
Yo~ Totes saw your CS submission, and while overall it looks fine ('cause wars did happen according to the lore that's up), a few small aesthetic details might need to be changed.

Currently the world is in the equivalent of the tail end of the Victorian Era, we're in vague Europe, and most cultural and technological advancements from the past have been lost to time and space. While we do have some guns from the WWII era floating about (if I'm remembering properly dun quote me on it might be WWI), weaponry seems to be the only thing that's changed up from what we know of the Victorian Era. So things like your guns are cool, and the military grade armor could fly as long as it's era appropriate, but things like the Alice Pack are a little out of place.

I'm also not sure about the push for the military, but then again, I ain't too sure about how that kinda thing was back then, so this is me just flailing my arms around until someone more intimately versed in the culture of that time period pops up and smacks me in the gob.

Woops I mistaked the times ALICE was in Vietnam lmao. 

Yo~ Totes saw your CS submission, and while overall it looks fine ('cause wars did happen according to the lore that's up), a few small aesthetic details might need to be changed.

Currently the world is in the equivalent of the tail end of the Victorian Era, we're in vague Europe, and most cultural and technological advancements from the past have been lost to time and space. While we do have some guns from the WWII era floating about (if I'm remembering properly dun quote me on it might be WWI), weaponry seems to be the only thing that's changed up from what we know of the Victorian Era. So things like your guns are cool, and the military grade armor could fly as long as it's era appropriate, but things like the Alice Pack are a little out of place.

I'm also not sure about the push for the military, but then again, I ain't too sure about how that kinda thing was back then, so this is me just flailing my arms around until someone more intimately versed in the culture of that time period pops up and smacks me in the gob.

As for the other things, Military grade are FOR the time. I wasn't specific for that reason lol. 

The rifle he is using is actually a WW1 weapon. Not two but still very reliable and a very accurate bolt action rifle over 300 yards approx. 

Not sure what you mean by the last one.
As for the other things, Military grade are FOR the time. I wasn't specific for that reason lol. 

The rifle he is using is actually a WW1 weapon. Not two but still very reliable and a very accurate bolt action rifle over 300 yards approx. 

Not sure what you mean by the last one.

With the whole ALICE pack thing in the profile, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page with what the definition of "military grade armor" is for this setting. That's all~

Mm~ I made sure to do my research before poking you about things, which is why I mentioned your guns were kosher~

As for the "push for the military" thing, with how the world is, and with the threat of daemons and such being as prevelant as it is, I'm not sure how strong the urge to join a military force is at the moment, or within the recent past. I'm sure it's still a thing, 'cause lawd knows peeps have conflicts for loads of reasons, and I can't even imagine how the history of war has been since after the Cleansing deal. I'm just not certain about how big of a deal they are compared to the Dark Chapter at the moment.

[sideyes @T A K E N O B U]
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So, Suzuki did cover some of my concerns, but I'll go over them a little bit more in depth:

1. She is right in saying that the time period is the equivalent of Victorian Era London. I mentioned that on the image in the thread below:

Pretty much in a nutshell, the earth as WE know it came to an end, the people that survived went through a purge, and pretty much everything was reset from the beginning. Hundreds of years passed and now the current setting of the rp is within Victorian era. Weaponry for the sake of diversity, I am allowing up to WWI, however, I would highly recommend staying away from naming specific guns. Because this is hundreds of thousands of years apart from our own time, the guns aren't the same. Frankly, names have probably been forgotten over the years. If you feel the absolute need to, say they're similar to such and such name.

2. There's no wars near current that your character could have lived through, so that's a big issue. On top of that, there's no actual military since the Vatican literally takes over military affairs. In this world, there is no separation between military and religion.

3. Also, education doesn't exactly follow elementary, middle, and high school. You send someone to school if they can afford it, but there's no actual grades or levels. It's more.. I guess archaic in that sense?

4. Europe technically doesn't exist. For the sake of simplifying the rp's location, it's within the old continent of Europe, but the countries no longer actually exist. No names had followed through the second coming.

5. Milites is the default rank after someone serves their first four  years in the Dark Chapter. No one stays an Indocto, and Indocto rank are only reserved for those who had just joined, are learning the ropes, and have yet to pick their field of expertise (class). Once they've chosen and went through the required basic training (which provides basic knowledge of all fields, even if they can't do magic), they automatically become a Milites and a full fledged Dark Chapter member. From there, it's up to accomplishments and being recognized for competency in order to rank up further.

Now I see you could potentially make some easy switches. Hathom could have a long lineage in the Dark Chapter, which would be an equivalent of being a military lineage. From this, he would have access to a good education, and could afford going to school, where he could have met his future wife early on. Things could have gone swimmingly, until the incident, which pushed him into furthering his experience on the field. Maybe it was that he was wanting to go down another path or something. Just because one is in the Dark Chapter doesn't necessarily mean they're all hunters. Clergy within a church (such as San Circa) are all Dark Chapter members, but not all of them fight.
With the whole ALICE pack thing in the profile, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page with what the definition of "military grade armor" is for this setting. That's all~

Mm~ I made sure to do my research before poking you about things, which is why I mentioned your guns were kosher~

As for the "push for the military" thing, with how the world is, and with the threat of daemons and such being as prevelant as it is, I'm not sure how strong the urge to join a military force is at the moment, or within the recent past. I'm sure it's still a thing, 'cause lawd knows peeps have conflicts for loads of reasons, and I can't even imagine how the history of war has been since after the Cleansing deal. I'm just not certain about how big of a deal they are compared to the Dark Chapter at the moment.

No reason to believe the military ISNT actively participating in trying to see of the demon threat. Kinda their job and unless the entire world government Has been overthrown...they're still around lol
Ack! I thought there was a mistake in ic but tis just the font color. Lol. Thought nothing was there for a moment.

But nope. Just dark theme makin it weird.
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So, Suzuki did cover some of my concerns, but I'll go over them a little bit more in depth:

1. She is right in saying that the time period is the equivalent of Victorian Era London. I mentioned that on the image in the thread below:

Pretty much in a nutshell, the earth as WE know it came to an end, the people that survived went through a purge, and pretty much everything was reset from the beginning. Hundreds of years passed and now the current setting of the rp is within Victorian era. Weaponry for the sake of diversity, I am allowing up to WWI, however, I would highly recommend staying away from naming specific guns. Because this is hundreds of thousands of years apart from our own time, the guns aren't the same. Frankly, names have probably been forgotten over the years. If you feel the absolute need to, say they're similar to such and such name.

2. There's no wars near current that your character could have lived through, so that's a big issue. On top of that, there's no actual military since the Vatican literally takes over military affairs. In this world, there is no separation between military and religion.

3. Also, education doesn't exactly follow elementary, middle, and high school. You send someone to school if they can afford it, but there's no actual grades or levels. It's more.. I guess archaic in that sense?

4. Europe technically doesn't exist. For the sake of simplifying the rp's location, it's within the old continent of Europe, but the countries no longer actually exist. No names had followed through the second coming.

5. Milites is the default rank after someone serves their first four  years in the Dark Chapter. No one stays an Indocto, and Indocto rank are only reserved for those who had just joined, are learning the ropes, and have yet to pick their field of expertise (class). Once they've chosen and went through the required basic training (which provides basic knowledge of all fields, even if they can't do magic), they automatically become a Milites and a full fledged Dark Chapter member. From there, it's up to accomplishments and being recognized for competency in order to rank up further.

Now I see you could potentially make some easy switches. Hathom could have a long lineage in the Dark Chapter, which would be an equivalent of being a military lineage. From this, he would have access to a good education, and could afford going to school, where he could have met his future wife early on. Things could have gone swimmingly, until the incident, which pushed him into furthering his experience on the field. Maybe it was that he was wanting to go down another path or something. Just because one is in the Dark Chapter doesn't necessarily mean they're all hunters. Clergy within a church (such as San Circa) are all Dark Chapter members, but not all of them fight.

And that answers that question. OK I can easily switch that all around. 

But is it possible for him to stay a milites by choice?
5. Milites is the default rank after someone serves their first four  years in the Dark Chapter. No one stays an Indocto, and Indocto rank are only reserved for those who had just joined, are learning the ropes, and have yet to pick their field of expertise (class). Once they've chosen and went through the required basic training (which provides basic knowledge of all fields, even if they can't do magic), they automatically become a Milites and a full fledged Dark Chapter member. From there, it's up to accomplishments and being recognized for competency in order to rank up further.


[looks at Larkin]

Should... Should I change her to a Milites then? I totes wasn't aware of the tweak in the Indocto description when I submitted her profile. DX

Then again, she's kinda in a position where she needs to learn Domare skills... so... maybe... but then she talks about going on hunts...

[spirals into hypothetical madness]
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But is it possible for him to stay a milites by choice?

It is.

However, I'm more inclined to accept someone that didn't need to turn down a promotion. All ranks up to Sacerdos tend to do the same things (with some differences in responsibilities), so being a Milites and wanting to remain a MIlites without any hints at promotions is fine enough. A promotion to Regimen is not offered to everyone, and so he could easily go his entire life without ever being offered a promotion.

Also, I've been musing over your first image of Hathom. Would there be any way you could find an image that isn't so cyberpunky? Otherwise, the second picture would be fine on it's own.

[looks at Larkin]

Should... Should I change her to a Milites then? I totes wasn't aware of the tweak in the Indocto description when I submitted her profile. DX

Then again, she's kinda in a position where she needs to learn Domare skills... so... maybe... but then she talks about going on hunts...

[spirals into hypothetical madness]

I swore we discussed reasoning. eAe

//points to chat

Go there.
It's just nytelife theme that is goofing it up. The black color of font on black doesn't work too well. But nothing using highlight can't fix.
It is.

However, I'm more inclined to accept someone that didn't need to turn down a promotion. All ranks up to Sacerdos tend to do the same things (with some differences in responsibilities), so being a Milites and wanting to remain a MIlites without any hints at promotions is fine enough. A promotion to Regimen is not offered to everyone, and so he could easily go his entire life without ever being offered a promotion.

Also, I've been musing over your first image of Hathom. Would there be any way you could find an image that isn't so cyberpunky? Otherwise, the second picture would be fine on it's own.

Damn it's like that? Lol alright. 
Alright changes have been made mate.

If the promotions entitle the same thing then sure I'll remove that. No reason to hold him back if it isn't militaristic. 

Just know I'm not accepting Sacerdos or Regimen at the moment. I have a surplus of them, and so I'm looking for Milites.
Just know I'm not accepting Sacerdos or Regimen at the moment. I have a surplus of them, and so I'm looking for Milites.

He's still a milites hahaha. If he gets promoted it will be through RP. I'd like to keep the soldier appeal. I actually don't like making high ranking characters. I prefer to stick to low or mid. Underdog complex I guess. I like rising through the ranks lol. 

So yes, He's a milites and a damn good one. 
Alright changes have been made mate.

I don't think he'll need the military grade armor. No military, so no military grade. D;

How old was Hathom when he became an Indocto? Being born into a Dark Chapter lineage, they probably had him start when he was 13-15 years old. So ideally, he would become a Milites around 17-19 years old.

I'd also change all the 'soldiers' out. Still feels a bit militaristic. Yes, Milites is a latin translation of soldiers, but they don't call each other soldiers. If anything, they call each others "brothers", much like monks in a church-- which is what the theme of this entire rp is. xD

Also, I think Hathom would have become a Milites much earlier. Pretty much when he started going out on the field without anyone holding his hand, he would have been a Milites. Once you pick field of expertise, you're up for promotion to Milites. I think you could get rid of all the promotion talk at the end and it would flow better. The only time people talk about promotion is if they're going from Milites to Regimen or Regimen to Sacerdos. In reality, promotions in this rp don't really matter. There's a deeper story that is relevant to one's internal person rather than rank.
I don't think he'll need the military grade armor. No military, so no military grade. D;

How old was Hathom when he became an Indocto? Being born into a Dark Chapter lineage, they probably had him start when he was 13-15 years old. So ideally, he would become a Milites around 17-19 years old.

I'd also change all the 'soldiers' out. Still feels a bit militaristic. Yes, Milites is a latin translation of soldiers, but they don't call each other soldiers. If anything, they call each others "brothers", much like monks in a church-- which is what the theme of this entire rp is. xD

Also, I think Hathom would have become a Milites much earlier. Pretty much when he started going out on the field without anyone holding his hand, he would have been a Milites. Once you pick field of expertise, you're up for promotion to Milites. I think you could get rid of all the promotion talk at the end and it would flow better. The only time people talk about promotion is if they're going from Milites to Regimen or Regimen to Sacerdos. In reality, promotions in this rp don't really matter. There's a deeper story that is relevant to one's internal person rather than rank.

I just added that little bit to show he doesn't care about rank...

As for armor, ooook then.

Yes he was in at the ages you specified. He's been a milites for a long time.

If you really think it's an issue sure

I never specified the age he became milites I don't believe. Just that he was one.
I just added that little bit to show he doesn't care about rank...

As for armor, ooook then.

Yes he was in at the ages you specified. He's been a milites for a long time.

If you really think it's an issue sure

I never specified the age he became milites I don't believe. Just that he was one.

It's not really necessary for define whether he cares about rank or not. It could be implied and people would understand.

I just asked about age just to get the timeline straight. I know you didn't add any ages, but it does help kind of visualize his life and the time in between the events that happened.
It's not really necessary for define whether he cares about rank or not. It could be implied and people would understand.

I just asked about age just to get the timeline straight. I know you didn't add any ages, but it does help kind of visualize his life and the time in between the events that happened.

Alright done. Go ahead.

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