in one of his level 4 biology classes during his earlier academic years. Just like they were, these daemons were pack hunters, but that didn't mean they were any weaker alone. Where there was one, there was bound to be more close by. Who knows where the others might be, though it didn't look like they had much time as the man on the ground began wildly firing off rounds into the beast. 

He saw the gestures from Gideon and immediately began holding his breath, masking his presence as much as possible while slipping into position. He had not been used to working with others as a whole unit, mostly due to this selfish and reckless style of swordsmanship proving a danger to his own teammates, but he had been around Gideon so much that he was used to at least fighting alongside the man, consciously using less of his wide swings to prevent hitting him. Alois used the sounds of the close gunfire and screaming to mask his rapid steps as he rushed alongside the wall. Looks like whoever it was still had some fight left in them. Once he was where he was designated, he gave Gideon a single glace that he was ready, his blade primed at his side waiting for his time to strike.

A slight grin was on his face now.

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The loud echoing of a flare from not far out of the Cathedral quickly caught his attention. He watched intently as Hathom ran past them. Not long after Skye, Alois and Gideon quickly rushed out into the fray as well. It did not seem like they went far either to find their target. “Shit. This close?” He hissed under his breath. A hint of metallic scent drifted through the open door. Very slight but unmistakable, that was certain to draw them in.

Sisceal hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to follow but ultimately choosing against that. Not much he could do with a small dagger and rushing to get his weapons would only take up more time they may not have. As quickly as his legs could carry him he sprinted off to find Lady Amaryllis. He had a better idea of where she may be at the moment rather than Father Martin and was certainly closer from where he was as well.

“Excuse me, pardon me” He shouted back quickly to whomever he shoved out of the way in the process of darting through the halls of the second floor. Until finally he heard her voice in one of the offices. “L-lady Amaryllis!” He burst out loudly as he entered completely unannounced. "There are...they...Daemons...only a few yards out from the gates from the sounds of it." He wheezed as he struggled to get out the news as quickly as possible as well as catch his breath.

[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)] [/COLOR]        Abel Lazuli



Abel was a little surprised when the demons didn’t attack him, but with his blood-mist and Ange’s make shift flare, he was sure the demons were overwhelmed. That didn’t stop them from attacking Hathom and one of the, biting down on his shoulder. That when back-up arrived and seemed to be ready to attack. The first person he noticed was brother Gideon. “Brother Gideon, take precaution. Notice the demon has a strong grip on his shoulder. If you make a mistake it could cause more damage to his body.” Abel observed that the demon’s greatest strength was his sense of smell but that also was a weakness they could exploit.  Abel began drawing up a seal as he tries to inch closer to the scene. He has a plan and a way to help but sadly he didn’t have the mobility to communicate his plan with the others. Abel believed that they need to get the demon off Hathom before they could kill it.  He wanted to overwhelm the creature’s sense of smell and cause it to loosen its grip on Hathom. He figured he would have to tap into his knowledge of poison and toxin base runes. He needed to attack fast before the damage to Hathom’s shoulder gets worse. He grabs a green colored pencil and outlines the seal he has already created. He balls up the paper and throws it at the demon’s head. Trying his best to aim for its nose. When the spell activates smog and haze begin to manifest itself. It gives off strong vapors. if you inhaled these vapors would cause disorientation. “Everyone cover your nose!! Don’t breathe in the vapors.” Abel yelled this order to everyone and anyone in the battle area. 
What Franklin had seen was a shimmer of of something shiny. It could have easily been something like a light reflecting off of a window… if it weren’t for the fact that the sun was out of sight by now. The shimmer of light quickly faded, easily being dismissed as a random oddity, but Franklin seemed to zone in on it. As he left the party (Saverio, Larkin, Iris and Lara are all in the same area still), the shining light reappeared. Only Franklin could see it as he ran straight toward it.

Down into the alleyway, the light died off once more. What Franklin had thought were people standing in the way were actually barrels of rotten fruit. One was forcefully shoved to the side, and out crashed several old and smelly fruits, stinking up the little area.

“Now what did fruit ever do to you, huh?” The figure commented, just as Franklin realized who exactly was in the alleyway with him. A cunning grin complimented the blue tint of sunshades. The very same sunglasses that didn’t fit the time period at all. A gloved hand that had been placed on his hip extended to Franklin. “Yo~ Long time no see.” He grabbed hold of Frank and helped him back on his feet. “Come on, how about be have a chat for old times sake? How long has it been since I pulled out out of that hellhole? Two months?” He paused and stroked his chin. “You know, I’m feeling a danish craving. How about we go to that closed bakery down the way? I know a way in~”

This post is for @AtomicAssumption only.
“Lady Amaryllis, I would like to remind you that upon the discovery of the gates, we had several people injured, Father Martin walked off for a few months, others went missing and even more transferred away! We should contact the Vatican again to have them come here and--” Sister Areticus began, only to be cut off with a hand slamming down on the desk that divided her and Amaryllis.

“We are not calling the Vatican here. Do you understand the ramifications of allowing their Venators to march through our streets while the civilians watch from their windows? Mass panic will spread, only agitating the Umbra outbreak even further. We need to investigate quietly.”

Sister Areticus huffed, her shoulders visibly out of frustration. “It won’t matter in the end of everyone within San Circa is dying or dead!”

Just then, the door burst open. The two women turned their heads to the door and looked at Sisceal. His breaths were labored. Had he been running? The two looked at one another before jumping to action. After piecing together the man’s words, Amaryllis acted. “Anderson, take me there.” She spoke to him while passing, not even bothering to pause. “Sister, stand ready at the doors!” She called as she headed to the stairs to descend.

“On my way!” Sister Areticus called and rushed forward. She paused and placed her hand on Sisceal’s shoulder. “Are you alright, brother?” She asked, frowning. She didn’t know how much he heard, and now wasn’t the time to bring it up. Her crystal blue eyes settled on him as she mumbled a ‘God bless’. Her hand began to glow a light blue. In that moment, Sisceal would feel slightly re-energized. It was a quick stamina spell, but at least it would help. “Let’s hurry. What do you know?”

  This post is for @Axeykins
Orlando Scollato | Sacerdos 

  Location: The streets of San Circa   Company: His fellow church members and the Daemons    Feeling:apprehensive  Out OChants:

As Orlando was about to make his leave he noticed the flare go up and the resulting commotion because of it. The old man scowled and whirled around to better see where it was. From what he could tell it was close, which was good and bad. Daemons being this close, this bold was indicative of a problem. It didn't help that moments before he had mentioned the lack of need for another major incident and now this was happening. Orlando was annoyed and concerned by this but there was not time to indulge in it. They had to move, and fast. With that in mind Orlando moved with purpose and withdrew his bible from within his billowing black robes. "II'm sure no one needs to hear me say it! Move! Now!" he shouted.

He flicked over to a section and began to read aloud projecting his voice as far as he could, "O Lord! God of all I survey, hear my plea! Grant us the speed of thine divine messengers! On swift feet we shall deliver thy judgement!"  Orlando's voice boomed as her recited the incantation, the words on the page glowing briefly before a shimmering wave of silver pulsed outward. The light faded away as quickly as it had came leaving only a faint nimbus of silver around Orlando himself. With that done Orlando could feel himself picking up speed to twice what was normal. Hopefully his comrades had been close at hand so that they too would be granted the enhanced speed. With a divine swiftness Orlando rushed to the scene to see that a daemon had one of his allies clutched in its jaws and that another hellish beast stood nearby, seemingly dazed. Orlando looked around quickly, seeing that there were others here more capable of helping Hathom.

Orlando turned his attention to the other daemon and quickly re-positioned himself to be out of the way of the other but being careful to avoid being caught out if things went badly. Orlando prepared another spell as he thumbed over to a new page in his bible. Setting eyes on the dazed daemon he began the incantation, "Woe to you, son of the adversary! You trespass and defile with every step. I abjure you! Hear the word of God and tremble! May your evil and your sin be your undoing. For it shall bind you to the earth you so covet!"  As the last word was spoken a white gold bolt of energy fired from Orlando's left hand. The mote of light spiraled and stretched to become a series of heavy ethereal chains that wrapped around the daemon and then dug into the earth trying to anchor the beast to the floor. This seemed the best course of action to Orlando, stopping the daemon from causing any damage whilst the other is still being dealt with. 
 Gideon Ward


The backlash by Hathom took some kind of toll on the daemon. Though it didn’t let go of him, it was visibly weakened by the point-blank attack. A high pitched screech emitted from the beast as it bit down harder. It’s head shaking had stopped though.

The signal was quick. A simple flicker of Gideon’s eye was all that he gave to Alois as he charged forward, full speed toward the daemon that held Hathom down. A roar left the Regimen’s lips as he turned his blade, leveling it with his line of sight, and impaled it into the houndish thing. Already suffering from Hathom’s last stand attack, it screeched out louder through clamped teeth. Surely with Alois landing a similar attack, it would finally give into mortality.

Three strong attacks on the daemon would take it down. Though it’s jaws would still be around Hathom’s shoulder, it wouldn’t crunch any more. It’s body fell limp on Hathom and soon began to flake. The flakes drifted up in the air until it disappeared altogether. It would take a couple minutes for the large daemon to dissolve into Umbra.

What occurred next happened so fast that it was hard to tell whether it happened after or during Gideon and Alois’ attack. They were nearly standing over Hathom when something landed within their vicinity. It was smoking, releasing a thick green smog. Gideon barely had time to cover his mouth per Abel’s warning before the smoke engulfed him. A small inhale had told Gid that it was definitely something they didn’t want to breathe in. It had a slight odor to it. And just the small whiff made his body tense. There was a slight nausea feeling, but he managed to keep it at bay by covering his mouth with the collar of his uniform jacket. With the hand that held his sword, he reached down to try and pry the daemon’s jaws open in hopes to free Hathom. He grunted as he pulled, fingers slipping in between razor sharp teeth. The toes of his boot kept down the other part of the jaw and just like opening a bear trap, he released Hathom. “Come on!”
He stayed closer to the door as he had caught the tail end of their conversation as he abruptly intruded and was more than prepared to be promptly kicked out if need be. It sounded like it was a very serious matter. Made him feel guilty for barging in. Fortunately the urgency of his message had been understood and took away from the awkwardness of the moment.[SIZE=14.0pt]
[/SIZE]    “Yes mam. Right away.” He bowed his head respectfully as she passed him quickly. “I shall show you as soon as I catch my breath.” He coughed slightly as he struggled to quickly regain his breath.[SIZE=14.0pt]

His gaze moved to Sister Areticus as she put a hand on his shoulder. “I am just fine Sister, thank you for asking though.” One last cough managed to escape just before he felt the energy return to him along with his breath. Running up stairs with an added spark of panic and urgency was torture on the lungs. Newfound skip in his step he followed after Lady Amaryllis. “I only know that a flare was lit and where they may be. I have no idea what level of daemon we are dealing with or how much damage may have been done yet. Hathom was the first one I saw to leave, followed by those set to go out tonight. Gideon, Skye and Alois. I am not sure if anyone else is currently out in the fray.”[SIZE=14.0pt]

It seemed that ever since Franklin had come back, he had been incredibly delusional. Running around, eating grass and yelling random things seemed all too common for the poor man now. It wasn't too much out of the ordinary for him to run off. Even with Saverio's hawk eyes, it was hard to keep up with the rabid man. Soon enough, Frank was out of sight. Everything fell back into a casual silence. Even with Lara and Iris talking, and Larkin lurking, everything was all too... calm.

It was maybe ten minutes or so later that activity began to rise up. First, what sprung from the shadow of a building was a butterfly. It was black in color, but on the wings were a hint of purple every time it would flutter. It drifted out into the light that was filtered down by the moon and daintily flew over to Iris and Lara. It seemed innocent enough... until it neared even more, revealing a vicious looking scorpion tail.

"Haaaaaah~!" A voice echoed quietly. It's origin was undefinable, but it definitely sounded like a child. "Such a boring night. What are they waiting for?" There was a scuffling sound, as if shoes were kicking gravel. "I suppose Bel won't be upset if I have a little fun..." A youthful chuckle escaped, and there was a faint shimmer from the top of a building not too far from where Saverio was.

As the voice's laughter echoed down to Iris, Lara and Larkin, more and more of these butterflied came into view. Soon, they would find that the entire side of a building that had been shaded in darkness was covered in these things. The shimmer from the building seemed to hit one of the butterflies and it fluttered off in Saverio's direction. The suddenly, there was a mass migration. Dozens upon dozens of these butterflies flew off and headed for the different Dark Chapter members. As soon as they came close enough, one would launch itself very quickly at Saverio, just missing his face and darting past him like someone had thrown a dagger. If he looked behind him, he would see that the butterfly's scorpion tail would be lodged in the roofing. A slight hissing sound would rise from it, and part of the ceiling would begin to disintegrate, as if doused in acid. As if on cue, several of the other butterflies attempted to dive for Iris, Larkin and Lara, trying to stab them with their acidic scorpion tail.

Just by looking, there had to have been at least fifty of these butterflies swarming around them.

Nozomi Sorren

Something was wrong. Nozomi could tell with every step up the stairs through the cathedral that there was something happening, but she was just a bit too far underground to tell exactly what it was though. Even still, it didn't change that her natural ability to sense umbra was working more than fine, and that every fiber in her being was on edge, and that could only mean that something less-than-good was happening. With this thought in mind, her pace quickened the higher up the steps she was, until she was in a near full sprint up the stairs. Reaching the cathedral, the sacerdos was somewhat out of breath, mainly from the fact that not moments before she had been exerting herself trying to train to be ambidextrous. Apparently sometimes it was not a good thing to be prepared. Oh well, no time to think about herself.

Nozomi had seen people gathering earlier in the cathedral getting ready to go on patrol, some of which looked fairly young or less experienced, and if something bad was happening at the moment, then that could only spell disaster for those that were less than prepared. Of course, she was probably overestimating what was happening outside, but better to be overprepared than under. No room for error when it comes to life and death situations. As she walked briskly through the cathedral toward the doors, Nozomi dropped her Chapter garb on the end of a pew as she passed it, making a mental note to pick it up later. To the derision of some others, she preferred not to fight with her Chapter gear on, finding it cumbersome in the heat of battle. She felt more natural and less restricted just wearing her own clothes. Her skill in the field more than made up for her slight bending of the rules to stay in uniform, and thankfully her superiors hadn't fought back much on that front.

With a practiced motion, her spear which had hung disconnected on her waistline was connected and back in her hand, not even needing to take a moment to stop and put it together. Being able to move and take out her weapon without sacrificing efficiency was something she spent a good amount of time learning as a Milites and even as a Regimen, and was something that was always going to be a part of her routine training. Even the smallest moments of hesitation or distraction could mean death, and that wasn't a chance she was going to take. Nozomi reached out and pushed her way through the cathedral door into the cooler outside air, immediately feeling a rush of sensing umbra. It was always easier to sense it when she was outside. 

Taking a moment to assess the situation, Nozomi decided to head toward the larger cluster of umbra, letting her legs take her into as fast of a run as she could manage without overdoing it. Overexertion was also not a risk she was willing to take, especially with such a large cluster of umbra. There was no real way to tell what kind of threat was actually going to be there until she got there, so minimizing risk was a priority. A glance up at the rooftops shoved the idea of taking the higher road into her head, but she shelved the idea for now, not wanting to ruin the stride she currently had on the ground. She didn't like the fact that she had to choose which way to go, wanting to be helpful in both situations that she could sense were happening, but unfortunately she didn't have the luxury of being in two places at once. It was choice A or choice B, and that was it. Hopefully she made the right decision. 



Well shit. Skye'd always been an overthinker, trying to account for everything and everyone, yet even that innate ability hadn't been able to prepare him for the sights he saw when he rounded the corner. He knew it wouldn't have been a simple fight, but the mist hovering about where he presumed his teammates and future patient to be complicated things to say the least.

"Okay, ehm... think. What can I do?" And do it quick. Items. Light grenade? Too dangerous up close. Holy water shell? No umbra. Skills. Shield... purifying ward, concentrated ward? Maybe... gas mask? Ward gas mask... worth the try. Unlike Gideon, Alois and Abel he did not know the source of this thing, and he had all his teammates in there; he'd try getting them out but not without insuring he had a decent chance.

Mumbling the spell as quickly as he could without slipping up, it still took him a moment to get the form right. It was fast enough to count as quick, but in moments like these he knew every second was one too much. Thus, the moment the white haze formed around his mouth and nose he ran into the unknown. Hoping that the last thing standing in there wasn't a raptorhound. The first thing he noticed was that at least the spell worked; the air he was breathing didn't smell or taste anything out of the ordinary. The second thing was that it was damn hard to find someone, even if it weren't that big a patch of mist, within sight limited to about the distance to his hands in front of him. He couldn't even see the tip of his sword, which he was using to tap around trying to find something a bit more squishy than cobbles. Which he eventually did find, patting it again to be sure then finally the shape started to make sense to him.

"Gid?" And a very dead raptorhound on top of a hopefully not as dead Hathom. "Let me take him, you just go and grab Alois on the way out." He didn't have the luxury of wasting energy on a gasmask for Gid or Alois who could get themselves out, but Hathom was a different case. Dragging him out from under the mess of umbra, it was quite clear he was standing in front of a human heap of work. Mumbling the spell again Skye provided at least some respiratory respite for the man while he helped him out of there. Then the real fun of getting all that Umbra out of his shoulder would begin.
"Rghhh!!!!" Cried out the tempesta, as the demon bit down harder into his shoulder but this only drove Hathom into a further fury of survival. The pain gave him focus and drive, redohbling his will to live. The man was about to start lashing out in a survival instinct driven fury before the creature was felt a few consecutive blows that marked the end of its life. The male's eyes were filled with fury and hatred as the demon slumped against him, lifeless. It didn't take long for one of Hathom's allies to begin prying the raptor demon's jaws apart like some kind of organic bear trap. The moment the beast's teeth left the soldier's flesh, he bolted out from under the damned thing, looking more infuriated than harmed, with the help of Brother Skye.

A steady flow of blood traveled down his now blood-soaked clothing and left arm. Hathom stole a glance at the damage on his shoulder and mentally breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't pretty but it could be a lot worse. It looked like he would make a full recovery in time. The adrenaline still rushing through his veins, the tempesta was able to react quickly to the sudden appearance to the green mist. He brought his good arm to his nose and mouth, covering it with his sleeve after holstering his pistol. Hathom gave a quick nod in thanks to the respiratory spell that was cast upon him by Brother Skye and he quickly retrieved his rifle and ran out of the nauseous gas. 

Hathom made his was over to Skye, as he had called him over mere moments ago and was looking about for any further threats, like whatever was causing the fog. "Stern, keep an eye open. This fight isn't over. There was three of those demons. I forced a rout on two of them but they weren't incapicated, simply wounded." The milites turned to Gideon quickly and began adressing the senior rank, "Ward, there's still two more out there. One has an injured leg and the other has a hole in its chest. They retreated into the darkness and could be anywhere by now. Orders?" He demanded more than asked. While the pain was great, Hathom paid the wound little mind as he had experienced far worse in the past. 
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Though he could appreciate Hathom's fighting spirit, Skye wasn't any less sceptic about his actual state. As the man asked for orders, Skye simply put a hand on his good shoulder; calm and collected, not weighing down but with a certain concern and demand hanging about it.

"Leave the orders be for now, adrenaline is a hell of a drug. I believe you're having a fighting response now, but you will come crashing down from that rush soon. Your order for now is to simply sit down and let me take care of things before the Umbra sets in. Gideon, Alois and I can handle them now we're prepared." Having Hathom crash in the middle of the fight wouldn't do any good, not for him and possibly not for the rest of his team. So Skye couldn't stop the man if he still wanted to fire his gun, but quite possibly the recoil would damage his arm more badly. Microfractures from pressure combined with the slam could easily shatter a shoulder. It wouldn't be the first record of a tempesta losing their ability in that way.

"Gideon, Alois, I'm going to give you a protection spell just in case. Abel, stay in the centre, and don't cast anything anymore while people are in the radius." With a few words and a gesture the simple form of the spell was laid over them, the white haze significantly thinner than it had been when he had purified the air, but it would give them a few seconds. Though he hated to admit it he rather have his team return too early but alive than risk another wound, possibly another death. They weren't the only team, they weren't unique and they weren't invulnerable. Even a life lost because they weren't there could be countered by the lives saved of them fighting another few rounds. In the senseless night grim utilitarianism at least gave him a system to adhere to. A bit of logic to keep him sane while he was juggling lives. For now though he was only juggling Hathom's response, giving a little pull on his shoulder so he'd come along to the partial safety of the wall. 

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Alois growled as he followed through with the coordinated strike, viciously slamming the tip of the blade into the side of the black flesh. The hound let out a grisly hiss as it made its last sign of life, falling limp upon the almost-prey. He tried to keep himself from enjoying this moment too much as he pulled away, the weapon releasing a plume of black flakes as it ripped from the body. He remained quite through most of it, and still now, but they had worked well enough to expect each other's movements at this point. He was keeping a lookout while Gideon freed the man from the lock-jaw bite, noticing a scuffled on a higher level, his blade already prepped as he moved towards the figure to catch it before it reached them. A small projectile was then flung at them, which he swatted from the air instinctively, already charging at the small shadowed form. But the young Ensis was soon engulfed in a burst of strange smoke half-way across the alleyway. He covered his mouth in accordance to warning as the figure made themselves known, whom was Abel if he had to guess by their voice, soon laying eyes upon the white-haired boy as he crossed through the misted space. He motioned to the boy with his sword to show he was friendly. Abel had made a reputation of being quite the troublemaker by his previous experiences and this only reinforced his conception of the harmfully curious boy.

"What a mess." he muttered irritably, swiping away the trailing substance, "Have you no sense of friendly fire? Or did you not see us standing there when you tossed the damn thing?"

Alois knew it was too dangerous to move back through the obscuring gas, knowing what might present itself lurking in the darkness. He was a thrill-seeker not a suicidal bloke. He was not in range when the breathing spell or the shielding veil had been cast, unfortunately, but that was fine. He wished more to clear out this thick smoke. It really didn't help them at all. In fact, it only gave the beasts more angles to jump out from. The others from the Cathedral were no where in sight, and not because he can barely see either. When they attacked, there was no follow-up. They might have run into a complication on the way to their positions. Such is the way with things.

Alois turned to Abel, pointing his blade into the poisonous gas, "Is there a way to stop this nonsense? It'll do more harm to us than the beasts. They probably can't see their own back-sides, let alone a Daemon in there." 

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[SIZE= 35.55555725097656px] Lara Rosetto [/SIZE]

With a slightly raised brow, she continued to watch Franklin's facination with the grass as he cleaned off whatever had gotten on his face “I…Mm. yes, terribly sorry sisters. In my zeal, I didn’t even ask if you two wanted to share in this,”  In response, Lara offered another sheepish smile "Oh...No, I'm quite alright brother Franklin, I've just ate...and I have some candies in my bag if I get peckish..." she answered after she let a quiet laugh. As he now stood behind them, she noticed his demeanour suddenly change, feeling unease at his words, she simply nodded, waving back at him as he left...He had obviously sensed something she had not. Exhaling slowly first she turned to view Iris "I believe he's seeing something we are not, sister Iris...Maybe It would be best if we met up with the others?" she had asked before she saw an odd sight, maybe that was what he had seen? she wasn't sure. But it was odd none the less...

It was a butterfly? Normally such an innocent thing to look at but this one was certainly different... She watched it fluttering over their heads gracefully, almost tempted to reach out to let it land on her finger or something like that, but she knew better. Nothing was okay with a dark butterfly out in the middle of night. She felt her nose tingle as the urge to sneeze was building up, only one thing messed with her allergies like that...Umbra. She knew this wasn't good. As she went to take a step back from the small creature, she noted it had a barbed tail, much like a scorpion. She took another step as she watched the butterfly. "Haaaaaah~!" Lara froze upon hearing a voice, trying to figure out where it was coming from but couldn't pinpoint where, continuing to listen to the voice she began to reach for her prayed book and dagger, she felt as though things were about to escalate further and she was right on that feeling. more and more butterflies seemed to be fluttering around in their direction before a few launched their tails right at herself and Lara. Swiftly moving away, her eyes darted to the butterflies that missed them, the pavement seemingly burning away in small patches where they had lodged themselves. A few of these would be fine enough to handle alone, but this was a lot more than a few to say the least. "Plan of action?" Lara asked, looking to Iris as she dodged another one of the small creatures.

@too much idea

@Suzuki Mine

@Tobi Naefaerne
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Iris Sescelsia

location: Streets of San Circa

mood: Impatient

tags: @Nona   @Tobi Naefaerne @Suzuki Mine

Franklin stood behind them, shouting Hallelujah and other sentences before suddenly turned silent. The sudden stop made Iris turned, just in time to see Franklin crying as he started at the night sky.  “Listen Carefully,” He suddenly spoke, “Avoid the light. Avoid their sight. Stick to the shadows, and you’ll live—and you’ll live another night. “

He then placed his hand on their shoulders, shifting back to the Franklin they knew as he said his goodbye and parted away from them. What. The. Hell. Was That?

 "I believe he's seeing something we are not, sister Iris...Maybe It would be best if we met up with the others?"

"I believe so too, we should be careful-" Her answer is cut short by the sound of someone laughing. 'Haaaahhhh~' like that. Looking at Lara's expression, she heard that too. She got a bad feeling about all this, and the butterfly seems to be the answer to this feeling. The butterflies had a tail and that is obviously not normal... Daemons, who started to dive in for them. Iris moved and dodged the attack, clicking her tongue at the sight of them burning the pavement. They can't do this forever, not even the agile male figure in the roof (Saverio) Iris just noticed (How long has he been there??).  "Plan of action?"

"Can you protect me and stay alive for two minutes?" Iris asked- no - ordered, and did not give Lara any chance to reply as she quickly left to find cover. She kneeled on the ground, behind a stack of wooden boxes left out outside a store, her hand busily taking out her thurible and all necessary items. She hurriedly opened the top, lighting her lighter and heating a few big coal that she threw inside the firepot alongside the smaller ones. She then ripped open two bags of incense and poured them evenly across the coal, so it would burn nicely. Now all she need to do is wait for the incense to burn smoke to come out and if the wind is on her side, the smoke could spread around the area and gives them a boost of power when she started singing. Then, they'll attack.
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Abel Lazuli

Abel, realized he made a mistake minutes after the spell activated. He didn’t see his fellow dark chapter member kill the beast before his through the spell, but he works quickly to deactivate the spell. Abel wheeled himself over to the crumpled paper and unfolded it. Abel torn the paper up and soon the mist began to slowly disappear.  He looked at the group and sighed “My apologies everyone, I’m a bit rusty when it comes to field work so i wasn’t completely aware of the situation before I took action." Abel was lucky it was such a lower level spell, that made it easier to void the effects. He looked at Alois and spoke with a matter-of-factness “the gas will help keep the other two demons away for a while. If you couldn’t tell, the demons use their sense of smell to navigate and hunt. But I do admit that it was my mistake, but I meant no harm.” Abel had a genuine look of guilt and concern in his expression. He quickly followed Skye’s orders and moved to the center of the group. He just wanted this night to be over with. It almost felt like the night he lost his leg and the deja vu was putting him on edge. plus he felt out of place in the company of  the others.
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The soldier quickly turned to his fellow compatriot and merely shook his head in response to his concerns, "Yes, I will retreat for now but this wound looks more serious than it is. It's nothing a quick trip the clinic and some healing magic can't fix. Nothing permanent. I've gone through much worse but you are right Stern. I'm not going to be much help if I can't aim my rifle properly because of this damned shoulder." He brushed off the younger man's tugging hand and walked alongside him without assistance or guidance. Hathom didn't mean it in a negative matter but he didn't like being supported in such a way when it wasn't necessary. Though, the Milites did nod his thanks as they walked alongside the relative safety of the wall.

"Excuse me sister, I should ensure that Lady Amyrillis knows of all of these details and is led to the scene in time."  Sisceal cleared his throat and quickened his pace to catch up. The longer he lagged behind the more a pit of dread formed in his stomach.

"Dear Lady, I am not quite sure on how many have run out into the battle. I know for sure Hathom, Gideon, Skye and Alois are out there. It is more likely than not that there are others who were out there before the attack began and who ran out after I came to fetch you." He prepped the small dagger he always carried on his person as they walked. His other weapons were too far to fetch at the moment but by God was he determined to make due. He paused for a moment in thought. "I only pray this is ended quickly and causes very little to no panic....attention is the last thing we need with the strain we already have, Correct milady?"

Nozomi Sorren

Hoo boy was she right to go this way. A wave of sensing Umbra hit her body almost like a brick wall, leaving her wondering when the last time was that she felt this much at one time. That only meant two things: 1) the area was infested with a ridiculous amount of umbra particles; or 2) the area was infested with a ridiculous amount of lower level daemons. As her legs pounded against the pavement and brought her closer to the source of the umbra, something had zoomed past her face and nearly sliced into her neck had she not reflexively dodged out of the way. Her feet skidded along the cobblestone, stopping a good thirty-fifty yards away from Iris and Lara, now starting to notice what was going on. A large cluster of purple butterfly demons had decided that now was a great time to all come out at once, not giving a single damn that there was two humans in their wake. If the daemons had any say, the humans would be dead, which made sense why they were zooming around and attacking. Well, they couldn't have that now could they? Readjusting her weapon in her hands. Nozomi began walking towards the cluster of butterflies, which were a little bit closer to her and farther away from Iris and Lara thanks to Iris's incense and her thurible. The daemons didn't like that, half trying to get away from the scent and smoke and the other half agitated and increasing the aggression of their assault on the younger chapter members. Now that Nozomi was here, she would not have an injury or death of a Chapter member on her hands. so she began swinging her spear around her body like a protective barrier as she walked into the crowd of butterflies, the sharp blade ripping into the daemons as if they were paper. Nozomi seemed undeterred by the number of daemons around her, her only concern being taking care of the threat around Iris, Lara, and lastly herself. She knew that if they weren't taken care of soon, they'd be an issue too large even for herself. Nozomi prided herself on her abilities in battle, so that was saying something. "Are you alright, sisters?" She called as she continued to walk forward, clearing a path in front of her.

@Nona@too much idea
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